hmm, I nice thought from an aesthetic standpoint, but visible armor has at least 2 problems, #1, there are still people with 600-800mhz computers (some slower) that insist on playing generations. And #2 if we add visible armor that's at LEAST 1 more render pass their poor lil computer will have to handle. Beyond that, team games would get weird considering one of the armor colors IS red.. I like the idea myself, but it won't really be feasible beyond FFA mode.
Now if there IS a way of doing it without being a major coding pain in the ass (something similar to quake colors) I could see it, but that's a hell of a lot of alpha-blending you're looking at in the end.
Now I'm not saying it'll hurt everyone's computer all that bad, mine will probably just laugh at it and keep rockin', but there are other people to worry about. I think if it's implemented as a cvar of some kind it might work, but you'll have people bitching about how someone knows how much armor they have when they don't know how much their attacker has. Llamas are still fairly prevalent. :ph34r: