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Author Topic: Team Play (Grapples: Love 'em or leave..?)  (Read 12211 times)
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Rabid Doomer

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Posts: 1011

« on: 2004-02-26, 06:34 »

Now, every class in Gen has a strength and weakness.

Earth has a wide array of weapons, and some awesome armor. But he's slow as the tank that he is.

Doom moves fast and hits hard in close to mid range. But he can't take a hit, and in open areas is practically fodder.

Slipgate.. I honestly don't know what to classify Slipgate as. He's the most powerful thing ever created by id software, and the Wirehead boys have been spending most of Gen's development on toning various aspects of all the classes down in order to balance it out, much to the screaming of former, and still current, QW players.

Strogg.. is not quite earth. His weapons are more specialized and he moves a tad faster while losing some of the ability to sustain damage that Earth enjoys.

Arena is the most rounded class of them all, with the exception of the Q3 BFG, and it is THIS class which the balance has to revolve around. Generations has strayed from it's intent if the Arena class is significantly changed.

Now, make no mistake, Doom is my favorite class. But I'm also aware that balance is a major part of the game. Every time there's a change suggested for Slipgate, there's screaming from the QW players. While the "It's not like the original!" has SOME small merit. Keep in mind that doom ran almost 65 mph and that ssg would do almost 400 damage if you were lucky. He also walked on water, couldn't jump, duck, or aim up/down.

Getting to the point of this post. During the first run of the new CTF mappack, it started out bad and got worse. For me at least.

The first thing I ran into, was myself, as doom, versus a good doomer, and two good slipgaters. Even under the best of circumstances, I'd be screwed. But what  was made glaringly obvious, to me, is that the grapple kills ctf.. The second you toss in a grapple, every class is now on even footing in terms of mobility. This wouldn't be a problem in a single-class environment. But in this instance, you have two slipgaters who can now move faster than doom. Toss in red armor, the autodoc, and those delightfully evil rocketlaunchers, and the doomer is screwed. Doom's strength is in his speed, and if you take that away from him, he's crippled. Horribly. Doom's speed, in some respects, makes up for the fact that his weapons are horrible for fast long-range damage. Yes the pistol, shotgun, and gat can all hit at a distance, but for what? 15 damage per bullet?

Contrasting the other classes, Earth's rifle and single gat can dish out more than enough damage most of the time. Slipgate's rockets are faster than a grappling player, and arena/strogg have railguns.

Maybe it's because I like doom, but I think grappling hooks break gen's balance. And when I brought this up in the IRC channel, all that happened was me getting slapped down with "that's the way it's been since the beginning," and "so choose another class" or "so then don't play ctf."

First off, the grapple was introduced in CTF for Quake, a single-class environment where every player, stat for stat, is on even terms.

Second, if a class is irrevocably screwed, that's a balance issue. Play slipgate on a map without the RL GL or shaft. Just try it.

Third, I happen to like a balanced game of CTF. If you're going to tell me to quit if I don't like it, maybe you should switch places for a bit since it's obviously MY fault the gameplay isn't enjoyable.

In a ctf game, without the grappling hook, doom is a viable class. With the grappling hook, doom has a massive handicap. Doom, in a CTF environment, is built for flagrunning. But the second you toss the grappling hook in, you have a class that can't take a hit, and doesn't really move faster than anyone else, with a complement of weapons that are nigh-worthless for fast damage at mid to long range.

Unfortunately, the only real solution to this would be either class-based grapples, or no grapples at all. Neither of which are particularly popular.

So in the end, I'll just have to wait around for the forum games, because grapple-based ctf just doesn't work in my opinion.

"Who says a chainsaw isn't a ranged weapon?"

Elite (2k+)
Posts: 2358

« Reply #1 on: 2004-02-26, 06:51 »

he second you toss in a grapple, every class is now on even footing in terms of mobility. This wouldn't be a problem in a single-class environment. But in this instance, you have two slipgaters who can now move faster than doom. Toss in red armor, the autodoc, and those delightfully evil rocketlaunchers, and the doomer is screwed. Doom's strength is in his speed, and if you take that away from him, he's crippled. Horribly.
Yes, hookpull is a flat rate 800 at the moment. I thought it was based on class speed earlier. However, if YOU grapple as well as the opposition, the playing field has now been leveled again.

(P.S. Pho has agreed to set hookspeed based on class speed for 99e)

Doom's speed, in some respects, makes up for the fact that his weapons are horrible for fast long-range damage. Yes the pistol, shotgun, and gat can all hit at a distance, but for what? 15 damage per bullet?

Yes, only 15 damage a bullet. However, if a strogger MISSES his rail, you can dish out 6 or 8 shots before he gets a chance to shoot again. That's 90-120 damage if you're accurate. A disadvantage, but not as bad as it seems.

Maybe it's because I like doom, but I think grappling hooks break gen's balance. And when I brought this up in the IRC channel, all that happened was me getting slapped down with "that's the way it's been since the beginning," and "so choose another class" or "so then don't play ctf."

That's not the whole story, you got told to learn how to grapple yourself. GenArena is based on the love of old games. Said old games introduced CTF, and INCLUDED A GRAPPLE BY DEFAULT, as well as the techs. QWCTF was at least as fast paced as GenCTF, perhaps even more so, because its grapple was several times faster than the one in Gen. Q2 CTF gave us the slow grapple found in Gen.

Unfortunately, the only real solution to this would be either class-based grapples, or no grapples at all. Neither of which are particularly popular.
Class-based grapples are something I would personally LOVE to see in Gen. The old QWCTF ball-and-chain for Slipgate, the winch grapple for q2 (what we already have), perhaps some coiled springy intestines or something for doom, and a hook-on-a-rope for Earth.
Bird of Fire

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« Reply #2 on: 2004-02-26, 07:37 »

Yes, I was discussing this with Con, and I checked the code.  Hook pull is fixed at 800 units right now, and g_hookpull is broken as a result.  That will be fixed.  Also, we're going to experiment with class-based hook pull speeds.  This will be based on the current player movement speeds - NOT the grapple speeds of the original games.  Basically it will be hookpull X (multiple).  For Doom it will be faster, Earth it will be slower.  The speed at which the hook is launched will not be variable per-class.  Later, for 1.0 we'll have new and nifty grapple models and sounds for each class.

Now, if someone caught the "99e" in Con's post, that's no typo.  Due to 2 crash bugs we know about and some other balance issues, a patch will be forthcoming.  Crash bugs we no like, and they will be fixed ASAP.  We'll make a more official announcement on what 99e will contain later on.  It WILL be a small patch though.

Also, dmflags are voteable for a reason.  We can have a "No hook, no tech" ctf game sometime.  We don't have to have hook and techs every week.

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...

Posts: 100

« Reply #3 on: 2004-02-26, 07:45 »

grappling hook is what made CTF what it was. the ability to hook people and tack on weapon+hook combos is what made QWCTF so powerful. the problem that came with that was that the mod was so good that it really shunned a lot of people away because it required a lot more than just DeathMatch skill to play it.

Threewave CTF for Q1 was so good that Q2 CTF miserably failed to match it. for what it was worth, I thought Q2 CTF meshed in with Q2 well, but it was hampered by really slow gameplay and even worse, you couldn't "hook" people anymore. then came the really pathetic renditions of CTF, UT CTF and Q3 CTF, namely. neither one even offered a grappling hook, because UT was trying to be different and id went gay and said they wanted better balance for the newbies ... for the same exact reason that you dislike it.

now as Punisher said, Zor used to ping in the 360s on a good day, and he was able to withstand the barrage of REAL rockets and grenades and defend the flag. for a long time, Zor was one of our prized defensemen. you're gonna tell me that with your DSL or whatever you can't handle it? choose a different class. I have to give props to Pho for trying his best to balance this mod, but you're not gonna get it perfect. you have to face facts that Slipgate had the best moves and weapons. why else was Quake such a huge multiplayer megahit? it practically pioneered the multiplayer online gaming that we experience on the internet today. Quake 2 capitalized on it by striving to push the envelope further, but at a cost, wound up being really slow in contrast.

I learned how to grapple back when I was training to be on MMA's QWCTF team. it's not THAT hard. it requires a high degree of skill to master, but we're not on Pentium 200s and 56k modems anymore, right?
Posts: 1110

« Reply #4 on: 2004-02-26, 11:18 »

The first thing I ran into, was myself, as doom, versus a good doomer, and two good slipgaters. Even under the best of circumstances, I'd be screwed.

 - a 3v1 situation should almost ALWAYS kill you, regardless of what class you are.

Doom's strength is in his speed, and if you take that away from him, he's crippled. Horribly. Doom's speed, in some respects, makes up for the fact that his weapons are horrible for fast long-range damage. Yes the pistol, shotgun, and gat can all hit at a distance, but for what? 15 damage per bullet?

 - Doom's strength isn't just in his speed, but in his fast firepower as well. He can instantly create a path of devastation by just picking up a few shells (that single-barrel SG can kill in two hits. Seriously.) Also, you're not taking into consideration that his Chaingun is pinpoint accurate at ANY range if you use it properly (which is kinda disturbing to me, but hey it makes for interesting gameplay). In effect, if one can track their opponent well enough, they can snipe them with a chaingun. Slap a quad on that CG and you've easily got the most overall devastating weapon in Generations (IMO).

Second, if a class is irrevocably screwed, that's a balance issue. Play slipgate on a map without the RL GL or shaft. Just try it.

 - That'd be one boring map my friend Slipgate - Smile (unless it was designed for rail instagib)
 - Balance of the classes is majorly dependant on the maps being played. I'll make a rough estimate: 35% of winning a map is dependant on your class for that particular map. 45% of winning a map lies in your overall skill as a player. 15% of winning a map is knowing the map's layout and strategic points. The remaining 5% is pure luck Slipgate - Smile
 - Go ahead and playtest this theory as much as you like. Q1 gets slammed all over the place in maps like Iron Yard, where there are a lot of open spaces and long hallways to get picked off from, and the item pickup areas are ambushes waiting to happen. Earth gets smashed in smaller maps where he can't manuver and get armor, like Simply Dead. Doom struggles in any map without a megahealth (unless there are a lot of +5 health pickups lying around, like qfraggel).

In a ctf game, without the grappling hook, doom is a viable class. With the grappling hook, doom has a massive handicap. Doom, in a CTF environment, is built for flagrunning. But the second you toss the grappling hook in, you have a class that can't take a hit, and doesn't really move faster than anyone else, with a complement of weapons that are nigh-worthless for fast damage at mid to long range.

 - Doom is not a good flag-running class. Like you said, he's got speed and power, but he cannot take the hits to keep the flag in his poesession all the way to his team's base (regardless of if there's grappling hooks enabled). Doom is better off assisting/pursuing flag runners and softening up the enemy's defense with suicide attacks.

All of these technicals aside, I agree with Angst that the grappling hook in CTF sucks. Currently, it adds the same manuverability boost to all classes, which make the Slipgater and Earth ultra-powerful, while not doing much for the other 3 classes. However if the grapples' speeds were to be balanced out, then I'd say throw 'em in if you like. The grapple is just another manuverability feature of the game, somewhat like rocket jumping is. All it does is make the game faster (IMO), which on some CTF maps is a welcome addition. (Don't forget that the CTF maps played in the forum games have been Q3 CTF maps - not designed for grappling hook usage, which makes the map funky when the hook does get tossed in)

In short, balance it out and bring it on! It's part of CTF's roots Slipgate - Smile
Bird of Fire

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Posts: 8806

« Reply #5 on: 2004-02-26, 11:45 »

Well, comparing old-school CTF to Gen is like comparing steak to stew.  Gen has a mix of classes, and the gameplay in Gen CTF is going to be radically different from Quakeworld CTF or Q2 CTF.  Saying "Well this is how Quakeworld did it" just won't do, since this isn't Quakeworld.  Our job as designers is to keep the game fun.  As Gen designers, it's to keep it fun AND balanced, but without killing it for any one class or one class killing all the others.  That's a tricky game.  I dare say we've done a good job so far, and we keep improving with each release.

CTF also requires a different mind set.  It is NOT FFA.  You cannot just glory-charge all alone and expect a flag cap.  The only way to go it alone and get a cap is to be damned sneaky and not get caught (as I did on McKinley whenever I could) or quad up.  Offense needs to work in squads, and the flag should never be left unguarded.  I was getting my ass kicked by 3 red "noobs" every time I turned around when I tried to leave my base.  I may be a good doomer, but taking on 3 enemies at once with nothing more than a shotgun or chainsaw is a quick way to die.  I had absolutely no trouble with Slipgaters.  Con railed me a few times as Strogg.  Most of the people killing me WERE Doom.  I had Punisher keeping a good defense and running a general "make people hurt" mode.  He's good with the hook, and he's good with Skippy.  I made good use of the hook as Doom myself.  It saved my ass under water quite a few times, let me get to the mega, RL, and plasma without having to go jumping around like a jack rabbit, and allowed me to grab the flag, hook away, and get out of the range of the defenders quite swiftly.  I'm still not the biggest fan of grapples, but I will use it as best as I can, whatever class I'm using at the time.

Remember too that this is weapon hook.  That means while hooked you're vulnerable and can't counter attack.  Be glad it's not offhand hook.  I've played The House Of Happy server, and the admin has a fast offhand enabled.  I was kicking his ass all over Q3Tourney3, but when he loaded up "The Sinister Zone" the fast offhand + Slipgate made it impossible to frag the guy.  Weapon hook is ok in CTF, offhand is better for instagib or a fully-loaded DM or Team DM.  Like I said, we can play a non-hook CTF game sometime too.  Dmflags are voteable on any server that has voting enabled.  It's no big deal.

Tek:  Doom is an excellent flag running class.  He's got the speed to get in, blow stuff up quick, and get out before people know what hit them.  Multiple Doomers are an evil thing to be up against.  A Doom + Slipgate combo offense is absolutely devastating since Slipgate can knock the defenders around while Doom scoots the flag out from under them.
« Last Edit: 2004-02-26, 11:47 by Phoenix » Logged

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
Pixel Procrastinator

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Posts: 3330

« Reply #6 on: 2004-02-26, 14:50 »

[off topic]
Ah yes, I nearly forgot about the other reason I never play CTF really.. the grapple ..
[/off topic]

carry on :]

Tabun ?Morituri Nolumus Mori?
« Reply #7 on: 2004-02-26, 17:29 »

I hate grapple.

QBall forever!

 Slipgate - Tongue
Posts: 1110

« Reply #8 on: 2004-02-26, 18:27 »

Pho: I know he's a good runner and has firepower to boot, but he's got good at the whole 'flag extraction' thing, which involves getting down and dirty while being the main target in a place where the enemy spawns. The Q1 and Q3 guys are very manuverable and can dogfight for longer than a doomer, which makes them ideal for getting the flag, delaying the foe and getting it at least a few units outside of the enemy's base. This is where Doom comes into play, who's been picking off enemies pursuing the flag carrier while not taking many hits (because afterall, he's not as important as stopping the guy with the flag, right?) finishes off the pursuers with a few SCUD missles, picks up the flag and takes it home from middleground.

...at least, that's one ideal strategy I've thought of Slipgate - Smile

Elite (2k+)
Posts: 2358

« Reply #9 on: 2004-02-26, 18:35 »

Doom definately works best as a squad member. A single doomer is toast.

Doom's armor is weak, but remember that his health does NOT count down from 200, which kind of evens things out. You can also grab the defense tech to take half damage from everything if you're getting killed.
« Last Edit: 2004-02-27, 07:20 by Phoenix » Logged
Rabid Doomer

Team Member
Posts: 1011

« Reply #10 on: 2004-02-26, 22:12 »

mecha: I'm not going to quote all of that, so I'll just go over it quickly Slipgate - Tongue

I'm not griping about the grapple itself, I'm griping about how an across-the-board speed for the grappling hook kills the doom class. Why play a fast but physically weak class if you can be an absolute powerhouse tank and move just as fast?
Good grappler + any class > good grappler + doom. Someone prove me wrong on this, please.

Doom's speed is on the ground, toss in a grapple, and all he has is the most powerful shotgun, and a weapon, that YES is accurate at long distances, and YES over time is better than the railgun.

But keep in mind that the majority of ctf maps have these funny "corner" things you can duck around before said doomer can get enough shots off to do more than scratch the paint from an earth player's armor. Providing the grapple is enabled.

Don't get me wrong, the grapple WAS balanced in Quake, but it was balanced because your most powerful all-around weapon (rockets, if you didn't know) flew FASTER than the hook.
- That'd be one boring map my friend  (unless it was designed for rail instagib)
My point is simple, in an environment where everyone can move faster than him, doom is gimped just as much as a slipgater without explosives or the shaft.

A lightning/explosive-less map is still playable with any other class, but that DOESN'T mean I'm going to tell a slipgater to play another class because slipgate sucks under those circumstances. I'm all in favor of rounding out slippy's weapons load.
(But that's another topic)

I like the idea of variable grapple-speeds per class, if it's done well (and I've got faith in Pho), then my complaint is fixed, that simple.

That's not the whole story, you got told to learn how to grapple yourself. GenArena is based on the love of old games. Said old games introduced CTF, and INCLUDED A GRAPPLE BY DEFAULT, as well as the techs. QWCTF was at least as fast paced as GenCTF, perhaps even more so, because its grapple was several times faster than the one in Gen.
I'll freely admit I'm not all that great with the hook, my complaint was simply that, of all the classes, doom has nothing effective against a hooking player. (Said point didn't get off all that well because every time I bring up how doom has problems, the QW players get on my case about slippy needing to be the most powerful class. And as such, I have troubles pointing out balance issues without tearing into slipgate.)

In any event, I feel I have to point out that Generations is NOT Doom, Quake, Quake 2, or RTCW. Generations is a class-based deathmatch. And because of this, there needs to be balance. Doom got slowed down and his SSG was pulled down from it's "original" values. Do you see me bitching about how it's not just like Doom? No, it was unbalanced, and was remedied.

Versus Grapple:
Earth: Mortar/Sniper/Gat
Doom: Chaingun/SG/pistol
Slipgate: Rockets/Shaft
Strogg: Railgun
Arena: Railgun

Now, with the second or so you have to fire on a fleeing grappling player, the above weapons are fairly balanced, with the exception of doom. Earth's gats aren't accurate enough, but if you can blast off a couple rounds before their grapple hits, you'll do more damage than doom UNLESS doom is point-blank.

And that's just not going to happen if said grappler is any good at it.

"Who says a chainsaw isn't a ranged weapon?"

Posts: 388

Wildly Inappropriate

« Reply #11 on: 2004-02-27, 06:37 »

Did I not bring this up before?

*mutters profanity to himself*

Beer? I'm down.

Elite (2k+)
Posts: 2358

« Reply #12 on: 2004-02-27, 06:42 »

Did you? When?

Posts: 388

Wildly Inappropriate

« Reply #13 on: 2004-02-27, 06:53 »

Twice, if I remember correctly. I do think I am one of the first advocators of class based grapples. I mentioned them on the old boards too and once a long time ago on this one....

However, that is unimportant. The cool thing is that it is now being seriously considered.

Con: That idea for Earth having a hook and a rope is brilliant if I may be so bold. Slipgate - Wink
« Last Edit: 2004-02-27, 06:53 by DaMan McDeth 666 » Logged

Beer? I'm down.
Bird of Fire

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Elite (7.5k+)
Posts: 8806

« Reply #14 on: 2004-02-27, 07:45 »

Angst:  I can assure you of something.  Generations WILL maintain a fair balance as much as I can make it possible.  You know I'm a hard-core Doom fan, but I agreed to the changes to Doom's speed and SSG damage either way.  I am not going to bow down and knuckle to hard-core Quakeworld fans any more than I'd knuckle to rabid Doomers.  Quakeworld fans will have to accept a few concessions so the game is playable for everyone, just like everyone else has to.  My intent is never to destroy any class, but I also cannot let a single class destroy it for everyone else.  I want Slipgate to feel like Quakeworld, and Doom to feel like Doom.  Same for Strogg.  I also want everyone to have equal chances overall.  This may not be true on every map, that's part of the game, but in general no one class should consistantly dominate another, nor dominate every other class.  The balancing act is tricky, but I firmly believe possible.

Grapples, until now, have not been widely used in Generations.  Until 99d they've been extremely buggy, and we didn't have any CTF maps.  This is very much a new factor thrown into the mix, and will take some time to iron out completely.  This is part of why we have public betas instead of keeping the whole project internal:  FEEDBACK.  We're now getting some from many sources, and I expect some people to love it, and others to hate it.  You have concerns, of which I have not ignored, and will certainly take into consideration.  Quakeworld fans, as would be expected, will defend Quakeworld and want things to be as close as possible.  Quake 2 fans will do the same, and so will Doom fans.  Generations, however, as you well stated is not Doom or Quakeworld.  A balance MUST be achieved for everyone to enjoy the game, and in the area of grapples, I think it is possible.  Now that we have a CTF server, we can play test the hooks and see what needs tweaking.

Don't worry about being shouted down by the Quakeworld fans, Angst.  Your input matters to me as much as anyone else's, and in the end I'm the one writing the code at the moment.  When it comes down to it, the team, and myself especially, have the final say on changes to Generations, so relax!  I do not cater to any particular crowd.  I do what's best for the mod, and I do listen to feedback from everybody.

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
Mean ol Swede
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Posts: 1294

« Reply #15 on: 2004-02-27, 20:23 »

Im one of those who doesnt like the grapple in q3..however i do believe they should be in gen cuz we had them in QW and in Q2 CTF. Aslong as i can disble or enable the hook it's ok!

Posts: 78

« Reply #16 on: 2004-02-28, 01:09 »

"I'll freely admit I'm not all that great with the hook, my complaint was simply that, of all the classes, doom has nothing effective against a hooking player. (Said point didn't get off all that well because every time I bring up how doom has problems, the QW players get on my case about slippy needing to be the most powerful class. And as such, I have troubles pointing out balance issues without tearing into slipgate.)"

Coulda fooled me.  In mckinley I tried to grapple out of the base and was swarmed by doom players who had no trouble killing me.

Secondly, Your basing most of this on me, Pho, and Con. I know Pho and Con have experience, but you dont really know me. I lived/breathed/was qwctf. I was in top ctf clans. I learned stuff from some of the best players at that time. So of course if you give me q1 and a grapple Im going to be a little harder because I have that experience. Majority of people have no clue on how to use grapple as I saw that night myself. So I dont think it needs a nerf necessarily. Like I told you before and as mecha pointed out, QWCTF was alot faster (the grapple used was in fact very slow), yet no one had trouble defending (unless of lack of skill/experience). Zor was one of the highest pinging people I know, yet he defended perfectly against the likes of 90 pingers and such. He would often be the ONLY one defending as well, which earned him the nickname "The Wall". Now if a HPB in a faster paced ctf game can defend alone against experienced lower pinged players, I can see no problem that you would have defending.

If you take out grapples in ctf then whats the point of ctf? Just go back to FFA DM.   :blink:
games keeper

Posts: 1375

« Reply #17 on: 2004-02-28, 02:45 »

FFA grappling is fun , specially on space maps .
Rabid Doomer

Team Member
Posts: 1011

« Reply #18 on: 2004-02-28, 09:07 »

First off, had you read the post you pulled the quote from, you would have seen that I'm in favor of class-based grapples, AND I had made the point that the grapples in QW were balanced because #1 everyone moves at the same rate, and #2 Quake rockets were faster than the grapple. In gen, everyone does NOT move at the same rate, and doom has very few high-damage-per-second weapons that are effective against anything further than 5 feet away.

Now, as Phoenix has pointed out multiple times, that's going to be worked on. So my complaint there is done.

And as for Zor, I really don't care. He wasn't in the game. I was on dialup at one point, AOL specifically, and I've won q3 matches with pings in excess of 400, so it's not that I'm bad at this.

Now, had I changed to slipgate, I may have stood a chance, but I'll be frank; I hate slipgate, I always have. He's a one-gun wonder, and that annoys me.  One of the reasons I skipped playing Q1 on a regular basis was because there was no variation in gameplay. Get RL, get quad, kill things. Sometimes you grab the invis, sometimes you grab the shaft, pent, and find swimming idiots. But the fact of the matter was, Quake was boring for me. Just one seriously effective weapon, and juggle people till they're dead. Whoopdedoo.

A high-ping slipgater can still be effective because slippy's only real effective weapons require leading anyway. Again, this isn't QuakeWorld. Doom doesn't have a fast-moving rocket-launcher.

If you take out grapples in ctf then whats the point of ctf? Just go back to FFA DM.

After my initial rant, I said I was in support of class-based grapples. Not removing them, not nerfing them. But balancing them.

Again, YES the q3 default grapple is slow as hell in comparison to QW, and YES as a slipgater you can still own grappling players. But as DOOM, it's a bitch to do unless, as you pointed out, there's a pack of them, and frankly, a pack of ANYTHING is going to f@#$ you up.

My point was that a solo player trying to take out a grappling player with the current across-the-board grapple speed is at a serious disadvantage if they're playing as Doom. That's a balance issue, period. And since pho's stated that the grapple rates will be based on class speed, my gripe there is done.

Just because you're a slipgate god, doesn't mean you know jack and sh@# about the other classes.

"Who says a chainsaw isn't a ranged weapon?"

Team Member
Posts: 353

« Reply #19 on: 2004-02-28, 10:13 »

Ahh.. this reminds me of the old TF days...

"Demoman rocks.. you dont know anything about him cuz you only play soldier"
"naw man, soldier is the best, he has the RL"
"you dont need the RL, all you need is the grenade launcher and a fre demopaks and you can mess shit up"
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