I would only ask people to keep one thing and one thing only in mind. As much as you may dislike (or detest or outright hate, depending on the person) the way Bush is handling events in this time, if he is replaced by Kerry then I ask you to remember all of your expectations of how things are supposed to be better while he is in charge as opposed to Bush. Remember this when things don't go as well as expected, when he decides to serve the interests of himself and his party before serving yours. If you're going to hold one leader accountable to a high standard then hold ALL leaders accountable to the same standard, and especially when they speak words that please you. Remember that the serpent also spoke pleasing words.
It is a common human failure to expect better days from those who promise change. My experience has shown that all promises are empty promises when they come from the mouths of politicians, and the common man is always left in disappointment, hoping for something better to come but never seeing it because life's necessities and basic survival always supplant ideals. It is easy to point fingers when times are difficult. It is easy to lay blame when one desires power that rests in the hands of one's adversaries. In the end it's just politics as usual to me. I don't see anything unexpected or unpredictable here. As the prophet put it so well so long ago, "There is nothing new under the sun."