ok, first off, are you using ase, or something similar to connect to servers?
if so, stop doing it, and enter the ip manaully to connect, i had this issue also, but it states on the pb main site how to fix it
http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=faq-q3.phpWhy do I sometimes get messages saying "Invalid cdkey", "Mistyped cdkey?" and/or "Client Unknown to Auth"?
These messages are not PB-related issues. They have to do with your cdkey and id Software's cdkey authorization server. Some players report that deleting the q3key file from the various folders where the game is installed will fix the problem after they re-enter their cdkey one more time. Others say that connecting to servers inside the game instead of using an external game browser such as GameSpy or All-Seeing-Eye will fix the problem.
check hunkmegs for weird models