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Author Topic: GenArena 99e Full Changelog  (Read 5029 times)
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Elite (2k+)
Posts: 2358

« on: 2004-08-07, 00:04 »

Generations Arena version 0.99e will go live Sunday, August 8th at 8pm EST

Generations Arena for Quake3 is making its fourth annual Quakecon appearance with version 0.99e! Version 0.99d completed most of the core GenArena functions; now 99e moves on to balance tweaks and improving that oldschool 'feel'.

We've really stepped up this time around and are bring a whole host of graphical, gameplay, and balance tweaks!

We're hoping that version 0.99e will be the last beta version released. Version 1.0 will finalize the mod with animated weapons using on a true frame-based method, a whole host of final graphical improvements, and general all-around polish.

This version of Generations Arena will also include at least twenty new high-quality maps by such famous authors as PJW and Glassman, among others.

New models for several weapons

Slipgate Nailgun:
Slipgate SuperNailgun:
Slipgate Grenade Launcher:
Slipgate Rocket Launcher
Earth Luger:

New class-based armor models
I've re-organized the gallery. See the Items Gallery for detailed shots

Class-based Powerup Models

Doom: (animated spheres)

New Maps

Version 0.99e will contain many new maps, some of which have been previewed on our site.

You can view the new maps in our gallery, starting on page five.

Several new skins

Swine for the Earth Warriors:
Death Knight for the Slipgaters:
Rampage for Strogg:
Strogg Slave for Strogg:
Doom is getting classic recolors.
Strogg is getting RA2-based recolors.

"hand" cvar added, affects STROGG TROOPERS ONLY:

hand 0 - standard right handed
hand 1 - standard left handed
hand 2 - center handed (no gun drawn)
hand 3 - center handed (gun drawn on the right)
hand 4 - center handed (gun drawn on the left)

Customizable Doom plasma color

This feature will be client-controled by a cvar

cg_customplasma 0 - OFF. All plasma will be blue, and the gun will glow cyan.
cg_customplasma 1 - CUSTOM - Everyone's plasma will glow their own custom color.
cg_customplasma 2 - SELF ONLY. Your plasma will be customized, everyone else is default.
cg_customplasma 3 - EVERYONE THE SAME - Everyone's plasma will glow your color


New scoreboards for teamplay and deathmatch

For a full changelog, read the first reply to this post.
« Last Edit: 2004-08-10, 01:51 by ConfusedUs » Logged

Elite (2k+)
Posts: 2358

« Reply #1 on: 2004-08-07, 00:05 »

Additional Changes
Here is a full list of changes from 99d to 99e, including many bug fixes.

Slipgate grenades running wrong splash calculation when detonating from expired timer fixed.
Slipgate splash damage curve adjusted.
Quad damage overdamaging for Doom and Slipgate rocket/grenade splash fixed.
( Note: Strogg will still do this. Q2 had this bug inherent in the damage code )
Doom rocket projectile radius decreased.
Damage increase on Earth Knife.
Earth Knife and Slipgate Axe range errors corrected.
Shooter-based Arena railtrails no longer cause system hang with cg_oldrail 0, but will not render spiral trail.
(This is due to the spiral railtrail code having a rather terminal bug that is unfixable for shooters.)
Tourney mode crash bug fixed.
Demo playback not assigning the proper model while following until a class change occurs fixed.
Demo playback changing class_model assignments fixed.
Class choice menu no longer displays during demo playback.
Fixed grapple switch issue with Earth, Doom, Strogg.
Fixed grapple trail showing while hook-latched to a surface.
G_HookPull now works. Class based hook speeds added.
Invulnerability respawn timer increased to 4 minutes.
Scoreboard bug fixed
Scoreboard no longer mirrors followed player's scores for spectators.
Scoreboard now shows icons for class (uses default class model heads).
Fixed nailgun /double shotgun ammo behavior.
Corrected Slipgate and Strogg movement speeds.
Client-side out of ammo switch check for nailgun fixed.
Doom BFG pickup adding ammo past 600 cells fixed.
TEAM scoreboard redesigned to show column format - more players visible.
g_hookpull and g_hookthrow defaulted to 650 now (Q2 speed)
Handicap and botskill values no longer gimp health and armor (affects weapon damage only).
Changed railtrail colors for TEAM play.
Customizeable Doom plasma added.
Customizeable Gat lasers added.
Corrected inconsistant hookdamage behavior.
Increased bot think range for chainsaw aggression.
Fixed bot item and ammo handling synchronicity issue.
Fixed bot BFG non useage.
Fixed bot Vengeance/Teleporter non useage.
Fixed bot medkit non useage.
Knockback now calculates before handicap damage offsets.
Fixed Time Accelerator not working for Arena Gladiators.
Fixed /kill not working properly with Disruptor Shield.
Blue team member occasionally showing red teamskin fixed. (The "turncloak" bug)
Changed Fully Loaded mode to not spawn items.
Changed Fully Loaded mode to give 2 BFG shots for Doom, Strogg, and Arena (10 for Arena if the old BFG is enabled).
Changed Fully Loaded ammo useage to separate plasma/hyper and BFG ammo supplies.
Changed Fully Loaded mode to not drop weapons/backpacks on player death.
Changed Infinite Ammo mode to not spawn ammo pickups.
Implemented class-based teams using the g_redteam and g_blueteam cvars.
Added cg_noheadmodel cvar for disabling headmodel changes.
Modified demorecord to not unset g_sync if it's a local game.
Modified demorecord to shut down demos at level termination.
Callvote genflags and/or dmflags not displaying the vote string to the client fixed.
Made "Holy Shit" a global event.
Added item pickup routines for Boomstick and Machinegun items.
Boomstick and Machinegun items now drop upon player death.
Fixed spectator movement clip bug with door teleports.
Modified Drop command so that only CTF techs and flags are droppable unless sv_cheats 1 (exploit fix).
Added new armor models.
Added Strogg Adrenaline model.
Repositioned 12 gauge model.
Hardcoded r_znear to "1" to prevent visual tearing for first-person models.
Added new skins.
Added new bots - Krusade, Swine, Deathknight.
Lowered Slipgate ammo pickup values for shotgun and boomstick weapon drops.
Added matchlimit cvar for tourney mode to cycle map rotation.
Added display call for matchlimit to show at level load.
Fixed scoreboard behavior for wins and losses under tourney mode.
Added 1 second death delay on loading deferred models.
Changed Slipgate and Strogg viewheights to match Q1 and Q2 viewheights.
Added rocket jump hack for Strogg handedness.
Added new armor icons for Earth and Doom
All Q2 missiles now use Q2-style trajectory code.
Removed an extraneous piece of grenade code that was causing double prime events.
Resized Q2 handgrenade projectile and tweaked some model proporitons.
Reworked all muzzle point calculations for Q2 weapons.
Changed hyperblaster fire pattern to match Q2 and added two fireframes.
New grenade model for Q2 and Q1 launched grenades.
Modified all Strogg weapons for handedness compatibility.
Created view weapons for all strogg weapons for handedness compatibility.
Fixed hyperblaster and blaster missile fly sounds.
Fixed excessively long weapon switch times when running out of ammo with hyperblaster or chaingun.
Projectiles now properly reflect off movers (visual interpolation is a tad ugly at times with func_rotating).
Projectiles are now properly pushed by movers. (eg: Grenades get pushed around while on the ground)
Movers will now carry grenades around on top without prediction errors.
Fixed wiewpane sprite offsets for Doom to work properly with new single shotty position.
Tweaked Doom rocket knockback.
Corpse explosion bug fixed.
Items blocking movers now explode.
Fixed func_rotating movement prediction
Fixed item jitter while being pushed by mover.
Recoded Slipgate projectile functions to work identical to Q1.
Slipgate items and grenades now properly interact with movers.
Recoded Earth grenade-type projectile functions to work properly with movers.
Recoded Arena grenade-type projectile functions to work properly with movers.
Dropped items now interpolate smoothly when pushed by movers.
Fixed napalm not sticking to slime surfaces.
Added Earth powerup models.
Added Slipgate powerup models.
Added Strogg powerup models.
Added Doom powerup render code.
Fixed strogg powerup shaders for left handedness.
CTF techs respawn if crushed by a mover.
"Holy Shit" noise now plays for all clients on an "almost capture".
"Holy Shit" noise now plays if you do something "special". (sorry, no hints on this!)
Dualgats will now fire the last round if you have only 1 bullet left.
Fixed ladder climb speeds and made global for all classes.
Fixed flight speeds and made global for all classes.
Spectator speed now ignores player class.
Fixed crash bug with dedicated spectators.
You can now shoot your own corpse.
Fixed health not being copied from client to corpse properly at respawn.
If g_redteam or g_blueteam changes then players who are the wrong class will be put into spectator state following a map_restart.
Partial class names are allowed for g_redteam and g_blueteam (idiot-proofing).
Fixed BFG9000 flash knocking players the wrong direction.
Changed g_forceteambalance to only allow a 1 client difference per team instead of 2.
Removed code that could potentially cause rifle ricochet to hiss.
Fixed rifle reflecting off corpses.
Made /class command idiot proof.
Redesigned the Q3 BFG with a dmflag option for the old one.
Fixed mispelling of Earth soldier during class change. (whoops!)
Made "matchlimit" voteable.
Made g_redteam and g_blueteam voteable.
Changed medkit print message for Strogg to Adrenaline.
Maded Lost Soul of Vengeance summon sound audible to other clients.
Fixed flight sound not playing when a weapon with a hum noise was idle (silent flight bug).
Added new class-based HUD files.
Added team-based HUD color functionality
Fixed HUD behavior with spectating clients
Fixed Strogg railgun shooter print bug.
Changed Arena BFG shooter behavior to reflect the new BFG and added a new shooter ent for the old BFG.
Implemented Doom powerup spheres and Earth berserker model.
Fixed damage to spectator bug (rare).
Doom chaingun refire behavior tweaked.
Fixed backward handicap cycle bug.
Corrected System menu bug with "Sync Every Frame" option.
Corrected ingame system menu bug with "Compressed Textures" not reporting correctly.

UI menu options added:
Added rconpassword to Create Server menu.
Added g_redteam and g_blueteam options to Create Server menu.
Added cg_customPlasma cvar to Options menus.
Added cg_headmodels cvar added to Options menus.
Added nextTeamMember and prevTeamMember bind options to Misc controls menu.
Added "Extreme" and "Enhanced" values to Geometric Detail option under System menu.

Added auto-rotation execing for gameplay mode changes:

forced r_maxpolys 8192 in autoexec.cfg
forced r_maxpolyverts 32768 in autoexec.cfg
games keeper

Posts: 1375

« Reply #2 on: 2004-08-07, 14:55 »

Made /class command idiot proof.


those custom plasma colors finally in , ownage Slipgate - Smile .
now I can finally be the arachnatron in deathmatch .
( only I have to wait for v1.0 for custom models are in Slipgate - Sad )
now only earth needs something that can have diffirent colors . ( maybe the  lasers or something ) ?
« Last Edit: 2004-08-08, 10:53 by games keeper » Logged
Hans Grosse
Posts: 271

« Reply #3 on: 2004-08-11, 06:54 »

I require screenshots of these HUDs. NOW.
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