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Author Topic: European Hypocrisy (Do as we say, not as we do)  (Read 14612 times)
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Bird of Fire

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« on: 2004-08-18, 10:10 »


"It's incredible the EU has no problem building a fence just to keep illegal immigrants out, but when the Jewish State builds a security fence as a last resort for the purpose of keeping terrorists out and saving Israeli lives, we are blasted by them and the U.N.," a spokesman for Ariel Sharon told WorldNetDaily. "Makes you think, doesn't it?"
Yes, yes it most certainly does.
« Last Edit: 2004-08-18, 10:11 by Phoenix » Logged

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
games keeper

Posts: 1375

« Reply #1 on: 2004-08-18, 15:05 »

euhm , 1 israel doesnt belong to the jewish .

palestians =! terrorists .

we keep immigrants out ( like it really helps ) because they live on our back . ask dicion about the morrocans here .
and those illegal imigrants get food , a house and everething they need here.
they dont even get send back .

we should actually put them in a labor camp , and if we have a plane full of people , fly them back to where they came from in an army plane without heating .
 Sipgate - Evil


Posts: 119

« Reply #2 on: 2004-08-18, 19:14 »

GK you sound like a danish politician I know
He once said that we should send then home with a plane and throw them out with a parachute and then if their life was as terrifying as they claimed they didn't have to pull the string.

I can only write about how it is in Denmark, it's not good. First off they come here and they just want to live a peaceful life here, they are very willing to work to make a living, as they are in no way used to getting anything for free at home. Do we allow them to work? No we don't, we slowly get them used to recieving wellfare checks without doing anything for it.
Ohh but we're not done yet, if you have a name that sounds like you might not be of Danish origin it's pretty hard to get a job when you finally get permission to have one, and as if that was not enough a lot of people complain about them not working for a living.
Hypocrisy? NOOOooo
That said, I don't see any reason that we should be incapable of hypocricy on other major aspects of politics.

Call me a hippie but alienating certain groups of people never really helped integration did it?
Hating people for the color of their skin or for their names never really helped either, again you can call me a hippie.

As for extreme solutions I think it's tempting to offer those who want to fight so badly that they can have an arena where they can fight real life TDM, hell I don't even think it would be hard to find sponsors, especially not if that could buy them the tv rights.
« Last Edit: 2004-08-18, 19:15 by Genialus » Logged
« Reply #3 on: 2004-08-18, 19:31 »

I'll accept that it's hypocrisy when the EU starts shooting adolescent and teenage immigrants for throwing rocks at heavily armed soldiers in APCs, knocking down their houses with bulldozers and settling Polish and Hungarian citizens on land that currently belongs to Russia, Belarus and the Ukraine.
Icon of Booze

Beta Tester
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Posts: 823

« Reply #4 on: 2004-08-18, 20:27 »

Say what you like but Isreal would likely not even exist today if some europeans hadnt tried to exterminate thier own jews in WWII while the rest of europe watched largely indiffrent untill they themselves were attacked. ( of course we too are guilty of the latter )
 on a secondary note id like to say if you have watched the news in the last few months you would have noticed the number of suicide bombings in Isreal has dropped a significant amount.similar fences have also proved very effective . If that means they have to grab a little  palestinian land ( and its NOT thier land ) then ill live regardless of what old europe thinks.
« Last Edit: 2004-08-18, 20:36 by Woodsman » Logged
Hans Grosse
Posts: 271

« Reply #5 on: 2004-08-19, 00:59 »

WNetDaily strikes again! Banging Head against Wall <-This is a fence to all our friends at Likud

Except that a google search doesn't even pull up an article on the European wall/fence on the EU's OWN SITE. Or Fox, for that matter. Even Ha'aretz comes up with nothing aside from European positions on Israel's OWN wall.

What are you trying to prove? That Europe is a bunch of anti-Semitic and anti-immigrant doodieheads? Aside from Europe's intentions on its own purported wall, the Israeli wall does more than protect Israel from terrorists. It cuts off relations between Israeli Arabs and Jews and Palestinians, none of whom have any intention of terrorizing anyone! It's no wonder people call it the "Apartheid Wall".

Meanwhile, back in Europe, the EU has SUPPORTED immigration as good for the economy, while denouncing apartheid barriers as far as Botswana. The anti-immigrant shitstorm is traced to the "right-wing populist agenda". THEY'RE the anti-immigrant, anti-Semitic nutjobs you're looking for. The main folks at the EU have done no talks of keeping "those folks" out.

Conclusion? I suggest you get from more credible sources.

Also, GK, see my above point on "right-wing populist agenda".  Slipgate - Shouting  Didn't they have a politician in Flemish Belgium who was SHOT for his anti-immigrant views (NOT because he was gay)?

Posts: 1095

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« Reply #6 on: 2004-08-19, 03:06 »

Yes they did. Seconded all the way.

BTW it IS Palestinian land. Any "Israeli" land was provided by the US and Britain after WW2.

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Bird of Fire

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« Reply #7 on: 2004-08-19, 03:39 »

I'm not out to prove anything, I just wanted to start a healthy debate on the subject.

And yes, it's available from other sources as well.  Here's just one, but I'm not going to do everyone's homework for them so look a little harder next time.

« Last Edit: 2004-08-19, 04:17 by Phoenix » Logged

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Rabid Doomer

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Posts: 1011

« Reply #8 on: 2004-08-19, 06:20 »

Call me a hippie but alienating certain groups of people never really helped integration did it?
Hating people for the color of their skin or for their names never really helped either, again you can call me a hippie.
I only call people hippies when they insist on loving people who have every intention of destroying and/or using them for all they're worth.

As for the topic at hand, I don't like buffer zones, but the Israelies don't have much of a choice in the matter. Saying the US and Britain had no right to create Israel in the first place IS a valid statement, but do consider the recent history in that case.

This isn't something you can easily say you're for or against if you have any idea what this is all about.

The Israelies get bombed, so they kill protesters, so they get bombed. It's a vicious cycle, and frankly, the Jews have a relatively solid chain of command. If they're told to stop, they do; you can't exactly say the same for ali boom-boom.

"Who says a chainsaw isn't a ranged weapon?"
games keeper

Posts: 1375

« Reply #9 on: 2004-08-19, 18:40 »

  WWII while the rest of europe watched largely indiffrent untill they themselves were attacked

germany asked us to let them trough our country in so they could attack england .
we refused , they walshed trough us .

we had 3 planes and they where shot while they where still on the ground .
our only defence we had where fords , since you cant move those things , you can just drive around them .

our military men moved themselves on horses or by bike .

woods , lets put you on a bike and attack a german tank .
Icon of Sin
Posts: 999

« Reply #10 on: 2004-08-19, 22:14 »

Quote from: Woodsman
while the rest of europe watched largely indiffrent untill they themselves were attacked.
What a strange view of the world you seem to have. It was not like that at all. After WW1 the UK (not england) had very little in the way of equipment. We had run down the armed forces cos of the cost, believing they would not be needed again. We needed time to rebiuld. when we were ready, we got stuck in. until then the UK played for time. you must have seen the films showing all the wooden and cardboard tanks and planes made so the Germans could photograph them from the air. You think we did that just for fun?
Icon of Booze

Beta Tester
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Posts: 823

« Reply #11 on: 2004-08-20, 03:32 »

I should have excluded the brittish from my statement.  
Gameskeeper: i could fight the germans very well on my bike thank you very much.
Icon of Booze

Beta Tester
Icon of Sin
Posts: 823

« Reply #12 on: 2004-08-20, 03:33 »

This is just a spam post im trying to get my number of posts to 500.
Bird of Fire

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« Reply #13 on: 2004-08-20, 07:28 »

The Jews basically had to fight the entire Arab world nonstop for a year in 1948 once their nation declared independence.  They did it by whatever means they could.  It was do, or die.  After being slaughtered by the millions in Europe, now they were looking at anihilation yet a second time in the land of their ancestors.  Believe me... bicycles, horseback, on foot, limping, or lying down, old men, old women, children - everyone fought or made munitions or otherwise helped in this effort.  if you're faced with that kind of threat you WILL find a way to fight, or you will die.  That is the only choice they had, and the they chose to fight back tooth and nail and survived as a result.

By the way, does anyone remember the French underground?  There's a lot of joking about France militarily, but under Nazi occupation there were dedicated resistance fighters who did everything they could to give the Germans hell during that time.  Everyone loves to  focus on military history, but common citizens had their part to play as well.  Just ask the English how effective a citizen militia using guerilla tactics can be against an organized army.

Games:  While going up against a tank on a bicycle is pretty stupid, tanks are not invulnerable.  Remember, anything can be set on fire.

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
games keeper

Posts: 1375

« Reply #14 on: 2004-08-20, 15:09 »

oh , you wanna set them on fire .

now tell me , you know what a blitzkrieg is ?
then tell me and then say to yourself hmm , maybe it aint that simple to get to the tank .

about the jewish . they actually have no right at all on israel .
it belongs to the palestians now and they should get over it .

Bird of Fire

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« Reply #15 on: 2004-08-20, 15:51 »

What do you propose, exterminate them?  Wipe them out?  Where are you going to put them?  What's YOUR final solution, hmm?  No, YOU have no right to tell them they should not be there.  That land belonged to the Jews 2,000 years ago, and if it wasn't for ROMANS - that's right EUROPEANS - they would not have been displaced in the first place.  I don't know of a single group of people who have been more hated just for their very existance than the Jewish people, and I will NEVER "get over it".  All throughout history people have been trying to wipe out the Jews.  I see little has changed after 2,000 years except the excuses for wanting to justify genocide.

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
Icon of Booze

Beta Tester
Icon of Sin
Posts: 823

« Reply #16 on: 2004-08-20, 16:09 »

Belgium belongs to the moroccans now Gameskeeper . you have no claim on it. you should just get over it.
games keeper

Posts: 1375

« Reply #17 on: 2004-08-20, 16:25 »

so what you are atually saying pho , you should al go back to europe and give the land back to the indians ???
Icon of Booze

Beta Tester
Icon of Sin
Posts: 823

« Reply #18 on: 2004-08-20, 17:10 »

The "palestinians" are mostly immigrants from  Jordan , egypt and lebbanon. There has never been a palestinian state.  The Palestinians have less claim on the land than the Israelis do. The fact is both groups could live side by side with one another but the palestinians simply cant stomach the idea of living along side jews. Europe of course being no big fan of jews ( the fact that ANYTHING israel does gets an instant comdemnation from europe is not a freaking coincidence )  naturally sides with the palestinians.  Let the Israelis build there wall its already shown to be at least somewhat effective and less people have been dying on both sides.
games keeper

Posts: 1375

« Reply #19 on: 2004-08-20, 19:04 »

actually we dont stand with any of them . they both have no claim on the place .

ofcours , the jewish lived there over 2000 years ago  ( thank you bible for remembering that ) , but they moved OUT .

so the palestians went to live there .

then jews read there ( jewish bible thingy)  again and read hat they actually lived in isreal .
so hey , we have a right on israel .

it would be the same with the indians .
or even the same with england saying , hey we are actually celtics , lets go bake to where we came from and cross the canal again .
or we going back to germanny and so on .

with other words , leaving your seat is losing your seat  , unless you .let sombody watch your seat .

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