BEFORE you post a bug report , pls check the following stuff .
1)do I have the latest version of quake 3 ? ( v1.32 )
2) do I have the latest version of gen . (v0.99e )
3)did gen create a map in your quake 3 directory named generations .
4)did you install any other mods before gen ( this could cause errors like "couldnt fine ui/menu.txt file "or something ).
5)did I change my com_hunkmegs to 96 minimum (higher is recomended ) <= this is the most commen bug to date that people post .
6)did I try reinstalling quake 3 arena ? ( even IDsoftware advises to do this when q3 crashes frequently )
7) is the crash already reported in the bug reports section . so look trough other topics before posting .
( if the problem is already mentioned before ,prepare to see this smiley a lot
if all else failed , pls post the bug .