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Author Topic: Wolf Arena beta (Do I dare?)  (Read 52181 times)
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Tank Commander
Posts: 154

« Reply #60 on: 2004-11-19, 13:09 »

You might have clicked on the  wrong discontinued one, this is the last one:


It works for me, lemme know if it's OK
Posts: 1110

« Reply #61 on: 2004-11-19, 20:15 »

That link works good - thanks.

Personally, those blue skulls on the walls just do not look right... I'd replace them with some sort of decorative banister.

I also think that this map should be submitted to mapping forums for more in-depth criticism:


Not only will you get sound technical advice from experienced mappers, but it will also help put the spotlight on Generations to the quake community =D

Tank Commander
Posts: 154

« Reply #62 on: 2004-11-19, 22:21 »

You mean MORE  criticism than here? :-)   NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO hehhhhh
If I  was a good mapper that had read the radiant manual at least once, I'd had the balls to do it.

The skulls was not my wild and crazy idea, they ARE almost identical in the original wolf game, I'm just trying to keep the original wolfy spirit alive- Check out this site wolfendoom click on the spear of destiny link and you'll see the same textures in screenshots 2 and 6.

EDIT: Uhmmmm interesting, I went to that levelsource site and one of the moderators (blakjack) is a fellow painkeeper :-)  Maybe I'll submit it there, but that'll just delay the map I think. Lemme talk to the guy..
« Last Edit: 2004-11-19, 22:31 by FluSyndrome » Logged
Bird of Fire

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Posts: 8817

« Reply #63 on: 2004-11-22, 09:27 »

Ack, still have to look at the near-final version myself.  In other news, I've not forgotten about that knight.  I am actually about 50% along with the roughing out of the knight's body so far.  I have the helmet and the torso done, I need to do the legs and arms and then clean up the mesh.  The shield should be fairly easy.

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...

Posts: 388

Wildly Inappropriate

« Reply #64 on: 2004-11-30, 07:17 »

I reloaded GenArena just to play your map Flu. It is very impressive. About time someone made a good Earth oriented map. GG.

Beer? I'm down.

Tank Commander
Posts: 154

« Reply #65 on: 2004-11-30, 13:12 »

Well thank you, it is close to finished, hope  we can throw a Wolfy home frag party when its done and you can join us!  :=)   Slipgate - Smile
Mean ol Swede
Team Member
Posts: 1294

« Reply #66 on: 2004-11-30, 23:32 »

Sorry for not giving u any feedback flue! been very... "off" lately but now im "finaly" downloading your map which of course is a pain with my damn !"#%&?/#? 56k modem.. Slipgate - Distraught but i guess it's worth the wait Slipgate - Smile anyhow i'll give u some feedback once i test this!
Mean ol Swede
Team Member
Posts: 1294

« Reply #67 on: 2004-12-01, 00:52 »

Right i've been playing your map abit and i found some issues, tho at the momment i can't upload those screenshots anyware..i'll see if there is a way for me to get em to you.

first impressions: Layout is good maybe it is a bit flat but that what a wolf map should be! it  do have a somewhat lack of details the textures repeat quite often but once again to make a classic wolf map they just.. "feel" right! some areas in this map i just love Slipgate - Smile especially the hitler quad..hehe Slipgate - Smile

anyways you know the "swatsika" (damn i can't spell it right) ceiling you have used a curve and next to the curve brush i noticed you used standard brushes some of these are clipped wrong i can see an edge on four of these. i recommend instead of clipping brushes skew them! use the brush editing tool (E key)

and since we are in that room i also sometimes get sparklies on those pillars (green/blue texture)  have you run the brush clean up tool?  i suggest you just remake those pillars since it's quite easy.

Your r_speeds are quite ok and im gonna go in on something that in this case aint important at all but could be nice to know eh?
Your doors doesnt block visibility at all, yes a normal door doesnt do this but there is this nifty little thing called Area portal! you'll find it under the common textures  if you place a small brush painted with this texture in a correct way the door should now block vis once it's closed..
However to get this to work right aint that easy as it sounds some serious reading in the radiant manual is required and a bit of luck Slipgate - Smile

Now you don't have to bother about this since your r_speeds are low! but just a thought since you do have many doors on this map Slipgate - Smile

Next thing: may i ask how you make your end caps?
For me it looks like you are using two square cylinder brushes to create one arch way?  There is a good thing about square cylinders and that is that they never "crack" but getting those textures lined up in a proper way is usually a pain and i've noticed several places where your textures are mis aligned.

Maybe you should try to create either: two bevel brushes and using a simple patch mesh as an "cap" or use one end cap curve brush + simple patch mesh?

if you get cracks with those you could, instead of using two square (if you are doing that) cylinders just use one.

Also before you realease this map i suggest you should try to play it online with some ppls! that's the best way to find out if the item placment is good enough!

I also whould like to know which options you use with q3map2 Slipgate - Smile
Now i think i've talked here enough hehe so keep up the good work man!!! your insane mapping speed is incredible! you impress me! Slipgate - Smile

« Last Edit: 2004-12-01, 00:56 by ReBoOt » Logged

Tank Commander
Posts: 154

« Reply #68 on: 2004-12-01, 01:44 »

Reboot you seem to be a REAL mapper who has RTFM :-)  So lemme see if I can attempt to answer in an intelligent way hehhh:

I'm not sure what you mean by "clipped wrong" but I'll revise the area and see what sparklies (I hate those mothers) I can fix. I really haven't noticed any that I hadn't fix, I'll revise the columns too and make'em again or just make'em a cylinder and no more sparklies. I use the skew tool quite a lot, which doesn't necessarily mean I use it well, so I'll double check them areas.

Areaportals- I don't use'em anymore cause they PISS ME OFF, I make them the size of the hole and 1 unit thick and invariably, if you enter the room slow enuff or at a certain angle, you'll get HOM or a similar annoying visual artifact when you hit the brush, but you are right, I didn't use'em at all, and I did not worry much cause I wasnt getting any real bad performance areas.

Archways- You are right again, they are made of two square cylinders, and I can't get the darn textures to align no matter how hard I try inverting, using mirror textures, using the surface editor at .0005 for micrometric movement :-) rotating , etc.  I figured no one would notice in game play and only mappers would find it  really annoying hehh. I do NOT know how to work with meshes other than to create terrain like floors, so I am in serious deep trouble there. The obvious easier solution for me would be to try to bend one single long square cylinder in the archway shape, I can give that a try. I didn't want the archways too curvy or pointy cause I am trying to create a visual environment similar to the wolf3d one, I may be able to fix that.

I have played this map on LAN, but the painkeep version, I  really couldnt play this map on line on generations and attempt to assess weapon placement cause I am really not experienced enough in gen to say, we play with a crapload more weapons than that on painkeep so I best leave the placement to you guys :-)

Layout- You are right, the map is a bit flat and the textures are repetitive, but as you realized, it was totally on purpose to try to imitate wolf3d.

Q3map2- I am using the same parameters you told me about, I think is -meta -bouncegrid -bounce 8 -samples 3 -patchshadows  -fast  maybe something more but I think that's it. This particular beta I did it differently cause I was in a hurry to go to work and left it running with the old Q3maptoolz version and had -bounce 3  -filter -super 2 but had no samples

Thanks so much for the feedback, I really appreciate it.

Mean ol Swede
Team Member
Posts: 1294

« Reply #69 on: 2004-12-01, 02:48 »

Im gonna try to get u those screens..it's easier to explain then. I'll see what i can do about that..

And sparklies is teh evil... i hate them Slipgate - Distraught btw  those pillars aint "splitted" in anyway? they are just in one piece? are they detailed?

Come to think about it i had a problem when i created that large pillar in my q2dm5 remake.
I got this tiny almost invisible line between each face...it's like they where clipped in a strange way but it was only one brush!!
But instead of just using one brush i used several and..poof the problem was gone..i still don't know what caused this

Well If you don't want those archways to be to curvy why not use standard brushes? then u don't have to worry about misaligned textures? Slipgate - Smile man i sometimes wonder what ID thought about when they did the "curves".... the problem with square cylinders is that if you want something to aligned properly you have to for eg. use "natural" inside the "bevel" part or else it will look strange, and use "cap" for the sides.

You can only do one thing on square cylinders and that sucks..that's why i never use them unless i have to. simple patch mesh is your friend..mostly until you get a curve crack

To be honest making a map to gen is a bitch..it is hard to balance it for each class.. and even if you think you got it right some class will always have an advantage over another...and then pho comes with a code change.. Slipgate - Tongue J/K

heh i wonder if it has gone too far if you starts to notice the diffrence between -super 2 and -samples  oh well Slipgate - Smile

Well feedback is for me very important , well "good" feedback that is if someone just says: this and that sucks doesnt help much Slipgate - Distraught i hope i gave you a some what good feedback!
I do want to play good and fun maps too, which i do think this map will be!
 Also im amazed you can make these maps so quick Slipgate - Smile

*Edit man do i use way to many smileys or what? scary....*
« Last Edit: 2004-12-01, 02:49 by ReBoOt » Logged

Tank Commander
Posts: 154

« Reply #70 on: 2004-12-01, 05:13 »

The columns are not splitted, thay are one solid brush but they are like 12 sided, so it may cause some cracks at the seams, what is weird is the other columns in the  spooky courtyard are the same exact ones that i copied and resized, and those dont have any problems, but i'll make them probably cylinders, I shouldve done it at first anyways. The columns are detailed by the way.

Well, the one bent square cylinder didn't work, cuse the middle doesnt align with the sides anyways, so I may just use regular brushes, I done it before when I didnt know curves, so it shouldnt be too hard.

I map fast sometimes, the faster I go, the crappier it gets :-),  I can map fast when I have focus and a pre-planned layout, sometimes I loose my "vision" and may be 2 days on just one room. That one map came to me pretty fast, I knew what I wanted to do, a flat wolfy level with just enough vertical and multilevels to make it not so boring. I wanted some stairs too and at least a ramp (quake 1 habit, people seem to enjoy fragging in ramps). So I pretty much did it fast. The one room that took me forever is the one with the fog and the invis, Tekhead had mentioned something about an invis on the lower level and I just HAD to do that cause I really liked the idea,  but I had no plan, I must've made 20 different rooms before I ended up with that.

Mapping is your neuron's enemy, destroys brain cells at a fast rate :-)

Tank Commander
Posts: 154

« Reply #71 on: 2004-12-02, 04:09 »

Uhmmm  as much as I try I can't see any sparklies at all anywhere on the map, I had'em a lot but I had fixed them, I can't seem to see thru any of the columns either at any seams, what settings do you play at reboot? and what videocard do you have? I'm gonna upload the map to my daughters computer to see if I can see them in there with an old geforce II  MMX card.

I fixed the textures in the arches, it just didnt look right made out of a single square cylinder or regular brushes, now they look F-I-N-E :-) It was a little easier with GtkRadiant than I thought, I never use it, I like Radiant build 2.02 better, but I use Gtk sometimes to run Bob's tools etc.
Mean ol Swede
Team Member
Posts: 1294

« Reply #72 on: 2004-12-02, 22:38 »

Well they are quite hard to see so you don't really have to worry about it that much.
U can see them if you just move your mouse slightly it's like it is a very tiny edge. i use maximum settings on everything and im running att 800*600 rezz.  my puter is: amd 2500+ gf4  4500 512mb ram ah hell u got a e-mail or something? i send you the screenshot if u like?

well i love the old version of gtk radiant 1.2.12 works best! i hate the new gkt radiant series...


Tank Commander
Posts: 154

« Reply #73 on: 2004-12-02, 23:32 »

I guess you can use the email on my profile, or my real one, oliv334@bellsouth.net  thanks!
Mean ol Swede
Team Member
Posts: 1294

« Reply #74 on: 2004-12-03, 00:24 »

i've sent a e-mail to you with that screenshot!
Bird of Fire

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Elite (7.5k+)
Posts: 8817

« Reply #75 on: 2004-12-03, 11:06 »

Maybe now that I'm (hopefully) done tinkering inside my case I can get back to work on all of this. Banging Head against Wall

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
Bird of Fire

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Elite (7.5k+)
Posts: 8817

« Reply #76 on: 2004-12-06, 11:48 »

Got a chance to check out the latest version of the map.  It appears one of the lightning shooters is targetting the other lightning shooter.  The left lightning shooter fires horizontally to the right lightning shooter, and the right lightning shooter targets the the electric chair.  I did not know if that was intentional or not.  It plays the muzzleflash sound twice a second as well.  You might want to tinker with the keypairs, maybe make it a silenced shooter.  It'll still make the lightning hum.

Haven't worked too much on the knight, but I fixed some problems on the helmet, so that's some progress anyway.  Will work on the arms and legs this afternoon.

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...

Tank Commander
Posts: 154

« Reply #77 on: 2004-12-06, 13:11 »

I'll tinker with the shooter, although it seems to have its own mind and pays no attention to what I want it to do. I rather keep the sound, it's kind of a clue as to where a player is, just like picking up armor and stuff, plus I would have no idea how to shut it up :-)
Posts: 1110

« Reply #78 on: 2004-12-06, 14:57 »

..what? Shooters?

Why? :<
Bird of Fire

Team Member
Elite (7.5k+)
Posts: 8817

« Reply #79 on: 2004-12-06, 17:59 »

Eye candy only, Tek.

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
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