Plus, a lot of us are already in (fun/friends)clans.
The active Generations clans that I'm aware of:
MMA The Minute Men of Anarchy, or so I've been told. A huge clan by Gen standards, and the oldest Gen-playing one, probably.
cFP Clan Fistulae Puris, a close-knit group of my friends (and me), who've been playing games together since doom was 'hot shit' (for that true nostalgia addition: we've learnt to use the mouse in FPS by trying it in Duke3D, then, later, Quake).
sW ShockWave, or something like that. I'm not too sure about this one, but it's the newest Gen clan around, and still has to make a name for itself ;]
EOL Or wait, perhaps this is the newest clan around. I really don't know. Lena and Bigkilla use the EOL tags, and I don't even know what it stands for.