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Author Topic: WoW kills infant  (Read 15997 times)
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Posts: 27

« on: 2005-06-21, 21:15 »


Very sad way to go. If there's a god, I hope for a special place in hell for these parents.

Posts: 1133

Still Going In Circles

« Reply #1 on: 2005-06-21, 23:01 »

Slipgate - Sad It's impressive how these parents were addicted to the game. This couple "is" a case of addiction. They are so addicted that they lost track of their duties as parents! Only a ill person with a 4-months old child could forget that he/she has a baby child. It's unforgiveable.

Icon of Sin
Posts: 999

« Reply #2 on: 2005-06-21, 23:18 »

They probubly didn't 'forget' just thought they'd get away with it. I bet it wasn't the first time they'd left the baby alone for a long time.

When you have small children you do need a break, but the way to do it is to get someone else to sit with the baby.

Beta Tester
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« Reply #3 on: 2005-06-21, 23:21 »

I would most definitely say that the parents were foolish, but playing a game for merely 5 hours does not mean you're addicted.  I'll quote one of the comments in reply to that article that I think describes my opinion best, "Funny so much emphasis on games when this shit happens all the time for all kinds of other reasons of neglegence"  Unfortunately, nobody will bother to take a look to see if there were past acts of neglegance commited by those parents.


Posts: 27

« Reply #4 on: 2005-06-21, 23:50 »

Kain-- I have to agree. This story gets this kind of attention because it was about a game. However this kind of neglect goes on for almost ever reason imaginable. From drugs, to going to the bar, going to see a g/f or b/f, or whatever. And these seem to be the people that can have kids without a thought, and yet ppl that would seem, by most standards, make great parents are unable to have children. I find things like this the most frustrating.

p.s.  If this would be better moved to a different forum area, please do so.

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Icon of Sin
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« Reply #5 on: 2005-06-22, 03:32 »

The fact that the article you linked to is titled the way it is, and the fact that you titled this thread as you did, seriously pisses me off.

The game World of Warcraft killed nobody. Two stupid parents who didn't know better than to leave a FOUR-MONTH-OLD CHILD home alone is what killed somebody.
« Last Edit: 2005-06-22, 03:33 by Makou » Logged

If you see a "Rona Altana" out there on the internet somewhere, that's probably me
Beta Tester
Posts: 615


« Reply #6 on: 2005-06-22, 05:03 »

MMORPG's have joined up to make people addicted to them, spending their entire lives making your life theirs. I don't know if I should call the couple criminals, or victims. MMPRPG's radiate this thing called crack out from their evil realm, which captivates their focus on the game rather then real life. Take these games for example.

Ever Crack: the next best thing to the real thing.

World of DrugCraft: Jump on your horse with some killer urb, and ride over curbs, all the live long day.

Star War Fix-alaxies: Jump to Intoxication: Satisfy your fix demands, but the only way to satisfy it is to play constantly.
« Last Edit: 2005-06-22, 05:04 by Little Washu » Logged

Bird of Fire

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« Reply #7 on: 2005-06-22, 09:34 »

TV addiction, Internet addiction, video game addiction...  there's one thing missing in all of those discussions, and it's self-control.  Self-discipline.  Keeping one's priorities straight.  The problem is nobody is being taught that anymore, all you hear about is people whining when they don't get their way, whining about their rights, me me me, I want this, who can I sue to get rich, etc, and responsibility goes straight out the window as a result.  This society as a whole has turned into one of instant gratification, so is it any wonder you have some people who neglect their responsibilities in favor of a game?  Kain an Nao are both right, neglect is neglect, regardless of whether it's booze or pixels involved.  Society needs to stop looking for scapegoats and start fixing the problem, but before that can be done people need to start looking in the mirror and understanding that it's up to them to take responsibility for making the right choices instead of walking around in denial, thinking they're completely blameless and that it's always "the other guy's fault".

Washu:  I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or not with your post, so I'm reserving comment until I'm more clear on that.

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
Icon of Sin
Posts: 999

« Reply #8 on: 2005-06-22, 11:59 »


Posts: 1133

Still Going In Circles

« Reply #9 on: 2005-06-22, 15:10 »


Beta Tester
Posts: 615


« Reply #10 on: 2005-06-22, 15:34 »

Okay Pho it has a little sarcasm in it but also a bit of truth, now I'm not saying that it's the game's fault, it's not, but let me tell you a little something.

I have a friend who has Starwars Galaxies. Ever since he received the game, I have barley done anything with him because all he wants to do is play Starwars, all the time. I have another friend who has taken the same path. I played Starwars Galaxies for a few minutes and I could actually feel myself being sucked in to the fantasy life, I quit immediately, and said, "I have a real life."

These games are good and all (with self-control) but there is daily attention this game requires.
For example Starwars Galaxies. If you buy a house or a vehicle, you have to pay insurance, well first you need the money for insurance, and then you need to do missions for the money, and then pay it.
Oh and I forgot to mention the monthly fee.

I'm not saying that it is the game's fault, like every single freaking "mothers against (place blame subject here)" says it is. People need to learn when to unplug, and be apart of society, not in their fake game soceity.

In my post I was mocking MMORPG's.
« Last Edit: 2005-06-22, 15:39 by Little Washu » Logged


Posts: 306

« Reply #11 on: 2005-06-22, 15:51 »

Quote from: shambler
They probubly didn't 'forget' just thought they'd get away with it. I bet it wasn't the first time they'd left the baby alone for a long time.

Actually no it isn't ... Sipgate - Evil

(Taken from the last line of link) The couple told police, "We were thinking of playing for just an hour or two and returning home like usual, but the game took longer that day."

Being a parent myself, this really pisses me off. How in the hell can anybody be THAT irresponsible!!! Good God, it got at my conscience just leaving my kids in the house alone for just 2 seconds to run outside to my car. Yes I do believe there is a special place in Hell for people like that.

(Makou)The game World of Warcraft killed nobody. Two stupid parents who didn't know better than to leave a FOUR-MONTH-OLD CHILD home alone is what killed somebody.

Oh and Makou,  I think that's pretty much implied. Ease up a bit man.
« Last Edit: 2005-06-22, 15:51 by death_stalker » Logged

Bird of Fire

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« Reply #12 on: 2005-06-22, 16:02 »

Indeed.  I find the monthly pay-for-play scheme to be the major factor in how these games operate.  After all, you pay, so you feel if you don't play you're not getting your money's worth.  At the same time, if the games didn't make you feel like you're part of an alternate world, they're not doing their job and thus have no market potential.  I don't like having anything run my life, so I prefer games I can turn on and turn off when I feel like it.  That's just me.

This is a brand new thing, and like any new thing, some people get overly infatuated with it and forget when to stop.  I look at competitive online gaming, where people play hours and hours to practice so they can take top spot on a ladder, and how some people do nothing but play Quake, or Counter-Strike, or whatever as being no different.  Anything that distracts you so far from your responsibilities needs to be looked at carefully.  That's part of the reason I sometimes have very slow progress in Gen's development is I do have responsibilities that must be addressed.  Con has a kid, job, etc to take care of, so his time is a lot more limited too.  Tab also has times when he can work like mad, and others where he's tied up and unavailable.  That's how things should be.  Someone may love a game, that's all well and good, but playing it to the point where you forget about your own offspring and let them die?  That's going way, way too far and that kind of person needs to have their head examined before they are allowed to do any breeding.

death_stalker:  Mak's upset because the news media, as usual, spins it as being the video game's fault and, as usual, shifts the blame off the parent.  How many times do you hear this sort of thing:

Video game violence
Movie violence
Television violence
Killed by an SUV
We need to get these guns off the street
He/she was abused as a child

When do they ever pin the blame where it belongs - on the irresponsibility of the person committing the act?  You can outlaw video games, televisions, movies, guns, booze - everything on the face of the planet, and it won't do any good if you keep telling people it's never, ever their fault when they do something destructive.

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
Beta Tester
Posts: 615


« Reply #13 on: 2005-06-22, 16:31 »

Video game violence
Movie violence
Television violence
Killed by an SUV
We need to get these guns off the street
He/she was abused as a child

That crap is heavily present where I come from. Ever hear of the Red Lake shootings that happend a couple of months ago in Minnesota? Well I live about 20 miles from there. They say that he was the victim of Internet Influence and that people brainwashed him to be a neo-nazi. Government control, one videogame or website at a time.
« Last Edit: 2005-06-22, 16:34 by Little Washu » Logged

Bird of Fire

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« Reply #14 on: 2005-06-22, 21:02 »

And as if on cue...
LONDON (Reuters) - The brains of players of violent video games react as if the violence were real, a study has suggested.

Funny, but I thought real-world violence involved very strong emotions like fear, anxiety, anger, frustration, hatred, panic, terror, etc.  Unless of course you're a serial killer, in which emotions are absent.  So, what's the study really saying here?  "Video Games Breed Cold-Blooded Killers" is the unspoken message.  Any Gen players ever killed anyone?  Anybody at all?  *waits for crickets to stop chirping...*[/color]

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
Beta Tester
Posts: 615


« Reply #15 on: 2005-06-22, 21:35 »

Someone get some glade air fresheners, because it reeks of bullshit in here.
Here comes a steaming hot pile of shit on a silver platter, courtesy of the bias scientific community.
They say serial killers have demonic influences, which if you think about it, it is true. Normal people don't kill or feel the need to kill. Science can't give an answer to that, why because science is too inane to comprehend the truth. 99% of serial killers report that they heard voices telling them to kill; science tries to prove it to no avail. I don't listen to this scientific bullshit, because it is just plain bias. Bias meaning that they keep pushing their fruitless efforts on their never ending quest to disprove God, pheh. Why? They don't want to be held accountable. I should post a story I wrote called "Mr. Ignoramous", it's a story based on fact on how the scientific community operates.
« Last Edit: 2005-06-22, 21:37 by Little Washu » Logged

Bird of Fire

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« Reply #16 on: 2005-06-23, 04:36 »

Controversy Corner exists for a reason.  If you'd like to post your story, that's the best place to do it, so long as it's within the forum guidelines and isn't a novel as far as length is concerned.  If you have it hosted somewhere, a link is always best, especially if it's long.

The brains of some serial killers were examined using an MRI.  It was found that the emotional area of the brain was not entirely functional.  To that kind of individual, stabbing someone to death is no different from eating a bowl of cornflakes.  Those kind of people are extremely dangerous because their sense of action and consequence is ruled by pure, cold logic.  As for feeling the need to kill, I can think of plenty of times I've felt that, and I consider myself quite rational, however I do know that murder is wrong so no matter how angry I may get, or frustrated, or how much I may dislike humans, I keep my feelings in check and obey the commandment not just because of the fear of consequences, spiritual or otherwise, but simply because it's not decent to kill except for defense, or food in the case of my prey.  I know what's wrong, and I have only myself to blame if I choose to do wrong.

Now I'm not going to rule out what you just said in regards to many cases as I'm quite familiar with how "voices in the head" work, and what they goad people into doing.  Science calls it "multiple personality" or schizophrenia, but where do these "alternate personalities" come from?  Where do the voices come from?  How do they get there?  What are they?  Science can't define what consciousness is, only that the brain plays a role in maintaining and supporting it, so how can it define what those other voices are?  Yet at the same time, cases of demonic possession are well documented, and so are those who have been released from it.  Science will categorically dismiss such reports without even so much as an investigation, yet we're supposed to take the commonly held psychology doctrines at face value...

It's funny that you mention the whole "I am not my brain" rant, as I had a picture in my head today of a human brain, and a caption under it saying "Is this all you are?" as a kind of poster idea, and here you're echoing my own sentiments.  Coincidence?  Only if you believe in it.  Slipgate - Wink

I do think we're at risk of straying somewhat offtopic though, so I'm going to move this discussion over to Controversy Corner where it can be ranted about and batted back and forth a bit more freely.

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
Icon of Sin
Posts: 999

« Reply #17 on: 2005-06-23, 10:29 »

Quote from: Little Washu
Normal people
Normal compeared to what?

Posts: 1133

Still Going In Circles

« Reply #18 on: 2005-06-23, 14:39 »

Brain sees violent video games as real life

AH! That was a good one. If my brain considered FPS games real, then there would be no one in my house. I now what is real and what is unreal. And if you don't know, then you have a problem. You see, when a person plays a game, it has to realize that it's all unreal. If it doesn't, then it shouldn't play. Games are for fun damnit! People that do these studies forget that, and that's sad. If a person is violent by nature, then you can't blame a computer game for that person's behaviour, so PLEASE stop with those ridiculous studies that only throw the blames to the computer games.

Pixel Procrastinator

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« Reply #19 on: 2005-06-23, 14:51 »

Just a note for this and future (sub-) topics. I will not respond or try to defend accusations regarding the goal/nature of science anymore, in addition to semi-fundamentalistic religious topics.
When I see something along the lines of this:

They say serial killers have demonic influences, which if you think about it, it is true.

Which is only true if you do not really think about it. But here I almost go again, it's so hard to fight the urge to defend reason. So I digress. The point is that usually 'bullshit!' is shouted in posts which contain, indeed, bullshit.

Just for those who might be wondering why I skip over some threads without yapping in lengthy posts like usually is the case.


I'll make one exception. Every time I see someone comparing the scientific and the religious approach and calling the former the (more) biased one, I will post a knock-knock joke :]
« Last Edit: 2005-06-23, 14:58 by Tabun » Logged

Tabun ?Morituri Nolumus Mori?
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