Has anyone seen GamesKeeper lately? He's not plagued our forums in a while
I'mm still alive, I just lost my interest in gaming.
about the pimp ze auto post , think i missed something, because i don't know what your talking about.
What happened 2 years ago was that I actually found my life a bit borin and needed to work on my social life for a while.
so thats what I did. went out a lot, made some friends and stuff, found some new hobby's. made some money, lost some money etc.
found out I'm actually a genius in solving Real life problems.
also found out that girls are even more shy against you if your cute. uuuggghhh and for some reason they like to touch me.
found out I'm a pretty good danser when I'm tipsy but I do get problems standing on my feet when I'm really drunk ( some beers and some vodka
and that you can make easy money with photoshoots IF you know the right peeps.
also did some carshows where i try to collect as many bikiniwashes as possible.
oh well, it was an experiance all together.
if anybody wants to know more about what I did in real life, just ask.