what I see is a shoulder support of a Railgun not fitting the model's shoulder
His legs in that standing pose looks not like guard
Either you two harass me, or you are 1) ignorant of the way Q3 weapons are positioned and 2) expecting to see a Quake 2 single player monster, instead of a Quake 3 playable character.
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and explain.
1) Weapon positioning goes as follows: Just as with the positioning of head to torso, and torso to legs, weapon position is determined by a single tag (a triangle that indicates position and direction). This is how Q3 combines running and taunting, for instance. The upper and lower half of the body animate separately, and are connected through a tag.
Now the thing is, there is exactly one tag for every point of connection. So, there is one tag for the head, one for the torso and
one tag for 'weapon'. This means that every weapon (all having a tag of their own) is position according to the
same tag. Since the tags of the weapons cannot be changed (for obvious reasons), an animator has to pick a wise spot for the single tag that will determine the weapon position.
An practical example: while doing the taunt, at one point the shotgun, railgun, machinegun and hyperblaster shoulder stock disappeared quite far into the model's elbow. That was no good, so I tweaked the tag. This looked fine for
those weapons, but alas, in the next version, the BFG10k stuck horribly in the characters leg and waist. So, I had to tweak and reposition that tag until it looked acceptable with all weapons, in all animation frames (that's 12 weapons and 238 frames of animation).
Aside from the railgun not even intersecting with the model incorrectly anywhere in the above shot, I therefore see no problem!
2) Since Q3 is a fast-paced game, trying to get that single-player-monster look is going to have awkward results. I'm willing to live with some of them, such as in a death animation, but not in the warp and woof of combat.
Here's the story behind it (feel free to add spice to the narrative in your interpretation :p): There once was a Strogg guard who disobeyed orders from his (tank) commanders. He rebelled and ended up doing three things: a) fabricating a new right hand, releasing him from a low status on the job market, b) training and working out till he got beefier and able to jump and c) torturing prisoners of war after the Earth attack on Stroggos. The Vadrigar got wind of the latter and rewarded this guard's efforts with a place in the arena. Voila.
Ofcourse, A screenshot is a freeze-frame, and a model's bobbing up and down will obviously not be recorded by it.
Hold off on such qualms until you've seen it ingame, and compared it with Q3 models, please! :]