Is there really that much of a difference between Doom 1 and doom 2 monsters?
Doom Monsters:
Zombieman Shotgun Guy Imp Demon Lost Soul Cacodemon Baron of Hell Cyberdemon Spider Mastermind
New monsters to Doom II:
Chaingunner Hell Knight Pain Elemental Revenant Mancubus Arachnotron Arch-Vile SS Nazi Commander Keen Icon of Sin
If felt there was enough difference between the two monster sets to warrant two poll entries. Someone might not like the Doom II monsters. Besides, my poll, my rules!
I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
Oh, I see, I didn't really think of the icon of sin or keen as enemies though, something more of a puzzle...
If I could pick more than one i would take D2 beside Q2. And I'm wondering how it would be to swap weapons/heroes and play like that through that games.
Doom 2. Those damn Fatties (Mancubus), the dancing skelletons (Revenants), running naked guys (archviles) and the terribly annoying Burned Tomato (Pain elementals, that made a weird barking sound when you shot 'em) all rocked.
How I am supposed to type will all this cheese laying around?
Since DOOM 3 is not a choice, I am going to go with the original DOOM. I'm a sucker for the pinky demon. Cacodemons are also pretty cool sans how much damn life they have.
Pixel Procrastinator
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I guess my vote goes to DooM II. The more the merrier, and in the days of the DooMs, hordes still existed, too. I also really liked the realistic, plastic look of DooM sprites, in addition to the actual monster designs. The Mancubus (aside from its rather lame name) was my favourite (excellent death anim, too!).
| Tabun |
?Morituri Nolumus Mori? |
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I'ma go with DooM 2 as well, despite tech limits I think they're presented better than any other group, and cyberdemon probably pwns any other monster ID has made, even it's DooM 3 counterpoint.
Why not go with DooM 1 then? arachnotrons mancubi and archviles thats why dammit
Posts: 1133
Still Going In Circles
Wolf3d. Sure, there were only a handful of enemies, but they were enough to amuse me when I was a kid. Besides, DooM doesn't run as fast as Wolf3d in my 386, so I'd oftenly choose Wolf3d over DooM. However, my second choice is DooMII.
Posts: 1095
Yup, that's me
DOOM II. Without a doubt. UD's atmosphere was better (particularly if you played the PSX version which had D2's monsters on the harder settings), but the sheer variety in D2 makes it more fun IMO.
PSN ID: scalliano
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Pixel Procrastinator
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Lop: sounds more like you prefer the game, rather than its monsters.. Each to his own ofcourse, but do you really prefer nazi soldiers over imps and pinkies? :]
Quake 2 monsters were great in concept --although I do prefer hellish demons over biotechnological things-- but they were a bit too easy to deal with, too "stupid" to really work up any awe while playing, for me..
| Tabun |
?Morituri Nolumus Mori? |
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Quake, by far. The Shambler still remains one of the most fearsome creatures to ever grace a videogame, new or old!
Once a Slippy always a Slippy but personally i loved the shambler, the fiend and the floaty wizard blob thing i do have a fondness for the strogg too especially the iron maiden's
Well, the Shambler may not be the overall toughest of the Id monsters, but I still tread carefully around them to this day. Of course, they are far less dangerous if you get up close and simply avoid their melee attacks. My perspective is probably ingrained from Quake being my first FPS though. Coming up onto that first "white monkey", as we used to call them. Hehe. If nothing else, I find them to be one of the most interesting looking creatures.
Posts: 1133
Still Going In Circles
... Maybe you're right, Tab. But the problem is, I love both set of monsters equally! So, to take a decision, I was forced to choose between the ones who I enjoyed fighting against the most. In the end, I chose the Wolf3d monsters.
Mean ol Swede
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Posts: 1294
DooM 2 without doubts. and best enemy in doom is of cuz the cyberdemon..dang those still scare teh shit out of me