Headline: Environmental Concerns Threaten Solar Power Expansion in California Desert
http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,517053,00.htmlMaybe I missed something here, but I thought solar power was the holy grail of "green" technologies. Nevermind that deserts are anything but green, and yes I know the concerns about lack of water in the desert. It's called a desert for a reason, after all. When it comes to power generation, here's a look at how things stack up:Oil: Plentiful, but produces CO2. CO2 is "bad". Fail.
Coal: Plentiful, cleaner than oil, but still produces CO2. CO2 is "bad". Fail.
Gas: Produces CO2. CO2 is "bad". Fail.
Nuclear Fission: Doesn't produce CO2, but produces nuclear waste. That's scary. Fail.
Nuclear Fusion: Nobody can get it to work. Nuclear anything is scary. Double Fail.
Hydro power: Diverting rivers changes ecosystems and hurts wetlands. Fail.
Wind power: Ugly and noisy. Can't put them everywhere. Big turbines kill birds like eagles. Triple Fail.
Geothermal. Not cost effective. Requires drilling holes in the earth. Fail.
Solar: Sun doesn't shine all the time. You'll screw up the desert. Fail.
Zero point energy generation: Black hole will swallow the earth! Fail.
Hamster in a wheel: Cruel to hamster. Hamsters exhale CO2. CO2 is "bad". Fail.
Basically anything you do: Fail.
The only thing you can do is go extinct it seems.