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Author Topic: Generations Arena under Linux ?  (Read 50609 times)
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Hans Grosse
Posts: 267

« Reply #20 on: 2011-12-15, 15:56 »

For some reason I have to manually set fs_basepath to use the binary, otherwise it uses /usr/local/games/quake3/linuxquake3 as the basepath and can't find anything.

Worked like a charm.  Did my standard put-the-mouse-at-the-edge-of-the-pad-pick-a-point-move-90-degrees-in-game-slowly-then-whip-it-back-to-the-edge-test lol and it showed no acceleration Slipgate - Smile

So now I have to do the preload or find an alternate way of doing it.

Bird of Fire

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Posts: 8817

« Reply #21 on: 2011-12-15, 16:48 »

From what I can see, it forces a warp at the end of the code segment after setting the mx and my values:

          mwx = event.xmotion.x;
          mwy = event.xmotion.y;
          dowarp = qtrue;

This runs XWarpPointer further down.  It also forces the Sys_QueEvent on the next pass since, best I can tell, XWarpPointer is resetting the cursor position to screen center, which sets the condition true for the "if" statement just below the comment about returning from a warp.  It looks like it alternates code segments each pass if I'm reading the break statement correctly, running the "if" statement and sending the Sys_QueEvent and breaking out on one pass, then on the next pass running the dx = and dy = and then running XWarpPointer.  It's pretty strange logic but that's the only way I can see the mouse data being pumped into the event queue.  It may also explain why the mouse in Linux, to me at least, seems choppy compared to Windows.  It would have to be updating the x and y positions every other client frame instead of once every frame, otherwise event.xmotion.x - mwx (and y) would be zero every frame.  It doesn't make a lot of sense to have it written this way.  I'm not sure who wrote this particular code segment but it's not very well implemented.

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
Bird of Fire

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Posts: 8817

« Reply #22 on: 2011-12-15, 16:51 »

Glad the test worked.  At least you know where the problem was now.  I do think I'll look at rewriting this code segment at some point prior to compiling a full version of Gen's binary on Linux.  One item added to my to-do list, but I'm kind of glad you guys ran across this little problem.  I want Gen to run as best as possible on every platform.  Doom - Thumbs Up!

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...

Spider Mastermind
Posts: 407

In cunning 480p!

« Reply #23 on: 2011-12-16, 00:25 »

On a side note, you could probably sell generations as a standalone version. It has all models and maps needed for generations; if a player only enjoys Generations Arena, he could buy it for a reduced fee. No quake 3 single player. No true quake 3 multiplayer. Although you wont receive any of profit, it'll go to id.
Seems possible.  Doomed

Bird of Fire

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Posts: 8817

« Reply #24 on: 2011-12-16, 10:16 »

Let me be absolutely clear:  Generations cannot and will not be sold by Wirehead Studios under any circumstances.  Wirehead does not own any of the intellectual property involved in Generations - Id Software does.  We have only been able to create the mod with Id's explicit permission.  LeeMon personally emailed Todd Hollenshead to guarantee before we started that we would not do anything they did not want us to do.  There will be no more talk about selling anything.

Now, please bring the conversation back on topic.

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...

Spider Mastermind
Posts: 407

In cunning 480p!

« Reply #25 on: 2011-12-16, 21:10 »

Even for ids gain.... whatever, back to topic. Doomed


Posts: 39

OA lead

« Reply #26 on: 2012-09-04, 02:14 »

Old and OT, but i'd like to chime in on the issues

- Generations' VM code is based on the Q3A SDK, which has a strict EULA that prohibits use on anything but a retail copy of Quake III: Arena.  You'd probably have to "cleanroom" it on a new GPL codebase, and that would require lots and lots and lots of time.
- OA doesn't have "same name" equivalents for models used by Generations so dependency on them would render the mod unplayable.
- id intellectual property is used anyway, so for a real "OA Generations" you'd have to redo it all in respect to the other free equivalents, like FreeDoom and OpenQuartz (worse, there's no Free equal for Wolf3D or Quake2 in existence). This would be huge effort for little benefit.
- On top of that, since Generations derives from Q3A content for most things like characters and the menu system, you can't legally play that in OA
- As mentioned already, selling Generations is legally impossible.  Suggesting unauthorized commercial exploitation is a nasty idea.

It's kind of a shame anyway since OA has some excellent remakes of Quake DM3 and DM5 based on the released open-sourced GPL map files. Playing them in Generations is one of the reasons why i'm taking them out of the baseoa paks into their own tribute pak as a GPL-licensed addon for both OA and Q3A.  Slipgate - Smile

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