Really nice mod you have here, however there are few things that could use improving IMHO to give it a more polished feel:
1) Particles don't alpha fade? I find it strange that you haven't faded particles (i.e. sparks) and stretched sparks don't fade, they simply just "disappear". Also, it would improve the look a lot more if they bounced.
2) Blaster bolts particles are not autosprite. Again, this has been in since day 1 and i can't for the life of me think why you haven't fixed it. They just look BAD.
Also if your going to use blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE then please either add more particles or use a better pic, because its really not doing it justice.
3) A "LOT" of your work (Skins included) is not to the power of 2. This is just common sense guys, come on
Also, your Railgun particle pics (Which TBH don't look that good) for the Strogg, are all 250? They should be 256, or better yet, scale them down to 64x64 at least because that size isn't needed and wont help with overdraw.
4) Sorry but I really don't like the impact effects of the Strogg weapons
They just looks like smaller smoke puffs. I recommend using 3 large smoke puffs that float up and increase in size from the impact point and also have random rotation. Also, maybe a few sparks with a random count.
Like I said before, its a really nice mod. I myself am working on the Quake II Evolved mod at the moment so i know how hard it is to get things right or let things slip through. But, some of these things can be fixed very fast (with the exception of the smoke puff effect).
I'm sure the next release will solve these issues. Keep doing the great work guys