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Author Topic: Generations Gameplay ideas - Take 2 (Got ideas? Post em here!)  (Read 36066 times)
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Mean ol Swede
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Posts: 1294

« on: 2003-05-18, 01:32 »

Right, well i was playing EF(Star trek elite force) expansion in a gameplay mode called "Assimilation" works like this:

1 Borg team
1 Human/federation team.

The borgs supposed to try assimiltion all humans, once a human is assmilated, they become borg.Once all are assimilated the borg team wins.
The federation team are supposed to kill the borg queen to win the match.

I tought about this and i think it whould be a great idea for gen, with some changes:

in gen every class is a "team" the goal is to turn all players into your own class for eg.

Let's say im a slipgater class i see an earth dude i kill him and he is force spawned into my slipgate team he's on my side now.
Once all classes are destroyed, the remaining class is the winner.

This might be impossible to code,  but damn i think this mode whould be quite fun! Slipgate - Smile
Bird of Fire

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« Reply #1 on: 2003-05-18, 01:40 »

It certainly sounds fun.  It would only work if we can get multiple teams working perfectly beyond red and blue, which will take some serious thought.  It begs the question of how to score, since in the end you'll end up with only one team.  Any thoughts there?

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
Mean ol Swede
Team Member
Posts: 1294

« Reply #2 on: 2003-05-18, 01:52 »

Yea it will need 5 teams for all the classes, guess it aint a easy thing to code, but it's worth trying Slipgate - Laugh

hmm..we could do like this:
Let all classes have their own "custom" team, we got this nice icons for each class why dont use them on score board/team menu?
Also im not sure what we should set the point limit to, these matches can take some time if the teams are well balanced with skilled players, guess a limit of 4 whould do?

Also i think the FFA score board whould be the best choice, just add "team" to it.
« Last Edit: 2003-05-18, 01:55 by ReBoOt » Logged
Pixel Procrastinator

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« Reply #3 on: 2003-05-18, 02:35 »

sounds like red-rover, a VERY cool mod for q2.
among the things that made it rock, were the announcer sounds :]
That was red/blue team, ofcourse, but gen-style it would be pretty cool I think..

Tabun ?Morituri Nolumus Mori?
Lunatic Guy
« Reply #4 on: 2003-05-18, 08:35 »

I think that's good. You need to set the time limit, or the "transform into" limit in each team...

But what about the skins/models then? Like, if I am Phobos, and killed by Ranger, then which character of Slipgate I become?


Posts: 192

« Reply #5 on: 2003-05-18, 08:44 »

It might default to Ranger. I just thought of another game mode that might be good. You could call it "bounty hunter" mode. It would be free for all except the map would be spawning lots of mediocre or weak computer controlled enemies. The player that kills the most monsters wins.
games keeper

Posts: 1375

« Reply #6 on: 2003-05-18, 12:46 »

second gametype .

kill the Keen (or imp , or something else )

1 guy enters the game as keen.
all the other guys have to try to kill him. (only way to score points )
the keen gets only 1 gun. his favorite blaster.
(would be like a green doomplasmabal that it shoots but with more time in between.)
he has unlimited shots.

if he can it sombody with his gun. that guys becomes keen and the previous keen becomes 1 of the five classes.

this game would be fun in the way that you all work together to hunt that keenguy down. but actually you work alone to get that point.
1 moment your hunting down keen and next moment ..zap he zaps you with his gun and your the keenguy. ad you have to run.
P.s. keen gets a bit more life then the rest and gets unlimited regeneration.
else hese toast wwaaaay to fast.


Beta Tester
Quad God
Posts: 571

« Reply #7 on: 2003-05-18, 16:29 »

sounds like a hunt mode
games keeper

Posts: 1375

« Reply #8 on: 2003-05-18, 17:18 »

yep but this time we hunt down the only trofee not hanging on my wll.
commander keen.  B)

and this time its played by a human  Slipgate - Wink

let the hunt begin

Posts: 44

« Reply #9 on: 2003-05-18, 17:42 »

there was a realy cool mod called HULK out
It was similar to that and a riot to play.
Pixel Procrastinator

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« Reply #10 on: 2003-05-18, 19:37 »

that WOULD be cool foot - except for the fact we cannot use keen for technical and fox-danger reasons. It sounds a lot like catch the chicken to me :]

Tabun ?Morituri Nolumus Mori?
games keeper

Posts: 1375

« Reply #11 on: 2003-05-18, 21:04 »

something like it only you can get rid of yor keeningnes or impness by shooting at a person .
and your fragger gets a point , not you by being keen or imp all the time .
« Reply #12 on: 2003-05-18, 23:29 »

I don't know if this suggestion has been submitted yet, but it'd be nice to have a place on the server select screen to add servers (so we don't have to keep typing /connect :27000 in the console...is this function being considered? :ph34r:

Beta Tester
Quad God
Posts: 571

« Reply #13 on: 2003-05-18, 23:32 »

duggera, its working in 99c right now
Posts: 346

« Reply #14 on: 2003-05-19, 02:52 »

But what about the skins/models then? Like, if I am Phobos, and killed by Ranger, then which character of Slipgate I become?
You could have the model/skin/color settings saved seperate for each class. That way you wouldn't have to change them every time you switch classes.

About the assimilation thing, the one problem with it is, people have no motivation to actualy play for their team once they're assimilated. IE, if you're on a team you like, then you get assimilated, you're more likely to try to TK your new team mates or get in their way to save your old team rather than help your new team. Plus scoring would be tricky, because if the "borg" team's goal is the assimilate everybody, then if they win everybody wins and there's no point in trying not to be assimilated. If your only score victories to original borgs, then new borgs will just become team killers or lamers once they are assimilated. You could continue to award points to assimilated players for their original team, but then the "borg" will want to kill every newly assimilated player so they can't score points for their original team. The only way to do it would be to make everyone become a bot when they are "assimilated" but then you have to wait to come back in the game, which is boring, and it's basically the same as Team DM, except it's just increasingly harder for the losing team as they become outnumbered.
Mean ol Swede
Team Member
Posts: 1294

« Reply #15 on: 2003-05-19, 08:12 »

Gnam: Geez you kinda miss the point, Assimilation is not really a team game, think more like FFA but with some restrictions.
When you join the game you select your favorite class and try to show the others why your class owns them, course your team needs to be skilled if you want to win. i've played this in EF and i must say that i enyoj it, you dont really care about the team.
So to make it short: You play for your class not your team.

If you want a Team based game, play TDM or CTF.
Pixel Procrastinator

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« Reply #16 on: 2003-05-19, 13:03 »

What made 'red-rover' great, was that the odds determined your score per kill, and you also got points for being the 'last remaining blue lad', depending on how long you lasted. Mind you, red-rover was a 1-way conversion match, with the red team only being able to convert blue players (hence the name of the  mod). The combination of fighting the odds, consistent-themed maps, a shitload of very fun powerups and the great commentary -which gave it a futuristic facist game-show feeling- all added to the greatness of the game.
« Last Edit: 2003-05-19, 13:04 by Tabun » Logged

Tabun ?Morituri Nolumus Mori?
Bird of Fire

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Posts: 8813

« Reply #17 on: 2003-05-19, 23:25 »

I can think of an interesting twist to this.  Keep the scoring as individual scoring.  Since in the end only one team will survive then your points still count for individual frags.  This gives you an incentive to make sure you're working your tail off to be the most valuable player.  Being in the minority means you have more chances to frag someone else, whereas being in the majority means you have fewer targets and have to work harder.  You stand more of a chance being killed while in the minority, but also have the greater chance to score as an individual.  This gives good incentive to NOT be assimilated into another class, but also gives a good incentive to do the most assimilating early on.

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
Mean ol Swede
Team Member
Posts: 1294

« Reply #18 on: 2003-05-19, 23:47 »

Pho that's excellent! Now i think we ironed out the score points.
Now there's only the part of make this in the reality... i fear this will be an hell to code, but i do believe this game mode will be damn fun! Slipgate - Smile

Posts: 192

« Reply #19 on: 2003-05-20, 08:54 »

I got YOUR point, but you missed my point completely. I was bringing up a new idea but I guess you guys are too fixated on your own ideas to give any thought to new ones. I was talking about a game mode that would base the score on the number of random monsters killed. Monsters would have to be split up into classes based on size and strength so that boss enemies would be worth a lot of wimpy ones, BUT since nobody gives a spork about my ideas anyway, I guess I might as well quit posting anything here and accept my fate as a factory slave in the REAL world. Damn I hate this world, it never did make any sense.
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