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Author Topic: Rules and Regulations for R&R (What this is and what it isn't)  (Read 9763 times)
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Elite (2k+)
Posts: 2358

« on: 2004-04-19, 01:47 »

This is what Rants & Randomness is all about.

A virtual bar, if you were, just somewhere where people could hang out and shoot the breeze. No fear of ever vigilant moderators ready to strike them down a moment's notice, and no sense of trying to keep up any air of formality. A place where everybody knows your name.

This is a place where you can stop in and say 'good morning wirehead' or other random BS. Posts here don't really have to have a reason or a set topic, unlike the rest of the boards.

The only thing we ask here is that everyone keep a sense of decency. Don't de-rail everyone's threads with nonsense. Don't post disgusting pictures. Don't make a post entirely out of curses. You get the picture. Just come on in, hang out, and goof off.

You can discuss personal issues with another user here. However if a thread starts to degenerate into name calling, we'll kill it. If we have to kill multiple threads, we'll just remove this privledge.

This forum is not unmoderated, but we're not goign to step in and shut down a topic unless we have a damn good reason.
« Last Edit: 2007-07-10, 16:36 by Tabun » Logged
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