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Author Topic: Forum game this weekend?  (Read 19673 times)
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Posts: 1110

« on: 2004-12-08, 14:13 »

I don't know about the lot of you, but I've unplugged my machien long enough for the World of Warctaft detox to settle in, and I'm itching for some Generations this weekend. Now how about it?

Also note, that since my wrists have gone limp over the two-week period of mmo crack addiction, my fps skills have rolled back from OMGWTFCHEETHAX all the way to "...what?"*, so you might stand a chance and win! Who knows?

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Pixel Procrastinator

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« Reply #1 on: 2004-12-08, 14:19 »

You sir, are a deserter! Even in the face of HL2 I have not stayed away from Gen this long!
None of this smack-talk either, old chap, save it for the newbies :]

As for a forum game - there still is a game every single weekend! Ofcourse, it's usually a Euro players game, since it's been a bit quiet on the other continents, but even that seems to be far from over ;]
« Last Edit: 2004-12-08, 14:21 by Tabun » Logged

Tabun ?Morituri Nolumus Mori?
Posts: 1110

« Reply #2 on: 2004-12-08, 14:36 »

I've still got the shakes man - please don't make it any harder for me than it already is =[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[
« Last Edit: 2004-12-08, 14:36 by Tekhead » Logged
Posts: 69

« Reply #3 on: 2004-12-08, 15:50 »

Until yesterday, I was wondering what happened to everyone myself.  For a couple of weeks, it seemed that the forum games were non-existant.  I would definitely join in on a forum game (if anyone actually shows up, that is).


(Not so) Proudly turning dual gats into BFGs since 2004!
Pixel Procrastinator

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« Reply #4 on: 2004-12-08, 16:45 »

Join us on the Euro server forum games (9pm GMT+1 - 3 hours before the US game starts)  sometime. There's action there too. Plus I'm HPBing the US games all the time, and few of you add to the euro fun :]

Tabun ?Morituri Nolumus Mori?
Posts: 346

« Reply #5 on: 2004-12-08, 19:25 »

BigRobb, The US games still have life, you just have to work a bit to get em going. The past couple weeks, if no one's on central, I go on IRC and invite/harass people to play. That seems to work, cause once you have 2-3 people in there, others see it start trickling in. Last week, the only ones on IRC that wanted to play were McDeth and Draco, but once I got them in there, Tab, Pho, Kajet, and Crioknight showed up, so by the time we hit Dead Simple we had a pretty big, mayhem-laden game going. The only thing is they tend to start late, so if nothing's happening at 9, check back later...last time, I don't think we really got rolling till atleast like 10:30 or something.

Just occured to me....would there be some way to make the Gen server page show who else is viewing it? That might help, cause I think what happens is everyone sits there watching the server page waiting for someone to go on central, not knowing there are other people waiting to play doing the same thing.
« Last Edit: 2004-12-08, 19:34 by Gnam » Logged

Posts: 388

Wildly Inappropriate

« Reply #6 on: 2004-12-08, 19:34 »

I am a college kid. If I have time to breath it's a miracle.

Beer? I'm down.
Posts: 69

« Reply #7 on: 2004-12-08, 19:40 »

Yeah, I tended to only wait until 9:30 and then I just gave up and thought that no one would show up.  I guess I've got to be more patient next time...


(Not so) Proudly turning dual gats into BFGs since 2004!
Icon of Sin
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« Reply #8 on: 2004-12-08, 20:49 »

Then join us on euro. Even my sons should be there this week. Slipgate - Ownage
Bird of Fire

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« Reply #9 on: 2004-12-09, 10:51 »

Gnam:  Ask the webmonkey (ConfusedUs) about the server page.

Tek:  Don't feel bad, Tabun's outscored me handily a few times of late.  I think my age is showing.  Of course, it doesn't help when half the server is either on the otherside of the map from you or else ganging up on you at once, but that's the breaks.  Jumping to Contusions two nights ago was either "get sandwiched between heavily armed players" or "run around wondering where everyone is".  Oh, and don't let his self-deprecation fool you guys, Tabun's dangerous too, and he's a lot more sneaky than I am so, watch out for that WHITE Doomer as well! :rules:

I've not been in much of a state to play the last few weeks because I've been extremely busy fixing stuff that's been breaking, including one router that's been a hassle to replace.  I have ANOTHER computer to fix that belongs to a friend of mine, so that's yet more time away from Gen development and gaming, and it's something that can't really wait either.  I'll try to drop in when I can though!

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
Pixel Procrastinator

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« Reply #10 on: 2004-12-09, 12:01 »

Pho: that's really bollocks on the self-deprecation. I only apply it where it's needed. I've been fighting from day one to get it through to the american public that I can actually kick some ass in Vanilla and Gen.
There's no need to tell Tek about it though, he's one of the few that's seen my abilities, and showed his, on the Euro server :] - my poor fumblings on any server across the atlantic really shouldn't be used to see how one measure's up to anything.

On the subject of sneakiness, I can only say that even though I like to be sneaky & surprise people, I really have no choice when I play on central. I'm too lousy an HPB to win any straightforward shoot-out there. Teleporting players, choppy play, varying pingtimes etc make for very inconsistent, unpredictable and many a time frustrating play -- I really can't wait until there's only a 10 ms ping time to the other side of the globe - or at least a smooth, steady connection :/
Back in the ISDN days, I seem to remember the latter at least holding true. Which reminds me that I'll have to make a private connection once I'm filthy rich. Which is quite soon ofcourse.*cough*cough*
Perhaps thats my fault for basing my strategies and practice-hours on Dutch low-latency servers, but hey - that's the way I get the most fun and the highest learning-curve going.

So there you have it -- Although I'm generally 'modest' (but seriously realistic) about  my abilities, on the subject of Quake, from day one, I think I am generally underestimated. And to a certain extent, so are eendje, Alucard and Chaos (some other cFP Dutchies).

I was btw pleased that you were the first to understand my little C5H11N2O2P joke -- I was afraid that one would go to waste! Cheers :]
Go get that computer fixed and out of the way, because it's good to have you back.

Jumping to contusions is, for the gameplay 'features' you mention, always shite as far as I'm concerned. I've played 0 enjoyable games in that map, even counting those on crowded nights. The map doesn't look half bad, but I really don't see why it appeals so much to nearly everyone. :]

Tabun ?Morituri Nolumus Mori?
Bird of Fire

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« Reply #11 on: 2004-12-10, 07:30 »

Well, I like to pick on you about that whole self-deprecation bit because you do it so much - in your artwork, and in your gaming ability.  I know you're a kick-ass player, I've never doubted that one bit.  I think the same of your artwork.  I really think you don't give yourself enough credit there.  Slipgate - Smile

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
Posts: 1110

« Reply #12 on: 2004-12-10, 10:18 »

I think it's because no one gives Tabun any shittalk. They just say "omg, eurorape" after a game or two and nothing more, like they are trying to forget about the experience and not report it to the proper authorities.

Yeah, that's probably it.
Icon of Sin
Posts: 999

« Reply #13 on: 2004-12-10, 12:17 »

We'll be waiting for all you lot on the Euro server this weekend.

Pixel Procrastinator

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« Reply #14 on: 2004-12-10, 15:38 »

Hehe, you and me both shambler - I dunno what happened, but I dropped from the server yesterday.. Bat has improved considerably :]

Pho: Sooner or later, you're going to have to get used to it. I'll never say I plain suck at what I do (at least not for WH), because that's as far fromt he truth as to say it's magnificent. Perhaps it's more of a battle vs. the ever increasing application of adjectives such as 'awesome' or statements like 'oh, i just creamed my pants' - 'i just drooled in my keyboard'. Flattering indeed, it always makes me blush -- but I just don't believe such orgasmic results were ever achieved :]
I've already got Footman to nearly strangle me to death because I apply the same standard to others aswell - all the more reason for people to accept things as they are, and calling them likewise, that's all I'm saying.
And as for picking on me.. well, what else can one expect from a bird - keep it up :]

And no I don't think it's that Tek, I'm sure they just put something in the water.. to make you forget...

Tabun ?Morituri Nolumus Mori?
Icon of Sin
Posts: 999

« Reply #15 on: 2004-12-10, 20:26 »

BAT enjoyed the Thursday game a lot. So did I. I'd been at work till late with an open evening, and to make matters worse I spilt  cornflakes with soya milk on my keyboard.
BAT now lives with MY mother, (thats his granny) and has a 1meg connection, that still has upload of  256k/s. bit of a ripoff really. But he's only 10 min walk up the road, so I check on them both most nights. He's really an AvP2 player, but I want to get him hooked on Gen. My other son Luke-Nucum is a UT & Q1 player, but I hope to get them both in the saturday game, and using teamspeak.

 Slipgate - Off Topic  but these are new Gen players, so I thought I'd say who they were, so you'd know who you just fragged. I intend to bring in as much new blood as I can to the euro server.
Pixel Procrastinator

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« Reply #16 on: 2004-12-11, 02:45 »

Good, good!
As do I, I intend to have Teddie and Lamsh (two cFP players) join in the fun soon enough. Not this saturday though, unless we delay the games a bit - I'm having a graduation party. My graduation party ;]

Tabun ?Morituri Nolumus Mori?
Mean ol Swede
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« Reply #17 on: 2004-12-11, 02:49 »

I will try to be there. was sometimes since last time! :/

Guess i have to congrat u then tabby! Slipgate - Smile
Icon of Sin
Posts: 999

« Reply #18 on: 2004-12-11, 17:11 »

Congrats Tab. What next for you then? (apart from Fragging?)
Posts: 346

« Reply #19 on: 2004-12-11, 23:47 »

Well, I guess I'll take a break from my painting and show up around 9. Someone else better be there damn it!  Slipgate - Shouting

Congrats Tab. Any idea WTF you're going to do now? Getting a job when you graduate is the terror of art students. Please don't ask me, I have no sporking clue.
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