I noticed the Gen menu is based on the Team Arena menu. Granted, the Team Arena menu does have more features, but I've experienced problems with it. Maybe it's just my computer, but I've always found it to be laggy. My Arena menu is fine, but in Team Arena it sputters and skips from time to time not to mention, Team Arena, in game, seems to always use much more system rescources than Arena, and aside from the voices and larger maps, nothing is different from Arena. This has brought me to suspicion that something in the TA menus causes extra lag, both in menus and in-game, and my point is it could also be contributing to lag in Gen. I don't know how complicated it would be to reconfigure the menu for Arena, and maybe you guys don't experience this and I'm the only one (my computer isn't exactly optimized for gaming, it's an old HP with stock graphics card and stock RAM, but it runs Arena with high graphics settings on most maps without problems) but anyway I think it could be worth looking into.