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Author Topic: Dr Who (Dr Who)  (Read 6759 times)
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Icon of Sin
Posts: 999

« on: 2005-03-08, 21:18 »

March the 26th for me! on BBC1

(Or maybe later tonight, depending how it goes!)

I'm old enough to remember seeing the first show, live on TV.   I've read most of the books and seen all the shows.

This is the TV event of the century for me.

anybody seen it yet? I'll add to this post when I have.
Rabid Doomer

Team Member
Posts: 1011

« Reply #1 on: 2005-03-08, 22:07 »

wait.. what? dr who?


Are they re-running it? or is this a new movie feature?

"Who says a chainsaw isn't a ranged weapon?"
Icon of Sin
Posts: 999

« Reply #2 on: 2005-03-08, 22:15 »

Go to www.bbc.co.uk/drwho

There is a NEW series made, starting on BBC1 on 26th march at 7pm GMT. Billie Paper is the new assistant. There will be new daleks!

There will even be spider daleks!

There will be Autons!

13 episodes at 45 minutes each!

The doctor wears a leather jacket! and short hair!

tough, mean, not to be messed with!

The bbc news says there is a torrent already on the net! I can't say where it is, but you might be able to spy it!

The daleks look so good, but I can't find a picture!
Posts: 225

« Reply #3 on: 2005-03-09, 10:47 »

yeah we're upto the 9th doctor though now

and as all time lords have 13 Lives (No Idea Why Go Figure)

if he's making a return then he could be around for a long time

I remember the originals in black and white as well

and when your young a dalek, was a scary thing

so was the cybermen as well, ahhh memories

lets only hope this new series does it justice

as who remembers the doctor who movie

instead of a classy production that it should have been, it was naff

1. They Killed of Sly McCoy, Unforgivable
2. One of the doctors greatest foes was nerfed
3. the plot, what plot ,it was lame
4. they ruined the T.A.R.D.I.S (How Could They)
5. They had Paul McGann as the Doctor (Do I smell hammy acting?)
6. and they love intrest (jez don't even get me started)

so unless the BBC does the right thing this time round, I will be Unhappy and may never watch Doctor Who again
Icon of Sin
Posts: 999

« Reply #4 on: 2005-03-09, 19:17 »

I have now seen the new dr who episode 1 - Rose.


This is to the old Dr who as Doom3 is to Doom 2.

Same behind the sofa horror, children, even todays, will be scared of this in parts. this first show is almost non-stop action, and can act as a starter show for those who have never seen the old stuff. But its also a continuation of the old shows.

Not to be a spoiler, I won't say too much, but I was very impressed, and I am something of an athority on Dr Who. I will watch these as they come out, and then buy the DVD box set.

I wonder if the BBC leaked it? Doom - Huh?
Posts: 7

« Reply #5 on: 2005-03-15, 08:40 »

I've just seen the first episode as well. I thought it was cool.Not giving away any spoilers here, but I thought they could have made the control room more the like the original one (like the original plan for the sereis). If you haven't, or can't see this before the 26th of march, just check out nsome of the trailers and you'll see what I mean. Still, it's not bad, jsut will take some getting use to.

The episode itself was great, much the like the originals. I was going to make a few comments but I thought they sounded like spoilers so I'll leave it here. Can't wait to see the new daleks in it. But they are still having the original daleks, although the rumor is they are going to look like the movie Daleks. (so, instead of having semirrcles on the sides of their head, the'll have cylinders on the sides. Anyone seen the movie adaptions of the the frist two dalek sotries will know what I mean)

I think the BBC did leak it. For one they are using the actual ORIGINAL theme. The new sereis is going to screen with a new mix of the theme (only slightly altered from the original.) And lets face it. It'll get more people interersted from the start.

In regards to the movie. The only issues I realy ahd agaisnt it were, the love interest, the fact that the Doctor is suppose to be half human, and that he said the TARDIS had a cloacking device, but it got stuck. IT HAS A GOD DAMN CHAMELION CIRCUIT. But all that is becuase of  the American influence as it was a joint venture between the BBC and Universial Studioes. As for McGann. He wasn't to bad, and if they had gone ahead with the sereis as planned, he probably would have done great. If you listen to his Audio Adventures, you"ll see that he is a good Doctor (Better than Slyvester McCoy).
« Last Edit: 2005-03-15, 08:44 by Skippy » Logged
Posts: 225

« Reply #6 on: 2005-03-15, 10:53 »

yeah i had noticed how they had changed certain things to dumb it down

Cloaking Device, It's Doctor Who not Star Trek

plus as for Paul McGann, I haven't heard the Audio Books

So I'll Reserve judgement on his hammyness (For Now)

and yeah it's going to suck with having to wait until March 26th

If it's as good as you guys seem to think it is, i should have blast again

by the way is Billie Piper anygood in it, as far as i was aware she couldn't sing, let alone act

hmmm still probably better than some of the other sidekicks that the series got lumbered with

Remember Ace  (Shudder's at the thought)

and that annoying girl that used to hang around Tom Baker

and as for Sly, Ok so he wasn't the best doctor, but compared to colin baker and peter davison

he was better

and i dare anyone to say that colin ( I'll try to be a really stuck up and annoying doctor as nobody has done that before) Baker

and Peter ( Wimpy ass) Davison were any good

because as far as I'm concerned it was the dark ages of doctor who when those two butchered it

Best Doctors Were

Tom Baker ( the dude was insane)
The First Doctor ( the really old guy, can't remember his name)
The Second Doctor ( Basin Hair cut guy)
and last of all Sly McCoy

but hey if nobody has seen doctor who right from the beginning and still thinks Peter Davison and Colin Baker were anygood

I won't hold it against them

I'll just say this

Watch the Originals then Decide
Posts: 55

« Reply #7 on: 2005-03-15, 11:44 »

I thought it was a bit forced in a couple of places really. Without saying anything specific, the main encounter towards the end just didn't seem to flow very well at all, like all the villains were waiting patiently to be thwarted.
I certainly can't picture it as being creepy. The beginning was nicely done in that respect, but after that it got too campy for it to hold.

Still, I enjoyed it, even though I may sound like it offended me somehow. It can't do that, because I never saw one episode of Dr Who before in my life

Posts: 225

« Reply #8 on: 2005-04-03, 01:11 »

Just Seen Episodes 1 and 2 of the new doctor who

ok critique time me thinks

Epi 1 : Rose

overall I though it was alright, the new doctor is a bit hammy (Suppose it goes with the role)

the living plastic dummies ( have never seen a weaker villian, ever)

and my god, Billie Piper still can't act

however niggles aside, it was only a pilot episode and wasn't too bad

Epi 2 : the end of the world ( or something like that)

Much better episode, doctor less hammy

yay weird spider bot things

Zoe wanamaker as the villian Cassandra (thin skin with a face), who saw that coming

and alluring tree girl Jade ( is it wrong to fancy a tree?)

and Oh My God how wrong was I about Billie Piper, she can act and in proper doctor who assistant style gets kidnapped and nearly killed twice YAY !!!

and how cool was it towards the end

however on a sad note

Christopher Eccleston is only doing one season (Grrrrrrr)

which means no sooner has the 9th arrived, they now have to find someway of killing him therefore spawning the 10th Doctor

Jeeezz at this rate were going to be upto 13 very quickly
Icon of Sin
Posts: 999

« Reply #9 on: 2005-04-03, 16:00 »

Well, I ahve seen 2 episodes of the series now, and Really like it. The show always has faults, but they're not important.

(I say this as someone who has seen all the shows, and read most of the books.)

It is a shame about the doctor having to change again, after only one year, but I don't mind, unless its to a guy who is just too young. Maybe McCoy could do it again, now he's older.

I hear the torrents are available for anyone whos intrested but missed it.
Icon of Sin
Posts: 999

« Reply #10 on: 2005-04-27, 11:40 »

If anyones still intrested, go to www.whoisthedoctor.com     its the site micky from the show has put up.
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