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Author Topic: Where the heck is everyone?  (Read 18637 times)
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Paco the Taco

Posts: 21

« on: 2005-10-16, 03:14 »

Sorry, folks...but I have to say that it gets pretty lonely in a server with no one to play with. Ok...start the violin. Anywho, I have not been in these servers for over a year, but I come back to see not one, but TWO updates for the game, and I have no one to play with. I hope to see some of you folks out in the battlefield again soon.

Taco signing off...
Beta Tester
Posts: 615


« Reply #1 on: 2005-10-16, 07:08 »

That is true and it is dis-heartening to some degree but here's why it is dead right now:

Real Life: School is a prominant obligation to most on the boards. Me... between working about 30-40 hours weekly and studying with my 1-3 hours of daily assignments, I get barely enough time to get up take a shower, have some coffee and read the morning paper while stuffing 2 peices of half cooked toast down my throat hole as I am on my way to school or work. My relax time all week is Saturday night and Sunday. I am highly active in my church and am a youth leader in the youth program at Church. I will also be busy during the summer going out  to countries like Polond, Hungry, and maybe the Netherlands to serve in missionaries. I might even sweeze QCon into it. Slipgate - Wink

Those are my reasons anyway, I try to make it, but like you said no one plays.


Posts: 1133

Still Going In Circles

« Reply #2 on: 2005-10-16, 09:37 »

God I hate school. But the worst thing is that I keep receiving guests for dinner at Saturday night, so these past few weeks I haven't been able to play Gen in the Net. And when I try to play during the week, the server is always empty Slipgate - Sad . I normally wait 1/2 rounds for ppl, but noone enters. But I feel bad for not have played longer and better (god it's hard to play as Strogg).

Icon of Sin
Posts: 999

« Reply #3 on: 2005-10-16, 12:10 »

I try to get on the euro if i'm not with the band, and last night i brought my 2 sons for a while. i think it must be just time of year.

it is hard to play as strogg.
Bird of Fire

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Posts: 8813

« Reply #4 on: 2005-10-16, 18:08 »

Quote from: Little Washu
I will also be busy during the summer going out  to countries like Polond, Hungry, and maybe the Netherlands to serve in missionaries.
Netherlands, eh?  Maybe you can help bring Tabby and Alucard into the fold while you're there.  Slipgate - Wink

Aye, I've been extremely busy as well, I know I'm going to be tied up next weekend for certain, and it's damned hard for me to play during the week at night lately.  I've also been very sick for the last few days.  I'm going on day 3 now, and it's a full blown upper respiratory infection.  I don't get these often, I'm extremely resistant to viruses, but every once in a while one comes along that knocks me flat on my keel.  I can't even so much as squawk right now, so thank God for whoever invented keyboards.  I did manage to get some action in on the Euro Gen game yesterday.  I wasn't any match for Tabun in my weakened state (still afraid of me when I'm Doom, Tabby? <3 ) but I managed to get a few frags in at least, and the game did pick up for a while until I got too fatigued to play.  Good games all around, and the diversion from feeling generally rotten was quite welcome.  Congrats to Tab for finally getting a new screen!  We've missed you on the servers, glad to have you back, even if it does mean I have to take 2nd place on the Euro server again. Slipgate - Wink

I checked for a US game about 9:15 PM and nobody was around.  I wasn't up for playing, but I was hoping we'd have a game at least.  Oh well, this seems to be the norm.  Servers die off for a while, then pick up with a vengeance again.  Seems cyclic, and directly related to "how f'ing busy" everyone gets this time of year particularly.

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
Pixel Procrastinator

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« Reply #5 on: 2005-10-16, 21:24 »

I can bring myself into any worthwhile 'fold' by myself, thank you very much. ;]

I'm glad to be back in action (more or less), too! It's been so long that it all feels new again, I'm going to be bunnyhopping into the lava/slime for a while, I think :] Good fun. Too bad you caught  something bad again, I hope it's not that bird-flu thing that's got people worried around the world, now..
And yes, I'm always 'afraid' of Doom - no matter who's playing it. One lucky ssg shot and gone is tanked up Tab! :]

Tabun ?Morituri Nolumus Mori?

Posts: 1133

Still Going In Circles

« Reply #6 on: 2005-10-16, 21:55 »

I think everyone is afraid of DooM. In fact, it's the only class that scares anyone with any weapon, even Doomers are afraid of other Doomers. oh and I' m glad you fixed that problem you had with your monitor. I'll see you in the servers. Sipgate - Evil
« Last Edit: 2005-10-16, 21:56 by [KruzadeR] » Logged

Beta Tester
Posts: 615


« Reply #7 on: 2005-10-16, 23:10 »

Sweet, I just need to find my Quake 3 so I can install it.  I formated my computer after I put in my first batch of parts. And who knows, I might see Tab down there. :] That is if it goes through, that's why i said maybe. ;]

Lightning Hunter

Posts: 28

« Reply #8 on: 2005-10-17, 04:28 »

Personally, I am still waiting for the beta stages to end.  I said this back in January of 2004 and my opinions haven't changed a bit.  I'm not going to get into Generations until it has a solid build and doesn't have those funny little errors that beta versions have (such as the weapon animations not being complete).  As soon as the big  "one point O? comes out, I'm gonna start my engines and play myself some Generations, and I reckon I won't get tired of it for a very long time after that.  Until then, I will just continue to be silent and watch from afar.  It would be a shame if it never comes out...  But I have confidence in this team that it will come out eventually, otherwise I wouldn't be checking the site and forums anymore.

Posts: 1133

Still Going In Circles

« Reply #9 on: 2005-10-17, 09:31 »

That's a solid reason. But what's funny is that I never saw this .99 version as betas, I see them as a mod already (although an imcomplete mod Slipgate - Smile~ ). And I too have confidence in this team that they will create the greatest Q3A mod ever, otherwise I wouldn't be in this forum.


Posts: 143

« Reply #10 on: 2005-10-17, 12:51 »

Quote from: Little Washu
like Polond,
 I live there  Slipgate - Laugh

Beta Tester
Icon of Sin
Posts: 917

« Reply #11 on: 2005-10-17, 13:05 »

I'm still around as well, but my work schedule and my school schedule limit me to the early hours of the morning now.  I'll try to pop in on a game this Wednesday if I can.  Generations Arena is pretty much the only game/mod that I play online with any degree of frequency.  Slipgate - Smile

Bird of Fire

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Posts: 8813

« Reply #12 on: 2005-10-17, 13:32 »

Quote from: [KruzadeR
]But what's funny is that I never saw this .99 version as betas, I see them as a mod already (although an imcomplete mod Slipgate - Smile~ ).
Both perspectives are correct in a sense.  We are what is called a "public beta".  That is, not "gold", but not purely a "closed beta" either.  In a closed beta, development occurs inside the team only (That's what's going on behind the scenes right now and between public beta releases, at a slower than normal pace at the moment).  The public releases (.99d, .99e, .99f, etc) allow us to get feedback from the public regarding gameplay, bug reports, etc.  It also allows the public to test drive the mod and participate, although in a somewhat limited role, in the development process.  We release milestone public betas when we think we have enough significant changes and a stable enough build to warrant a public test drive.

Lightning Hunter:  I wouldn't call lack of animations an "error" so much as being incomplete.  Don't worry though, we already have two class's weapons animated behind the scenes and I'm working on some "required stuff" that has to be done prior to animating the other two.  Check my .plan out for more info.
Slipgate - Wink

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
Paco the Taco

Posts: 21

« Reply #13 on: 2005-10-17, 21:27 »

Folks, I appreciate no one lashing out at me for not simply thinking about the possible circumstances with everyone else. I totally understand, too about responsibilities, but I have yet to not procrastinate on my college studies. I like gaming, therefore I procrastinate. It is something I need to pray about more and more.

For Llittle Washu, that is wonderful that you are active in the church. Just as a word of encouragement, keep putting the Lord and the church before this game, as should I. If you would, please pray for me, too. The other saints and I here in Nashville shall pray for the Lord's increase in those nations. Grace be with your spirit.

Farewell for now.
Bird of Fire

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Elite (7.5k+)
Posts: 8813

« Reply #14 on: 2005-10-17, 21:30 »

Quote from: Paco the Taco
keep putting the Lord and the church before this game, as should I
As it should be.  Thumbs up!

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
Lightning Hunter

Posts: 28

« Reply #15 on: 2005-10-17, 21:39 »

Lightning Hunter: I wouldn't call lack of animations an "error" so much as being incomplete. Don't worry though, we already have two class's weapons animated behind the scenes and I'm working on some "required stuff" that has to be done prior to animating the other two. Check my .plan out for more info

Maybe it isn't technically an error (such as an error in the code), but it is a visible bug in my opinion.  If you look at mapping for example, I feel that a texture misalignment is a bug, even if it doesn't break a law in the code.  In most cases, the map author even knows about the texture alignment problems.  I still consider them errors in the map. Slipgate - Smile

I've always been meticulous about what is released, even in my own projects.  Some of the projects had team members who wanted to push the release even though things were messy and not complete.  I ended up having to complete all those things myself because everyone else was too lazy.  I hate having the public play something that isn't complete, because then they sometimes won't play the final version due to the previous release being messy.

Don't get me wrong, I think you guys learned a lot from the fans by releasing these public beta versions.  However, I feel that many people are taking these releases too seriously- as if they are complete and any release afterwards is only a patch.  These weekly games for example make me feel as if this project is done when I know it is not.

Oh, and I have already been keeping up with your .plan btw.  Slipgate - Wink
Beta Tester
Posts: 615


« Reply #16 on: 2005-10-17, 22:05 »

Thank you for the words of encouragement I appreciate it very much! :] So I may see Kingu as well... Oh the possibilies... Slipgate - Laugh

A bug is like an error or a problem that was not intentional, not known, or a technical problem in  code, a model or texture. This whole thing with no animations is a known thing, and not a "bug".
I am exited about the point O so to speak. I know there are alot of bugs to clean out with the new animation code and net code. I thought about asking if I could be a beta tester, but I guess you might have enough seeing that development is slow and all.
« Last Edit: 2005-10-17, 22:08 by Little Washu » Logged


Beta Tester
Spider Mastermind
Posts: 481

« Reply #17 on: 2005-10-17, 22:54 »

Ha ! Ya know, I knew I was forgetting one of my forums, and this was the one. I feel so horrible now, *snickers.* I, myself, have been extremely busy myself. I've been working 2 jobs along w/ going to school full time for 8 months. I've also been out of the country twice and had to attend QuakeCon. However, I just dropped one of my jobs in hopes that I can get everything organized before I move out to Seattle in 2 months. Progress has been slow thus far, haha, figures. I did however get a vid card from a friend in Canada while I was there. A gf4 ultra (which is far better than my current gf2 mx), and I've been hoping to play some gen to test it out. But, alas, I'm busy and everybody else is busy. Tis the way of life I spose.

And pho, I hope you get to feeling better soon. *huggles* Slipgate - Smile
Lightning Hunter

Posts: 28

« Reply #18 on: 2005-10-18, 00:06 »

Quote from: Little Washu
A bug is like an error or a problem that was not intentional, not known, or a technical problem in  code, a model or texture. This whole thing with no animations is a known thing, and not a "bug".
haha, I guess I personally don't see any difference.  If I release something knowing that I have a bug in it, does it seize being a bug?  If I have a hundred things wrong with something that I release, none of them are bugs because I know about them?  What if Generations was released right now as version 1.0 and the animations weren't fixed, and the team decides they were too lazy to do them after all.  I can't imagine people downloading it and saying, "oh, the lack of animations aren't errors because the team knows about it, therefore we shouldn't be bothered by it". Slipgate - Wink

I guess It REALLY doesn't matter. Slipgate - Smile  We all agree that these things need to be completed, whether they are "bugs", "errors", or just "incomplete". Slipgate - Wink
« Last Edit: 2005-10-18, 00:07 by Lightning Hunter » Logged
Posts: 42

« Reply #19 on: 2005-10-18, 00:33 »

Bug - A rocket deals the damage when it hits an enemy but doesn't spawn an explosion sprite/model.
Error - Someone picks Doom, kills Visor. Visor drops Shotgun, Doom picks it up. Game crashes saying "Bad item index 21 on entity"
Incomplete - Fist model, icon, sounds ect are all included in the installation, but you cannot select it in any shape or form as it isn't coded in yet (same logic with weapon animations).

Quake 3 by default doesn't have "true" weapon animation. It has to be coded in.
Q3 animates weapons through the *_hand.md3
It isn't a "true" animation due to it just moving/rotating the model.
The alternating barrels on the Slipgate Nailgun isn't possible on the default Q3 code.
Reason for them not having animations yet is what they need isn't possible yet. You can't have a grenade get twisted (Strogg) with just a *_hand.md3.

"What if Generations was released right now as version 1.0 and the animations weren't fixed, and the team decides they were too lazy to do them after all. I can't imagine people downloading it and saying, "oh, the lack of animations aren't errors because the team knows about it, therefore we shouldn't be bothered by it". "
That actually wouldn't be a bug, if it was a planned feature.

If I decided to make my mod not have any first person weapon models, does that make it a bug? Nope, because I planned to do that.
If I planned to have no first person weapon models and every weapon except the Shotgun had no weapon model, there's a bug. Shotgun shouldn't have it.

Bugs that are in my mod:
"Tracer" weapons don't spawn any blood on the "death hit" (shot that kills them). So I can shoot enemies and they bleed, but if the shot kills them, no blood is spawned.
Shells float if they land on a mover.
Dead bodies will only bounce on jumppads if the client hasn't respawned yet (so their corpse will continue bouncing on the jumppad forever if they dont respawn, but the moment they respawn, it stops bouncing).

None anymore we had TONS of "bad item index" errors though.

Weapon animations (we have a weapon which works the same way as the Slipgate Nailgun animation wise, alternating barrels). Currently it will fire from both barrels, just the barrels are stationary.
Chaingun doesn't have a spinup/down. Currently it just fires instantly. Not a bug as it IS planned just isn't availible yet.
Our own weapon models, having the Q3 plasmagun fire chaingun bullets just doesn't work lol
« Last Edit: 2005-10-18, 00:49 by OoPpEe » Logged
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