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Author Topic: Finally (A taste of their own medicine)  (Read 6564 times)
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Bird of Fire

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Elite (7.5k+)
Posts: 8808

« on: 2003-07-25, 02:00 »

Piracy?  From Microsoft?  Who would have figured?  Slipgate - Laugh


I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
Icon of Booze

Beta Tester
Icon of Sin
Posts: 823

« Reply #1 on: 2003-07-25, 03:41 »

his judgement cometh.
Posts: 231

« Reply #2 on: 2003-07-25, 14:50 »

.... god do we really care anymore.. seriously, MS would be DEAD if the CONSUMERS didnt support it.. so people, if you didnt protect your patents when they originally infringed them..  you lost them...

what i mean is, how long has MS been infringing these guys patents.. 1 year, a decade?...  yeah, MS hasnt been the nicest player in the world, but omfg im just sick of EVERYONE trying to take a shot at them.. instead of making superior products, and marketing them better than microsoft.. everyone just sits and whines while it runs everyone over.. the real problem is that half the people that coouldve stopped it along time ago.. gave up... and truely, i still see that until another OS supports EVERYTHING like windows does.... windows will always be #1.. i know linux is catching up very fast, there just still isnt enough on it to justify the switch(i know im going linux as soon as more stuff is completely supported.. its way faster than windows any day..among other things)  ...

lol.. i guess i just hate the news?
Icon of Booze

Beta Tester
Icon of Sin
Posts: 823

« Reply #3 on: 2003-07-25, 18:18 »

people want to take shots at microsoft because they have it coming. i dont particuarly care about thier dirty buisness practices i care that im forced to use thier software and IT SUCKS. lets face it windows SUCKS I.E SUCKS microsoft created an inferior standard and forced us all to use it. let them burn!! :angry:
Posts: 231

« Reply #4 on: 2003-07-25, 19:15 »

i agree, they do have it coming, but its a waste of time to sit there and attack them head on like people do.. they have the money, they will 99.9 percent always win law suits, theyll find some tiny loophole, every single time.. the only way to stop them, is to put out a BETTER product, that is CHEAPER, MORE EFFECTIVE, and can be a STANDARD like windows is..  

as far as forcing, no, they never forced us to use anything, consumers bought windows, and did not buy the other OS's.. so that must leave to say that the other OS's were just not THAT much better(if an OS is only marginally better.. everyones gonna buy the one thats a lil worse but everyone else and his dog has.. its how shit works) ... the guys at LINDOWS had a good idea.. except they were stupid enough to CALL it 'LINDOWS' ...  it all comes down to what people are going to buy..  MS will continue to live as long as people are buying, you wanna stop MS? .. stop BUYING their shit. any way you can, the less money you give MS, and the more you give the other guys, the quicker MS will die.
Bird of Fire

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Elite (7.5k+)
Posts: 8808

« Reply #5 on: 2003-07-26, 21:57 »

A lot of people have stopped buying Microsoft's stuff.  It's called piracy, which is what this is all about in the first place.  People need an OS and are tired of paying for something that isn't worth what's charged, so they're pirating it, same thing with MP3's.  Slipgate - Wink

Microsoft started out by BS'ing IBM, then by stealing other people's software.  Windows started because Steve Jobbs at Apple waltzed into Xerox and basically took a GUI that their engineers were designing but their management didn't have the brains to think was important.  That was a dumb move by Xerox, but Jobbs got away with it.  I think it was legal, but it was certainly unethical and the Xerox engineers who developed it were furious.  MS, on the other hand, flat out stole the GUI from Apple, which resulted in the abomination we all call Windows.  There is an old maxim that thieves are more fearful of other thieves than normal people are.  Microsoft is so anti-piracy that they force you to re-register software that you've paid for if you change a certain number of components in YOUR computer.  Basically you have to get THEIR permission to run what you've paid for ON what you've paid for if you decide to change something.  That is, unless you have a crack to disable that little "feature".  MS got it's start with piracy, which is why they're so afraid of it.  That to me ruins any semblence of legitimacy they might have.

Where I have beef with Microsoft is the fact that they DO force people to buy their products in the form of the "2 year mandatory upgrade" marketing strategy.  Ever see the bug list for Windows 2k or XP?  Their answer to fixing bugs and security flaws is to upgrade and pay them more money.  It doesn't matter if the flaws are the result of hasty coding and poor testing.  If this were an automobile that had this many flaws it would result in a recall because of safety mandates.  Imagine if your V6 crashed halfway through operation once a month.  Would you tolerate that?  Would anyone?  Since it is computer software it's not heavily regulated and bugs are much more acceptable than physical damage to a tangible object.  The computer user community has gotten too used to finding bugs acceptible, and if they demand a better product who can they turn to?  Microsoft produces what is for all intents and purposes a monopoly product that has known flaws when it goes out the door.  People report new ones every day and they repeatedly ignore it.  This has happened time and time again.  The only way people have gotten them to fix ANY security holes has been to go public with it first and plaster it all over the major electronic news sites.  Windows is a tolerable product, but how can anyone argue against the fact that it could be done a LOT better if they would concentrate more on making it work RIGHT and less on getting a new OS out the door every 2 years to force people to upgrade again?

if you don't think Microsoft deserves badmouthing then consider their position with SCO.  They themselves admitted to using illegal copies of SCO's Unix software and conveniently paid them in order to avoid litigation.  They call it compliance, but it's flat out bribery.  SCO's claims against Linux and IBM have not yet been shown to be accurately founded in fact in the courts, yet SCO is ALREADY demanding licensing payments from users.  Demanding money that isn't rightfully yours is extortion, and that's criminal, yet SCO is doing it.  Microsoft is backing SCO because they are more than happy to see Linux shut down as it is a real threat to their marketshare within the server industry.  They consider the entire open source movement a danger and will do everything they can to undermine it.  These are just the opening shots.  While most home users don't use Linux a hell of a lot of webservers do, and corporations are starting to shift more and more towards Linux every day.  Microsoft has been accused of anti-competetive practices in the past and this only confirms that accusation beyond any reasonable doubt in my mind.  "If we can't beat you fairly we'll help someone sue your ass off" is what they've got going in their minds right now.  They jumped right on board very eagerly when this SCO business started.  Nice that SCO didn't say crap until enough people were using Linux that they could get a lot of money out of it.

I'm just happy that Microsoft is at the other end of it now.  It probably won't amount to much in the end, same as the anti-trust stuff with the Federal Government, and Microsoft is almost certain to win in the apeals process or else just settle outright because they do have lots and lots of money and CAN settle.  I just find it pleasing that the anti-piracy pirate is finally getting sued for piracy themselves, and IF proven guilty then I really do hope they get nailed hard.  Sipgate - Evil

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
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