Actually I spoke with LeeMon just yesterday. He hadn't seen Arenas Episodes. First thing he thought when he saw it was "lawsuit", as in, Id not approving. However, he saw that this is Tritin doing the work, and he noted to me that if Tritin had seen his script first, which was giving backstories to the various characters like Doom and Sarge, etc, they would have used his script instead of doing Bastille. As far as Tritin walking a fine line legally with this, it's fully possible that Joe has gotten approval from Id in the same way we did for Gen Arena. They've been doing Quake films for some time and if Id had a problem with their work they probably would have heard about it by now. Arenas: Episodes does appear to be loosely based on this concept, focusing around Doomguy as the lead character. The whole concept of the various warriors, namely Sarge, Doom, Ranger, Grunt, and Visor being involved in a revolt against the Vadrigar is the Generations Arena storyline, so what Tritin is doing by using the major iconic characters is very Gen-ish, sans the involvement of the classic weapons, which is more important for gameplay than storytelling. Joe Goss is the only one that could say for sure if they're spinning this from Lee's script or not, but it certainly does look inspired, if not directly, then by the same sentiment we had when Generations was first conceptualized.
As for Gen, there's two stories that I remember. One is what is in the manual, explaining how the factions developed. The second was a kind of patchwork adventure that was being written by everyone on the site piece at a time. That long patchwork adventure I think was lost during a changeover from one message board system to another, or when Warden was transferring hosts at one point. We had some pretty severe software changes going on and unfortunately some stuff got lost. I'd have to dig through my files sometime and see if I have any kind of archive of that, but it may be gone for good.