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Author Topic: How To Play Ctf  (Read 10773 times)
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Elite (2k+)
Posts: 2358

« on: 2003-12-07, 06:09 »

Here's a few guidlines to playing Capture the Flag

CTF != DeathMatch: If we wanted to play DM, the gametype would be Free for All. If we wanted to play DM with red guys and blue guys, we would play TEAM DM. But this is capture the flag. The object of CTF is to Capture the flag.

In order to Capture that wonderful flag, the following conditions must be met.

Work as a team: This means having people on both offense and defense. Half of your team should be working together to capture the opponent's flag. The other half should be working on keeping the opponent from capturing your flag.

But wait, that's not all!

In a game of capture the flag, there's more to it than just splitting your team into two separate groups, known as offense and defense. Your offensive team must work together with your defensive team. Yes, work together.

Certain team members have a priority on certain items. Your offensive team should have a monopoly on all powerups. Your flag carrier should have a complete and total monopoly on health and armor. The corollary to this is that if you grab a powerup, you should go on the offense, and if you get low on health while you have the flag, you should have priority on health and armor. That means your escort should give you first dibs on everything.

In addition, in Generations Arena CTF, certain classes are best suited for certain roles.

Doom makes the best flag carrier because of his speed.

Slipgaters makes an awesome flag carrier escort, due to his 'get the hell away from me' rockets.

Earth Soldiers are awesome on defense. They have the best armor, and can dish out insane amounts of damage in a very short time. Their weapons are also suited to tricky shots to get those elusive enemy flag carriers. They're typically too slow to flag run.

Strogg Troopers make excellent snipers. A strogg trooper with a good rail will wing anyone on the way in or out..

Arena Gladiators are suited for  middle defense. They should weaken any enemy on the way in, and finish anyone who makes it out. Their weapons are good for wounding and finishing.

In short, if you don't understand the concept of working as a team, do not play CTF. Go play a free for all somewhere.

Beta Tester
Quad God
Posts: 571

« Reply #1 on: 2003-12-07, 06:31 »

What happens when the flag carrier returns with the flag...and is a basic sitting duck!
Wheres my guard!
Bird of Fire

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« Reply #2 on: 2003-12-07, 07:23 »

I was invisible, Lil.  I sniped you twice from point blank.  I ran RIGHT PAST con and missed him with the rifle once.  I popped you, returned our flag, grabbed yours and went off for the cap.

Con has some very good points about CTF strategy.  Let this one be a lesson too.  Earth SUCKS as a flag runner, but ANYONE who is invisible can get into someone's base and surprise even the best defense.  If your defense is lacking you're already screwed.  I should have never got back to my base if the Blue Team's midground was doing it's job since I was completely alone with no escort.  I might have been invis, but that giant blue glowing rag floating in space was screaming "SHOOT HERE".  When you hear that "INVISIBILITY" sound then your midground should drop what they're doing and get ready to stop that flag from running out of their base.

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...

Elite (2k+)
Posts: 2358

« Reply #3 on: 2003-12-07, 07:43 »

I wrote this up because I was so ticked off at my retarded teammates that I wasn't having any fun at all. I run into this a LOT in pickup CTF matches. If we're gonna make CTF a regular thing, then we need to get together and PLAY, with people who KNOW what theyr'e doing. We can set up a genCTF night for MMA or something. But  if tonight was any indication of what future forum game CTF matches are going to be like...count me out.
Bird of Fire

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« Reply #4 on: 2003-12-07, 07:52 »

 :o  Woah, easy there buddy.  Remember, we have a lot of new Gen players.  Not everyone is going to "get it" right away on CTF strategy.  It takes a long time to form a cohesive CTF team that works like a unit.  We've also not had too many CTF matches to date, and now that we've finally got enough players to throw teamplay into the mix I don't think shooting it down so quickly is a wise thing to do.  We don't want to discourage people from playing one of our game modes and drive them off, do we?

Perhaps we should look into getting a dedicated CTF server hooked up once we get some new CTF maps together.

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...

Elite (2k+)
Posts: 2358

« Reply #5 on: 2003-12-07, 08:57 »

A dedicated CTF server would be nice. But I wouldn't mind getting MMA into a CTF mindset again. They started as a QuakeWorld CTF clan back in the first days of QW. With the upcoming genCTF mappack, we could easily have fun on all the old-school maps.

Beta Tester
Spider Mastermind
Posts: 481

« Reply #6 on: 2003-12-07, 09:17 »

Personally, I _really_ enjoy CTF and team DM. It's different, and uh, DIFFERENT. Sometimes I just get sick of ol' FFA and want to actually think and not run around aimlessly at time. (not saying that's the way it goes, but you get what I mean) The only thing that bugs me is when ppl aren't willing to TRY it. They sit there and repeatedly say, "back to FFA please" Or, "this sucks, switch back" Get over it. Try sth new. Live a little. Variety is the spice of life !

Pho does have a point. A lot of the ppl that were on tonight were new to gen. I've only played gen CTF one other time and that was last week. Yeah, I did fine and knew what was going on, but I've also played other CTF games in the past. Some ppl don't. It's kind of like how I hardly play any DM games, b/c, well, I suck. =P

I would love to see a CTF server. I'd love to join in on that action. Slipgate - Laugh I personally love CTF for the team aspect. Yes, some of the team members like to be dicks and don't always follow the objectives. However, the point of a game is to have fun. It's just the forum games where ppl get together to play once a week. Completely informal. We also did just kind of decide on a spur of the moment to switch to CTF, so a lot of ppl weren't prepared for it. Maybe from now on we can say, hey, possible CTF at such and such time. Or maybe call a vote. It's nice to see the forum games up to this many ppl. I'm a big fan of doing what the majority of ppl want to do, but why not change it up a bit every once in awhile ? I say not to throw it out just yet b/c a couple ppl got mad at their teammates. Afterall, this was only the 2nd time CTF has happened during the forum games. *shrug* Don't give up on it yet.

Oh, and one more thing, I pwn as flag carrier. Slipgate - Laugh =P FEAR ! haha ... that reminds me of pho tonight ... "I rented you" *dies laughing*
« Last Edit: 2003-12-07, 09:20 by l4mby » Logged
games keeper

Posts: 1375

« Reply #7 on: 2003-12-07, 20:49 »

con , next time I join ya team , well show them some flagcapturing .

(first need to redownload gen and mappack 3 Slipgate - Sad )
« Last Edit: 2003-12-07, 20:49 by games keeper » Logged
Posts: 673

« Reply #8 on: 2003-12-07, 21:22 »

Hmm, guess I had to leave too soon.  CTF would have been fun with that many people.  
If you make a set time for a CTF round, I'll join.
I'm probably one of those retards that makes Con sick, but I've managed to cap a few here and there.

Beta Tester
Icon of Sin
Posts: 917

« Reply #9 on: 2003-12-08, 05:23 »

Hmm... I think the Threewave boards have a similar thread that would be worthwhile to check out if you're into CTF.  You can't apply all of it to Gen, but it is good advice none-the-less.  Anyhow, to address the topic...

I must admit that FFA and 1v1 is more of my forte than TDM or CTF so I do apologize for my lack of coordination with my teammates.  My biggest problem with team-orientated games is that there is never enough communication.  (Granted it is a FPS, but in something like CTF you need to be communicating and constantly keep your teammates aware of what you're doing or trying to do.)  I try to keep my teammates up to date on what I'm doing, but I don't always and I'm at fault for that.  I treat my teammates the same way.  I don't play with them often enough to know what they're going to do.  Hell I don't even play with other people in general.  I'm more of a VS the AI kind of guy. Slipgate - Tongue

Getting that out of the way, I'd like to tell you all how I tend to play  so that you have a better idea.

Whenever I play in team-orientated games, I try to fill in gaps where I see our team is weak in.  I'm especially prone to defending.  For instance, let's say I'm running and someone else is.  We both hit midfield, and encounter an enemy along with another teammate who's playing midfielder.  The midfielder confronts the enemy, but in doing so leaves the midfield position and enters the enemy base. (He's chasing down the enemy.)  The runner is trailing along behind the midfielder to provide backup support and for better chances of survival.  Now in this situation I would assume that the midfielder has now gone on offense and is assisting the runner.  Since my team would have absolutely no defense other than the flag guard, I'd take on that role.  Since I was a runner though, I didn't really stop to get much, so I'll patrol the area and stock up on some stuff.  Now as far as power-ups go, I know that they should be reserved for the runners.  However, if there are no runners, then that could mean that the enemy could potentionally get the power-up instead or worse still, the enemy runner could take the power-up.  So that's why I might take it.  I'm not trying to screw over my team members, I'm just trying to stay alive so that I can defend my team's flag or assist the runner when he/she comes flying in hot.   Sometimes I'll also run in after my teammates if I don't see any enemies coming out.  That to me signals that they're all trying to kill the flag runner.  That's why communication is such a big deal to me.  Otherwise I just go on my own intuition.

I'd just like to add one more thing too.  It overlaps a lot of what Pho has said too.  The forum games are a great way for new players to get interested in Gen.  By being highly organized and competitive though, you're going to drive people away that just want to mess around and find out things on their own.  Granted they could play offline, but what if they just want to hang out with other people who enjoy the mod as well?  Everyone starts out a newbie and some just wish to play for fun and not compete.  Games were invented to be fun, and competition doesn't always equal fun.
« Last Edit: 2003-12-08, 05:28 by Kain-Xavier » Logged

Bird of Fire

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Elite (7.5k+)
Posts: 8806

« Reply #10 on: 2003-12-08, 08:40 »

Actually that's good team work kain.  A lot of people just run and gun and grab everything.  I ran into situations where I was defending, had just respawned and I had people on my team grab every weapon, ammo box, and suit of armor before I could.  It's hard to defend if you're unarmed and unarmored.  I think communication is good, but it's no so much communication as situational awareness that matters.  If you hear "The Enemy has your flag" twice within a minute that's usually a good clue that Defense needs help.  A lot of it too is when to NOT do something, or when to apply non-deathmatch tactics.  For example, if you're a defender (like I was) and you see the flag carrier coming into the flag room you should expect the other team to be riding his tail like a heatseaker chasing a Saturn 5.  Your job then shifts from camping YOUR flag to keeping any trailing retrievers from killing him and getting their flag back.  Since you're probably the best armed and armored person around providing cover fire can be the difference between a cap and a "holy shit", followed by a flag return.  Even if you don't see someone behind him spam a few rockets or grenades just to be safe or just plain get behind him.  He's probably got 5 health left.  You can take the hit, your flag runner can't.

CTF is fast-paced, but you have to remember to share with your team.  A 5 person CTF team with 1 defender, 2 midground (with 1 playing fallback assist for D if needed), 1 flag runner, and 1 flag escort is much more valuable than a team with 1 person TRYING to defend a flag and 4 people running off on glory charges.  Sure, capping is fun, but blowing the !@!@# out of the offense before they can get into your base is too.  Your Defense guy should be bored out of his mind except for the occasional high of an incoming capture.  That's the sign of a good CTF team. Slipgate - Wink
« Last Edit: 2003-12-08, 08:41 by Phoenix » Logged

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...

Elite (2k+)
Posts: 2358

« Reply #11 on: 2003-12-08, 08:42 »

amen to that pho! Good analysis Slipgate - Wink

Beta Tester
Spider Mastermind
Posts: 481

« Reply #12 on: 2003-12-09, 22:35 »

Agreed ! This makes me wanna play CTF some more. le sigh. I have to work til 10 on Saturday so I may miss out on the Gen fun. =/
Rabid Doomer

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Posts: 1011

« Reply #13 on: 2003-12-10, 00:58 »

Slipgate - Tongue Angst == Doom == FlagRunner

With that said, since I'm all offense, I need someone on defense and some backup/distractions. There's only so much I can do when there are 3 strogg sitting on a flag and the rest of the team, excluding my single defender, running off on what pho appropriately labeled "glory charges."  While throwing flag-runner after flag-runner at the flag might eventually prove victorious, it works much better if there are people who can cover the carrier.

Admittedly, this works better if they can keep up, but that's my bad :b

Setting up a CTF training server sounds like an awesome idea.

And speaking of mappacks, any idea on that? Or should I just start mapping now and hope I hit the deadline? Slipgate - Tongue

"Who says a chainsaw isn't a ranged weapon?"
Thomas Mink

Beta Tester
Icon of Sin
Posts: 920


« Reply #14 on: 2003-12-10, 01:12 »

I LOVE CTF, and would happy to play Gen CTF with you guys. Just let me know sometime beforehand if CTF is going to be played... that'll give me more incentive to join a forum game.

I've played qwtf and q3f for years, so I know CTF pretty well.. though I'm QUITE sure it'll stick take a bit to get used to, at least I'll know my chosen role.

My skills are mediocre at best, I know, but they seem to shine a bit more in the CTF universe... since I always try to fight defensively. Playing defense for about 6 years in TF/Q3F does that, I guess.

"Everybody's got a price" - 'The Million Dollar Man' Ted DiBiase

Elite (2k+)
Posts: 2358

« Reply #15 on: 2003-12-10, 01:29 »

We played CTF for a few maps last week and the week before. It wasn't planned, we just voted it and it passed. It might happen this week...it might not.
« Reply #16 on: 2003-12-10, 06:49 »

Yeah, I too hate it when people play FFA deathmatch on a CTF server...is why I hate playing UT CTF so much  :angry:

Don't forget it's more than just basic CTF with GenArena.  This is a class-based mod which means that each generation can only do one thing well and need help with everything else.  Anyone who's played Team Fortress realize that, but not those who hadn't.

Would something like a guide to get the most out of each class in a CTF game, and what role a player of that class, help out the first time players?

Elite (2k+)
Posts: 2358

« Reply #17 on: 2003-12-10, 07:00 »

Quote from: MrMaddog
Would something like a guide to get the most out of each class in a CTF game, and what role a player of that class, help out the first time players?
That's an awesome idea. I might just do that!
Bird of Fire

Team Member
Elite (7.5k+)
Posts: 8806

« Reply #18 on: 2003-12-10, 07:28 »

Hmm... we COULD put together an overall strategy guide at some point.  That does sound nifty.

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...

Elite (2k+)
Posts: 2358

« Reply #19 on: 2003-12-10, 09:32 »

I'm going to close this topic now. I've started a CTF Strategy Compendium at the following address.

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