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Author Topic: Forbidden loves (In the animal kingdom)  (Read 9834 times)
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Bird of Fire

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« on: 2004-02-08, 06:32 »


Something we animals can look at and say "well, duh!"  However, for all the homophobes among the humans out there this might be quite a shock.

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...

Beta Tester
Spider Mastermind
Posts: 481

« Reply #1 on: 2004-02-08, 06:54 »

I've seen and heard many cases such as these. Honestly, I'm not surprised. Some ppl just will never get it. I don't understand why we're afraid of what's different to begin w/. But not that this is all that 'different' in the 1st place. These are many good examples in the animal world of such instances rather than just 'weird' human beings. Some ppl need to buy themselves a clue.

Beta Tester
Quad God
Posts: 571

« Reply #2 on: 2004-02-08, 09:45 »

Some people will never change their views, no matter what facts are presented to them, and that, unfortunatly is a sad thing to have happen.

Beta Tester
Spider Mastermind
Posts: 481

« Reply #3 on: 2004-02-08, 10:13 »

Yeah, when I said ppl should buy a clue, I forgot to add the fact that most are stingy w/ their money. =P

I showed this article to one of my gay friends. He liked it a lot. He was happy to see sth like this. I think what most ppl have a problem w/, which was brought up in the channel, is the ability that you're born w/ it. You're born heterosexual, skinny, fat, disabled, etc, why not homosexual ? *shrugs*

Beta Tester
Icon of Sin
Posts: 917

« Reply #4 on: 2004-02-08, 10:42 »

Very interesting article Phoenix.  Thumbs up!

To add some anecdotal information from my personal life...
My dog is bisexual and damn proud of it.  Male, female, dog, human, animate, inanimate, to him it doesn't matter.  Hell, he doesn't even let the whole "neutered" thing get to him.  In fact, he's never let the "neutered" thing get to him.  He's been randy since he was a pup, and he's still randy after 15 years though considerably less.


Posts: 25

« Reply #5 on: 2004-02-08, 19:08 »

Hmm...  What to say on this one...?  All the good points have already been taken...

I guess I'll just have to agree with what's been said so far and leave it at that.
Icon of Sin
Posts: 999

« Reply #6 on: 2004-02-08, 19:37 »

It might be that we are all born bi-sexual, and develop a personal preferance along the way, a bit like being right handed. babies tend to go though stages of favoring one hand for a while, then the other, and then most settle on using one for the rest of thier lives. (I reserched this for my degree, as part of dyslexia) I think (but have not resesarched it and have no evadance) that sexuality may be like that.

Beta Tester
Icon of Sin
Posts: 917

« Reply #7 on: 2004-02-08, 22:20 »

Quote from: shambler
It might be that we are all born bi-sexual, and develop a personal preferance along the way, a bit like being right handed. babies tend to go though stages of favoring one hand for a while, then the other, and then most settle on using one for the rest of thier lives...
Another good point...  Thumbs up!

Posts: 231

« Reply #8 on: 2004-02-09, 01:35 »

what about us freaks that are ambidextrous?  hehe.. but im not bi..

Beta Tester
Spider Mastermind
Posts: 481

« Reply #9 on: 2004-02-09, 04:27 »

That is a possibility yes. But I don't think that we'll ever fully understand certain such said topics if a lot of ppl can't accept other things 1st. Sexuality is sexuality. Why does it have to be anything more than that ? Why can't ppl just be happy for others and mind their own business if they like the way they do things. I don't see how homosexuality hurts other ppl, but some tend to think it does.

But then again, times change. It used to be thought that you were possessed by demons if you wrote left handed. And this wasn't that long ago. We're talking just before WWII here. I found out that my grandmother, who was born and raised in France, was indeed left handed. She was forced to use her right hand for everything or she got punished. It was an act of devilry. Now look where we are on that subject. At least I won't get slapped for using a left handed mouse once in awhile b/c it's 'out of the norm,' hehe. (I myself am also ambedextrous. Only thing I do completely and solely left handed is write.)

Hopefully things such as this article will shed some more light on the subject. Too long have ppl seen only one side of the story, criticizing it, while refusing to even look at the other side if even through nothing more than a hole in the wall. I guess it's just human nature to fear the unknown and be so quick to disown it.

Icon of Sin
Posts: 999

« Reply #10 on: 2004-02-09, 14:36 »

Quote from: Hedhunta
what about us freaks that are ambidextrous?  hehe.. but im not bi..
out of a hundred people about 90 are right handed , like my girlfriend. about 9 are left handed, and one is ambedextous. (I am ambi and also am not Bi as far as i know).  These numbers are aproximate and most people tend to be somewhere along a sliding scale from very left handed to very right handed. If you are dyslexic you are more likely to be a lefty or an ambi than a right hander, as your consciousness is based in the side of the brain that controls that half. I just put this up in case anyone is interested.....
Posts: 231

« Reply #11 on: 2004-02-09, 21:33 »

lmao i was kidding.. but interesting nonetheless.. im ambidextrous by force since i broke my arm, and was in a cast for 6 weeks.. then had to have surgery several months after that..

Beta Tester
Spider Mastermind
Posts: 481

« Reply #12 on: 2004-02-09, 22:20 »

Hrmm ... so that's why I'm lysdexic sometimes. Err ... I mean, dyslexic.  :lol: It's much more funny when I do it in speech, like the day I said pastronomy asfessor instead of astronomy professor.  :lol:

That is interesting tho. Thanks fer the tidbit. So I'm 1 out of 100 eh ? ROCK ON ! =P Interestingly enough, aren't ppl usually one half brain side dominant ? As in, some ppl are left brain dominant, and some ppl are right brain dominant ? I remember learning about this in school once, but can't remember the details. I think when we took a test or sth for it, I was the only one in the class who shared traits of both equally. Perhaps you know about this ?
Icon of Sin
Posts: 999

« Reply #13 on: 2004-02-09, 23:18 »

I spend too much time at school..

If you are right handed (my girlfriend is so right handed it is almost unbelieveable) your dominant brain half is the left, and vice a versa. The right hand half of brain contains Weirners area, which is very good at 3 dimentional, spaceial things, and counting and visual things, (like FPS?) My GF is not able to do any of these things very well at all, but is an amazing musician, which i think must be based in the left hemishere.
It is my thoery that most of the human race was at one time dyslexic, long before language was invented, and is slowly turning becoming non-dyslexic, but to the way we live and work. After all the man who could make the best bow and arrow and shoot it the strightest would have the best chance of servival in the dawn of man.

Beta Tester
Spider Mastermind
Posts: 481

« Reply #14 on: 2004-02-10, 07:10 »

Yeah. That's it. I know that ppl who are right-brain dominant tend to be creative and whatnot. I need to research some more on this. I forgot it all. Thanks. Slipgate - Laugh
games keeper

Posts: 1375

« Reply #15 on: 2004-02-11, 11:56 »

Im left handed , so I use my right half of the  brain ( wich is in a coma together with my left  half of the brain  :unsure:
Icon of Sin
Posts: 999

« Reply #16 on: 2004-02-11, 16:14 »

I try to use the left or right half of anybody elses if i can rather than boot mine up.
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