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Author Topic: Q2DM8 - Warehouse  (Read 26014 times)
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« on: 2004-03-07, 08:48 »

K guys, we have here a remake of q2dm8 ready for your viewing pleasure.  Please take a look at the map and tell me what you think and give any suggestions you might have.    I've had a few people tell me about lighting... some say it's too bright and some too dark.   If I can get a general idea of what most people say about lighting I'll kinda know what to do about it.

Note: the bsp in the pk3 does not have the _b03 at the end of it.  Also, bots do work.


John "Llurk" Zagorski
Team Reaction
Posts: 398

« Reply #1 on: 2004-03-07, 09:38 »

Team Reaction? as In Reaction Quake3??

Making a scrolling conveyer belt, also, attach a func_hurt to the boxes so that you can't get stuck on the boxes
« Last Edit: 2004-03-07, 09:55 by Devlar » Logged

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Posts: 353

« Reply #2 on: 2004-03-07, 12:21 »

Team RxN as in, Qpong, Gloom.. etc..

On the map:
If anything, it's too bright in some spots... but overall, i think it's fine Slipgate - Smile In playtesting, with myself and bots, I found that doom owns this map, but ya gotta be careful running around, those little 'lips' around all the platforms, will send you into the air a little bit, making you unable to turn until you land Slipgate - Smile i ran off a few platforms a few times before i got it down Slipgate - Smile
« Last Edit: 2004-03-07, 12:41 by Dicion » Logged

Posts: 192

« Reply #3 on: 2004-03-07, 13:36 »

Adding a func_hurt to the crates means you wont be able to get up to the BFG, if they are set to instagib on touch.

Whats quite annoying is if you get stuck between a crate and the vertical 'climb'.Either have to RJ out or /kill
A func_hurt with a small damage variable might do the trick. But dont make it too much that you have to tank like mad just to get the BFG.
This is gonna need some playtesting Slipgate - Smile

Apart from that, everything looks awesome Slipgate - Smile
Pixel Procrastinator

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« Reply #4 on: 2004-03-07, 14:12 »

Ofcourse, it would be awesome if the crates could just crush you, like they did in Quake 2 :]

Tabun ?Morituri Nolumus Mori?

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Posts: 353

« Reply #5 on: 2004-03-07, 14:19 »

add an invisable func_hurt around the sides of the crate, but not the top Slipgate - Smile
Simple as that Slipgate - Smile
Posts: 9

« Reply #6 on: 2004-03-07, 18:02 »

Well, what some of you fail to realize (I guess) is that you can't attach other entities to entities.

ie, you can't have a func_door on a func_train.   It just doesn't work that way.  However, some newer engines are allowing this.  Doom3 w/ the scripting and HL2 w/ entity hierarchy.

Anyway, yeah... I can't make it hurt.

Lighting, however, I can definitely change... I made it as bright as it is now because people said (when looking at sshots) that it was way too dark.  We'll see.

oh yeah... and Team Reaction

John "Llurk" Zagorski
Team Reaction
Posts: 398

« Reply #7 on: 2004-03-07, 19:42 »

My bad I wrote func_hurt, I meant to write trigger_hurt that you can attach to a func_train by means of grouping, at least I think although i may be wrong Slipgate - Grin

EDIT: I checked, its not possible at least with func_trains, so could you guys alter the code to make func_trains hurt?
« Last Edit: 2004-03-07, 19:44 by Devlar » Logged
Posts: 1110

« Reply #8 on: 2004-03-07, 19:56 »

As I said before in irc, the structure of the map is perfect - a true homage to Quake 2! However, omitting the yellowish lighting takes away from the classical feeling of the map. Even the visual effect when you go on top of the map is right on, minus the HOM effect Slipgate - Smile

As far as balance goes, here are my predictions on a scale of 1-5 (5 meaning the class has all of its strengths available and the construct of the map is favorable, and 1 meaning the opposite - lack of good items and a struggle with the map layout)

Earth - 5
Doom - 3
Slipgate - 5
Strogg - 4
Arena - 4

I gave Earth a 5 due to the fact taht armor shards are EVERYWHERE! He had no problems getting up to speed in terms of armor. Also there's bullets everywhere, so he'll always be packing heat.

Slipgate gets a 5 simple because of all the grenade ammo in the level. Once he gets his hands on a RL, odds are he'll never run out of ammo. He'll be well off.

I gave Strogg and Arena a 4 simply because of all the tight corners in the level, which can hinder their movement going from one room to another  as well as when they dogfight. There'll be a learning curve to the level, but once they get over that they should fare as well as slippy and earth.

I give Doom a 3 because there is nothing in the level to push him past 100 health - no +5 health pickups or a megahealth. The armor shards don't do much for him. Doom is almost garunteed to lose the map since the megahealth is to him like red armor is for the rest of the classes. Without it, he'll always go down in one or two good shots.

With a little polishing, your map is done! It'd be cool to see an easter egg or two of [RxN] or something in the BFG area or on the roof. I like the trim with the blue light - it adds a nice touch to the map.

Of course, this is all in my opinion, so here's your pinch of salt Slipgate - Smile

Edit: I wouldn't mind if the boxes crushed outright, like in Q2.
« Last Edit: 2004-03-07, 19:57 by Tekhead » Logged
Mean ol Swede
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Posts: 1294

« Reply #9 on: 2004-03-07, 20:48 »

Well why don't you just place a trigger_hurt at those areas you get stucked? then you don't need damaging boxes. however me too wants to be able to set the dmg key on trains, func_rotatating.

Anyways im downloading this map rite now..i never liked the warehouse in q2 but i must say this map looks quite good! well done lurk! aight off to do that testing part.. Slipgate - Smile
Mean ol Swede
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Posts: 1294

« Reply #10 on: 2004-03-07, 21:16 »

Ok well i got some suggestions for you

1. those "flashing" lights you're using looks weird, they are not blending correctly could be because youre using ambient lights.I whould remove that "flashing" effect on those lights.

2. i found an area that is not visible to the play but it is fully textured.. add caulk on those areas cuz it is kinda pointless to let the engine draw areas that u can't see and it also affects your compile times.

3. Maybe youre reapeting the textures too often..maybe add some more?

Screenshots: http://reboot.wireheadstudios.net/llurk/llurk.htm

And a reminder: don't forget those clip brushes... Slipgate - Smile

Anyways this is a good map and im sure it will kick ass once it's finished! great work llurk!
« Last Edit: 2004-03-07, 21:18 by ReBoOt » Logged
Posts: 1110

« Reply #11 on: 2004-03-07, 21:23 »

Oh! One more thing: Could you rotate the respawning of the red armor with an adrenaline pickup? If I remember right, the RA and the power armor in Q2 alternated in their respawn times. If Strogg were to get power armor in Gen, it'd probably be in place of his adrenaline shot, which would in effect make the map more like the classic  B)

Elite (2k+)
Posts: 2358

« Reply #12 on: 2004-03-07, 21:46 »

It was always a red armor as far as I remember...
Pixel Procrastinator

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« Reply #13 on: 2004-03-07, 21:55 »

Well, you remember incorrectly :]
It was an alternating RA / PShield.

Tabun ?Morituri Nolumus Mori?

Elite (2k+)
Posts: 2358

« Reply #14 on: 2004-03-07, 21:57 »

We don't have a powershield, nor do we have adrenaline (although the berserk/medkit is more or less the same thing).

I'd say just leave it as a RA.

Team Member
Posts: 353

« Reply #15 on: 2004-03-07, 22:13 »

Tek: i disagree with your 3 for Doom... This map has alot of small, tight, areas where earth & slippy would do lots of damage to themselves with the explosives... Doom however can get a DBS on here all over the place, and simple owns the small tight areas... I'd give doom a 4, and slipgate and earth a 4.5 each
Pixel Procrastinator

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Posts: 3330

« Reply #16 on: 2004-03-07, 22:44 »

I guess we'll just have to see how it turns out in the forum games, then! :]

Tabun ?Morituri Nolumus Mori?

Posts: 1095

Yup, that's me

« Reply #17 on: 2004-03-08, 00:00 »

Looks and plays great, but I spotted a few visual errors. Can't wait for the finished product!

PSN ID: scalliano

The Arena knows no gender, colour or creed, only skill.
Posts: 9

« Reply #18 on: 2004-03-08, 00:10 »

Ok, here's an updated beta pk3...

This one has no ambient light values.  In general, the only thing changed was the lighting.

Again, bots work... and _b04 is not part of the actual .bsp name.


Have at it!   Oh yeah... and tell me if you like the ledge/light things around the hole looking to the lowest sections w/ the conveyor... I'll probably be changing them all to look like that.

Bird of Fire

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« Reply #19 on: 2004-03-08, 07:46 »

In Quake 2 it was a random teamchain of Red Armor, Power Shield, and Mega Health.  I've played Q2DM8 enough times to know this 100%.

I'll check out the beta soon to take a look at it.  Tek could be right about the Doomers having a tough time of it.  Any class with a long range gun is going to do good.  Still, there's every weapon in existance on that map, and a lot of corners where a Doomer can pin someone with plasma saturation, long halls you can't escape or dodge said plasma, and let's not forget the hand cannon.  The plasma/hyper spawn is shunned a lot in Q2 since most people suck with the gun, but Doomers will end up flocking to it and plowing into crowds with the thing.  There's no shortage of cells on Q2DM8 either, and up close "surprise" encounters with freshly respawned players usually mean a quick frag for a shotgun-toting Doomer.  We'll just have to play it out and see.  Gen games are full of surprises.  Slipgate - Smile

I'll be looking into movers in Quake 3 and getting them behaving like Q2, so crushing boxes/rotators will make it in.  I want that to happen for the .99e release since the map SDK is going out along with it.  Just... bear with me and be patient on those movers, for the reasons mentioned in my .plan post.  I'm lucky I got a bit of a reprieve tonight to do some surfing.

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
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