Let's face reality here as well. Illegal drugs are a commodity, and selling them is a business. Devlar, if you're so anti-capitalism then you should be denigrating the drug trade for its methods instead of protecting the addicts' private property "rights".
I've said quite repeatedly I'm not anti-capitalism, I'm a liberitarian first and foremost, redistribution I agree with but I think it has to be given freely. I'm pro-capitalism, I just think capitalism doesn't exist anymore since corporations have become the dominant force in society. Competition is dead, therefore capitalism is dead also.
I see the dealers driving around in their pimpmobiles, wearing their gold, and living it up while their "customers" are going nuts looking for the next hit, and how to pay for it. That's not even capitalism, that's extortion. You addict someone at an early age so they HAVE to buy what you have, then like a parasite you suck them dry and throw them away once they're of no use to you.
Here's where we agree, these leaches have to be dealt with, BUT, the system set up to fight the "war on drugs" is exactly what is creating these leaches in the first place. If capitalism worked in this regard, drugs would be found at every local shop and not dealt out by criminals who fund their criminal activities with them. Even better you could tax the drugs being sold in the shops and fund rehabilitation programs rather than funding criminal elements. Through prohibition we are only forcing money into the hands of criminals (or Kenedys) and not dealing with the problem. Legalization and full nationwide distribution is the only way you are ever going to be able to solve the problem. I hate to admit it but desensitization works