Eh, a few problems with this:rate 25000 This is a LAN rate. Over the net, unless you're on a good cable connect you're going to lag to hell and back. Even if you are, it's just wasting packets. I recommend the following rates from experience I've had, depending on your connection:
Good cable modem ( 2 MBit down, 45KB up or better) rate 10000
Good DSL or mediocre cable connection rate 8000
Poor DSL or poor cable connection (or bad route to server) rate 5000
56K Modem with a VERY stable and clean connect: rate 5000
56K modem with an average connection: rate 3500
26.6 connect or worse: Stick to playing bots!
The rate command controls how fast your computer sends data up to the server. A higher rate is often useless if the server sets sv_maxrate to a lower value. Modem users should never try to set a very high rate because they'll lag themselves. Cable users should not set a very high rate because a server with a lot of players or more limited bandwidth can lag from its connection being used up by the offending player with the high rate value.
COM_MAXFPS affects network transmission since the client sends commands every client frame. Higher COM_MAXFPS values are good for a cleaner visual flow, but again, modem users need to take network bandwidth into account. I recommend the following for modem players:
com_maxfps 60
If you have a cleaner connect and want to take advantage of physics tweaks in Q3, use 76. If you're on cable, you can pretty much set this to anything you want, but 125 is really the upper limit of usefulness. Anything higher is wasting packets and there's no physics benevit. Also, be aware that if you run with VSync enabled you monitor's refresh rate will limit your framerate. If your monitor only goes up to 75Hz at the resolution of your choice, then setting com_maxfps over 75 while vsync is enabled will have absolutely no effect. snaps 40 Punkbuster-enabled servers often kick for settings above 20. Be careful with that. This setting tends to be somewhat mod dependant, as mods like CPMA use a different server framerate. There seems to be a lot of confusion as to what the snaps variable does, so here's what Carmack has to say about it:You can ask for a different number of snapshots by changing the "snaps" variable, but there isn't a lot of benefit to that. Dedicated servers run at 40hz, so stick to divisors of that: 40, 20 (default), 10. A snaps of 40 will usually just cause you to hit your rate limit a lot faster. It may be usefull for tuning rate, if nothing else. Snaps refers to snapshots. A snapshot is a dump of every entity's position, velocity, etc, on the server. That's players, items, and missiles. Q3 has changed since the .plan this was taken from was written. By default, Q3 only sends 20 snapshots every second, which is why snaps 20 is default on the client. Server-side game framerate is controlled by sv_fps. The snaps setting on the client really should match whatever sv_fps is set to on the server. Unfortunately, there's no way for the client to tell what sv_fps is. Setting snaps higher than whatever sv_fps is set to will have no benefit. Generations Arena does not deviate from sv_fps 20 unless a server admin overrides the setting. Setting sv_fps higher than 20 on anything but a LAN is going to increase lag and ping times for ALL players, so this is not recommended by the bird.cl_timenudge [value] From what I can tell, cl_timenudge has been broken in Q3 since 3.17. I do not know if this value does anything anymore or not.
I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
Pixel Procrastinator
Team Member
Elite (3k+)
Posts: 3330
timenudge works.
And yes, the disclaimer kind of warns old-school connection users (say: modem or other) against the use of these settings. I agree there's plenty of cable modem users out there, and 10k may be better for that indeed. 25000 is kind of low for a lan rate, imo. I use 40000 on the dutch server I frequent, and this is nice and smooth. The central server's limit of 15000 seems a little low to me.
Let me make a statement about that guide, to prevent misconception: Use only for dutch server standards :]
| Tabun |
?Morituri Nolumus Mori? |
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I pretty much use Tab's settings for RA3, except I lag a bit if my rate is above 20000.
Pixel Procrastinator
Team Member
Elite (3k+)
Posts: 3330
Well, I've slowed down a bit, and time is definately creeping on. The empty voidy blackness of the mouth will be sporting some sort of glow-shader in-game, no worries. Can't be fussing about details at the moment, alas. No fixes to this will be made, apart from the aforementioned shader(s). Yes, it is the likeness of a de-horned cacodeamon. Yes, it doesn't look _exactly_ like one and no, there isn't any good reason for cutting the horns (other than making it fit in the globe). Make up a nice story yourself, or, if you lack imagination, just think of it as a typical Vadrigar way of taming things. That leaves only the Haste sphere to do. If you've been paying attention, you'll know that Phoenix promises this to be a special one ;]
| Tabun |
?Morituri Nolumus Mori? |
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That looks awesome! Nice work!
No bitching here!
Posts: 1110
Abseloutely astounding!
awesome always =x
Heh heh, that flight orb looks a lot like the sketch I did. Great minds think alike...or something. Great work as usual Tab.
Posts: 1133
Still Going In Circles
Exellent job Tab. Keep it up.
« Last Edit: 2004-07-29, 02:54 by Hollowpoint »
I don't know if this has been brought up before but will the guns have animations like The shotguns being pumped and the Double barrel Shotgun from Doom being opened up and shells inserted?
Yes, but not until 1.0 weapon animations will not be in .99E.
Posts: 38
That Cacodemon is very cool, Tab...very accurate to the original, and seems like it'd actually be the flight powerup in Doom, if it had one. Can't wait for the Haste. Man, I don't post much anymore...only really when I see new content. So busy with work, and my friends and I have started a band so that takes a lot of time. Also, I can't play forum games since I'm at my grandparents' place for the summer, and they're computer nazis However, my family's getting me a brand new computer for when I go away to University in the fall, so I'll definitely be able to play the forum games (if I'm not playing Doom 3...ACK!!! Glee!) Keep it up, guys!
Awesome! It'll be good to have another familiar pile o' gib... er, another familiar player around on the servers!
I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
Yes, but not until 1.0 weapon animations will not be in .99E. Well dang that sucks cuz by then I'll be to busy playin Doom 3 witch will be at my house in a couple days
« Last Edit: 2004-08-01, 21:58 by Gorre(DGHQ) »
Posts: 1095
Yup, that's me
Tab: excellent! NO complaints from this corner! Anyway the Vadrigar are bastards.
PSN ID: scalliano
The Arena knows no gender, colour or creed, only skill.
you sure have been busy
since i now have a new comp maybe i should start playing gen again
i dont know why ive been absent for such a long time really.....
your stuff looks good tab like always, im surprised you havent got a job at id. =)
games keeper
Posts: 1375
pepe , youre back !!!!
/me gives pepe a beer .