Last night's CTF game went over well and not-so-well, however the not-so-wells were just superficial.
First off, the choosing of the teams on IRC proved to be a success. The teams were relatively balanced, leading to quite a few stalemates, but the red team comprised of Tekhead, Punisher, l4mby and death_stalker proved to be the winners in the end. Blue contained CptWinky, mecha, Kain-Xavier and Ryuenjin. I felt the teams were somewhat unbalanced in the way that Ryu was lagging pretty bad and that Punisher was wasted on red because I've known him for many years to be a flag carrier, not a defender. That's just my 2 cents however, take it or leave it.
The lack of techs became readilly apparent almost immediately. There was no way that either side could try and regain control on a couple of maps because we just didn't have the powerups available. Whine about a team controlling every tech all you want -- tonight could've been way more exciting with the addition of the techs. However, the team balance in itself provided for a lot of excitement. The games were basically like see-saws going back and forth.
Lack of advertising, which is my own fault, is the reason behind why there were no whiteshirts on the server. I would've made the posts earlier today but some college career choices were more important at the time, sorry. I should be getting a PlanetQuake e-mail account soon, so I'll be pimping on PQ and eventually ShackNews while CptWinky will stick to Something Awful. I'm hoping the lack of advertising was responsible and not our own fault for shunning players away.
I assure you the operation will tighten up more as I gain a little bit more experience here. IMO, I say we stick with the same basic teams, but trade up Punisher and Ryuenjin because Blue team basically had 3 defenders and 1 attacker the entire time while Red had 1 defender and 3 attackers since l4mby wanted to go for the flag constantly and Punisher wanted to break free and do a little more attacking outside the base. It was already stated up front that Kain and I would be defending. I really wish Lilazzkicker and Xypher would've jumped in, but I guess that was inevitable.
Any other ideas...? I hope we can boost attendance up next Wednesday, since it's looking like Monday's gonna be a DM night.