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Author Topic: What Maps do you want to see in Gen?  (Read 68913 times)
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Posts: 192

« Reply #20 on: 2003-03-04, 22:47 »

Is anybody in favor of The Ogre Citadel? Or the Lost Station secret level from Quake2? How about The Nuclear Plant from Doom episode1 map2? Let's take a vote.

Posts: 388

Wildly Inappropriate

« Reply #21 on: 2003-03-05, 00:46 »

Heh. Deth's Domain is the name of my website....... Thumbs up!

Beer? I'm down.
the dark killer
« Reply #22 on: 2003-03-06, 06:04 »

hey what map is that in the screenshots in the powerups section
Posts: 607

« Reply #23 on: 2003-03-06, 06:20 »

It's their secret test map *dramatic reverb* Slipgate - Wink
Lunatic Guy
« Reply #24 on: 2003-03-06, 10:29 »

Most important of all, put in secrect areas/levels in each map! Slipgate - Laugh
Posts: 346

« Reply #25 on: 2003-03-14, 22:48 »

Yeah E1M2, 3, or 4 is a must. It doesn't get any more 'Doom' than that. It would be nice if someone remixed some of the old Doom music to go with it.

And the Tank Commander map from Q2, that map rocks. Especially when you first spawn and the music's like "DUNDUNDUN DUNDUN DUNDUNDUN DUNDUN DUNDUNDUNDUNDUN DUN DUN DUN..." and they you pick up the rail gun and it's like "PIOOW... AAAAAAAAARRGH!" and then someone gets the hyperblaster and they're like BWEEEREEEREEEEREEEEREEEREE" and then you get the super shotgun and you're like "BOOOOOOOM!...chuck-chuck...BOOOOOM!...."
Lunatic Guy
« Reply #26 on: 2003-03-15, 05:36 »

Quote from: Gnam
Yeah E1M2, 3, or 4 is a must. It doesn't get any more 'Doom' than that. It would be nice if someone remixed some of the old Doom music to go with it.

And the Tank Commander map from Q2, that map rocks. Especially when you first spawn and the music's like "DUNDUNDUN DUNDUN DUNDUNDUN DUNDUN DUNDUNDUNDUNDUN DUN DUN DUN..." and they you pick up the rail gun and it's like "PIOOW... AAAAAAAAARRGH!" and then someone gets the hyperblaster and they're like BWEEEREEEREEEEREEEEREEEREE" and then you get the super shotgun and you're like "BOOOOOOOM!...chuck-chuck...BOOOOOM!...."
*Scratches head in confuse...

No offense, but did you put in the wrong DUN-DUN CD??? Wha?
Posts: 7

« Reply #27 on: 2003-03-16, 01:20 »

there was a map for doom 1, called usq2, me and my friend dualed on that map on a 14.4 dialed directly to each other for hours, and hours and hours.  anyhoo if anyone can find it again and replicate it, that would be awesome.  it was basically a single barreled shotgun map with a chainsaw thrown in for fun, it was great, if anyone wants to find it or remembers it or has played it multi or can ICQ me it 51061673 that would be great and I would love you long time, also make a gen version of it that would be nice too

Posts: 192

« Reply #28 on: 2003-03-20, 07:19 »

Claypidgeon from Doom2 would be great, but only if there's a way to fill it with bad guys that shoot. Also the pit, underhalls, the industrial zone, the waste tunnels..... I've played Doom2 too much I guess. I especially like the music that was in the pit level and the tune for bloodfalls. How about the security complex from Quake2? That's a good level. Slipgate - Smile
Pixel Procrastinator

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Posts: 3330

« Reply #29 on: 2003-03-20, 09:44 »

Oh, that reminds me.. the lab from Quake2 would be pretty cool too (the two storage black-themed one)

Tabun ?Morituri Nolumus Mori?

Posts: 192

« Reply #30 on: 2003-03-20, 21:53 »

The upper and lower palaces would be super as well. The question is are they too big and complex? If I can get the picture scanned, I'll send you the picture of the latest version of my Claypidgeon map. The picture is a top view because that map was made for Doom2. It features a huge circular courtyard with several watch towers inside.
Posts: 47

« Reply #31 on: 2003-03-26, 09:06 »

Hey this is my first post at these forums... but I got to say I am lovin the Generations mod - it dos kick much ass  Thumbs up!  - anyway The level I would most like to see in Generations arena is Level 3 from the original DooM2 game it was called the Gantlet... me and my freinds always used that level for Deathmatch and it worked great - the dead ends really made you think on how the f*ck you were going to get out of certian situations,  I actually made a level of the original gantlet, and it looks great cosmeticlly but I am a novice level maker and this level could use work... for example I don't know how to make a BOT file and I probably have way to many brushes into it.  but if anyone here would be willing to take a look at it and maybe touch it up a little for the mod I would be more then happy to hand it over,  I have also created a DooM texture pack for this level and they look very acurate (they should anyway - I took them directly from the game)

- I will post some pictures later, if anyone is interested please let me know


Posts: 103

« Reply #32 on: 2003-03-26, 11:22 »

dear what

textures have to be original as it is illegal to take textures from one game to another without the authors permission

a map with ripped textures can never be included into a generations mappack
also textures from doom is kinda low resolution and grainy

wouldnt it be better to use high-res textures for the new map so it looks better?

welcome to the boards
Posts: 47

« Reply #33 on: 2003-03-26, 21:17 »

Oh I didn't realize there would be a copyright issue... I can always change the textures... it's no big deal.  and yes the DooM textures are a *little* grainy.  But to be honest if you put the right lighting with them they look great, and it really brings out the nostalgia feel, I personally miss the old DooM days so I tried to re-create the level as close as I could,  I did add on to it though, there are now roof tops and bridges in the level which really create a good vertical aspect,  since I am not on your design team I understand how you could be a little cautious  about taking in the level but I would be happy if one of  you would have a look at it... and if you don't wan't to use it, theres no hard feelings, augh! I gotta get pictures up I will be back later
Mean ol Swede
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Posts: 1294

« Reply #34 on: 2003-03-26, 22:03 »

What!?: There are some remade doom textures out there you know, better to use them instead since every original art is copyrighted.

 I highly advise you to finish the lvl your self that's the only way to learn howto map, once you've released your first map things goes much easier Slipgate - Smile

And to add bot support you need a file called BSPC.EXE it should be in your radiant folder. This is the easy way of doing a .aas file (bot file) copy BSPC.EXE to /baseq3/maps create a .bat file with the following options: bspc.exe -threads 1 -optimize -bsp2aas yourmap.bsp
and whopps you now have bot support to your map Slipgate - Smile

« Last Edit: 2003-03-26, 22:13 by ReBoOt » Logged
Rabid Doomer

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Posts: 1011

« Reply #35 on: 2003-03-26, 22:51 »

speaking of level's I'd like to see, there was a space map for chaosdm q2 that I don't think was included in any of the official mappacks, it was mostly a collection of walkways and ramps, the skybox I THINK was earth too.... anyone remember that map? O.o

"Who says a chainsaw isn't a ranged weapon?"
Posts: 47

« Reply #36 on: 2003-03-26, 23:04 »

Quote from: ReBoOt
What!?: There are some remade doom textures out there you know, better to use them instead since every original art is copyrighted.

 I highly advise you to finish the lvl your self that's the only way to learn howto map, once you've released your first map things goes much easier Slipgate - Smile

And to add bot support you need a file called BSPC.EXE it should be in your radiant folder. This is the easy way of doing a .aas file (bot file) copy BSPC.EXE to /baseq3/maps create a .bat file with the following options: bspc.exe -threads 1 -optimize -bsp2aas yourmap.bsp
and whopps you now have bot support to your map Slipgate - Smile
Hey thanks a lot for the help... I really apreciate it Thumbs up!, and your right I should probably just get my ass in gear and finish the level, it has actually been a while since I touched it - GTA3 came out and I have been messing with that for awhile now, it would be a lot easier to edit if R* would release their damn tools  :angry:  anyway... here are those level pics I promised, you will have to take my word for how it looks in game, which is a lot better then these pics, my JPEG compression sucks.

Posts: 607

« Reply #37 on: 2003-03-26, 23:17 »

The textures look good actually, the map could use some colored lighting though (on the teleporter and around the lamps, that sort of thing)... Other than that though it looks very nice, I'd love to see it once you're finished Slipgate - Smile

p.s. GTA2's still the best in my opinion Slipgate - Tongue
« Last Edit: 2003-03-26, 23:44 by dev/null » Logged
Posts: 47

« Reply #38 on: 2003-03-26, 23:48 »

lol - yeah I liked GTA2 and GTA1 but I need that 3-D aspect so I gotta give it to GTA3

- Thanks for the compliments on the level... it will probably be a few days before I can work on it again but if I do anything new and exciting on it I will post more pics Thumbs up!
Pixel Procrastinator

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Elite (3k+)
Posts: 3330

« Reply #39 on: 2003-03-26, 23:57 »

note: You are allowed to use my textures - or any others you may find in the textures thread up on the main gen forum page. Just in case you didn't know yet ;]

Tabun ?Morituri Nolumus Mori?
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