What's this? Has Tab's delicate artisty soul been crunched? Is he cringing from the forces of hatred pounding upon his fragile mental framework? Is he balancing on the edge?
No. None of that, although I am getting more prone to lose my temper, lately. Therefore, it is time, once again, to apply the rules of common sense, with a slight hint of diplomacy 101 for good measure.
This thread applies only to those occasions where one wishes to 'give crit' in a respectful manner, and reach a desired effect other than pissing someone off. If the latter
is your goal, this thread is
not for you. It may not be anyway, I don't give any guarantees, and I'm a bloody hypocrite, when it comes to that, anyway. :]
There, got the disclaimer out of our way - on to business.
Mister X has just made a sketch. He's obviously done his best, and presumably has some pride in his work, as he shows it on a public forum, or artistry site, or whatever.
Along comes Bloke Y, seeing it and deciding to crit. let's assume, for this excersize, that Y is interested in the product, likes the progress, but doesn't agree with certain details. Likewise, we also assume that X is somewhat open to crits, and he isn't an annoying schmuck that deserves to be pounded to death with an oversized dildo.
To make it easier to type up this post, I'll portray the situations as they would be on IRC.
Situation 1Here's the handywork:
* Mister X shows picture
Mister_X: There we go...
Bloke_Y: LOL!
Bloke_Y: What the hell is going on with the hands right there?
Mister_X: Ehr, what do you mean?
Bloke_Y: Man he has only three fingers, where's the thumb? What's that supposed to be?
Mister_X: ..
Mister X is thoroughly disappointed and is likely to abandon his attempt to become an artist.
AnalysisGoal acquired, true opinion conveyed: No
Level of respect, friendliness: None
Usefulness: Limited
Result: Abandonment of project, or crit ignored.
Situation 2Same work
* Mister X shows picture
Mister_X: There we go...
Bloke_Y: not bad.
Mister_X: ..
Mister X logically deducts: Not bad, not good.. unremarkable? Either shrugs and ignores it or is angered.
AnalysisGoal acquired, true opinion conveyed: No
Level of respect, friendliness: Limited
Usefulness: Nil
Result: Crit ignored.
Situation 3Here's the handywork:
* Mister X shows picture
Mister_X: There we go...
Bloke_Y: Hmmm... I don't like the colours.
Mister_X: I do like the colours myself..
Bloke_Y: It should have more red, and the eyes should be further apart. The hands need a lot of work. I don't like the way she looks, maybe change her expression?
Mister_X: ..
Mister X is overwhelmed by the bad crits. He starts doubting his work, but is still pretty sure it looks quite alright.
AnalysisGoal acquired, true opinion conveyed: No
Level of respect, friendliness: Limited
Usefulness: Some
Result: X is overwhelmed by crits, starts doubting the quality of his work in general.
Situation 4Same work.
* Mister X shows picture
Mister_X: There we go...
Bloke_Y: Nice job man! Quite an improvement over the previous version..
Mister_X: Thanks!
Mister_X: Anything look wrong to you?
Bloke_Y: Well, I guess it's a matter of personal opinion, but to me it's lacking reds. The whole picture comes across as rather cold.
Bloke_Y: If that was what you were going for, it's alright ofcourse.
Mister_X: Well.. I was trying to portray more warmth..
Bloke_Y: Definately needs more red in the tones then.
Bloke_Y: Also, are the eyes a bit too far apart? Maybe check reference for that..
Mister_X: Hmm.. dunno.. might have to check that, yes
Bloke_Y: Keep up the good work, I love the detail in the face
Mister_X: Thanks, will do
AnalysisGoal acquired, true opinion conveyed: Almost entirely
Level of respect, friendliness: Ample
Usefulness: A lot
Result: X is pleased and motivated to try and fix the flaws.
Ofcourse, some bits were dramatized. It needs some spice, eh?
Then, what can be deduced from these examples?
Well, there's a few obvious points:
1. Starting off with something bad gives the conversation or message a bad start. There's less of a chance X will listen or properly assimilate the information.
2. Likewise for ending the conversation. Making the last remark a definate negative will leave a 'bad taste' lingering in the mouth of X, making it less likely to be motivated.
3. Using clear and deductable arguments for critique is essential. If something looks wrong, decide why. Explain why, using reference or logics to back it up, and,
4. if it's just your personal opinion, don't forget to mention that too. Something you don't like, is something someone else might really like. Things rarely
are, if you catch my drift.
Some less obvious, or related items:
5. It's important to remember what it is you're critting. Is it a W.I.P. or a finished piece? The context usually determines what kind of crits are useful.
6. 'but' is a horrible word. Anything said before the 'b' is immediately discarded mentally, after it has been spoken. If you say something is alright,
but needs a lot more work, depending on the context, is usually interpreted as: 'something-something blah blah, it needs a lot of work.'
7. Be aware of the usefulness of what you say. Is it going to help either Y or X? Is it nescessary to point out that single, slight flaw in a finished texture, when it's actually pretty good even without it? Is it a series of work that would make such crits on the first of the series helpful? Would it be purposeful to mention it on release of the last item in that series? Can something be learnt? Does X already know it? Does he (or she)
need to?
8. Overreacting does
not work. This goes both ways. Calling something awesome when it's average sooner affects the value of the word 'awesome', than the quality of the work in question. Calling something 'hideous', when it's just a bit under par, or not to your personal liking has averse effects. Focusing on a detail as if it were to destroy an item, when it's indeed just a detail, doesn't help much.
It's all common sense, I know. But I see people pissing people off all day, at work, at school, in here, on IRC, everywhere. Therefore, perhaps, this post can come in handy. It won't hurt, in any case. ;]
Again: If something sucks, it sucks. This is mainly about preventing to give someone the impression that you think it sucks, when you don't. It's very much like telling a hooker giving you a BJ that she sucks. No.. wait.. it isn't. Oh well, you get the point, I hope..
For Woodsman: