|,2933,121485,00.htmlFilms in which actors light up may soon receive the same branding as nipple flashes and cursing: Lawmakers are looking to extinguish, or at least regulate, smoking on the big screen. This is just retarded. An R rating is intended to tell soccer moms that their kids shouldn't be watching the movie. Things like peoples heads getting ripped off and excessive use of curse words rate an "R" to me. Gratuitous sex and nudity should as well, but I'd rather my kids see a boob than someone trying to stuff his own intestines back in. However, I can walk down the street and see people smoking. My next door neighbor sits on her porch and smokes. Lilazzkicker smokes. My boss smokes. A good 50% of the people I know smoke. Smoking isn't indecent. It may be a nasty habit, but it's not offensive. Stupid right-wing extremists. Disclaimer for the Europeans We americans 'rate' our movies based on content so that people know what to expect, and can avoid anything that may offend them
An "R" rating is currently given to anything with extreme violence, excessive cursing, nudity or sex.
Pixel Procrastinator
Team Member
Elite (3k+)
Posts: 3330
If people can be so stupid to turn nudity into something that is 'bad' and must be kept from people 'or it will destroy their <whatever>ness', I don't see why they shouldn't do it with smoking. Or coughing loudly. Or making cheeks pop with a finger. Or people being sad. Or words that have letters in them that could be interpreted as offensive images if seen from very far away with your eyes closed to slits and after drinking a horrible amount of beer. Why not? I'm not going to be the one who's going to pay attention to bloody moronic R ratings, ever, anyway :]
Note: We have have age-ratings for movies here. Nobody really pays attention to that, however. I've yet to run into someone that is 17 and would wait a whole year before seeing something rated "18". Ofcourse, I don't hang out with a whole lot of 17-yr olds anymore ;]
« Last Edit: 2004-06-03, 11:55 by Tabun »
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?Morituri Nolumus Mori? |
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This isn't about nudity. Like ir or not, America seems to think that naked people are a bad thing.
I will continue to smoke cigars in public and if some activest mother is worried about the effect it might have on her children she should be more concern of the effect it will have on her if i put it out on her forehead.
Posts: 1133
Still Going In Circles
This is an act of pure stupidity. What's so bad about seeing someone smoking??? What's wrong with this people??? My dad smokes and I don't get offended just because he's smoking! It's annoying, but not offensive...
-MOM that man is smoking in front of my face. DESTROY HIM!!!!!!!!! -You're right son!
« Last Edit: 2004-06-03, 16:24 by [KruzadeR] »
games keeper
Posts: 1375
Disclaimer for the Europeans We americans 'rate' our movies based on content so that people know what to expect, and can avoid anything that may offend them
An "R" rating is currently given to anything with extreme violence, excessive cursing, nudity or sex. :p we do that to ,only we dont keep ourselves to it . :p about smoking , it is not offending in any way . but it is offending to smoke on places you arent allowed to smoke . I also find it anoying to hang around with people that smoke since they stink like hell. and if your in somekind of place like a dancing or a tavern and you come out stinking to smoke altough you dont smoke . and it takes ya a week to get the complete smell out of the jacked , yes then I hate smokers .
« Last Edit: 2004-06-04, 19:59 by games keeper »
Sorry, but I don't want to see you humans staggering around naked in public! Sorry to break it to you, but all humans were and still are BORN naked. And humans lived naked happily for a few thousand, maybe even million, years.
« Last Edit: 2004-06-05, 05:40 by Footman »
games keeper
Posts: 1375
yes , its the freedom man , the freedom .
give your body the space that it diserves .
Im pretty much sure they never really lived naked, considering we are HAIRLESS....climates are a bitch, or have you forgotten?
Pixel Procrastinator
Team Member
Elite (3k+)
Posts: 3330
If we're talking offensive here, I know people that are by themselves an offense to mankind. I hereby Tabun-rate them R. :]
| Tabun |
?Morituri Nolumus Mori? |
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Im pretty much sure they never really lived naked, considering we are HAIRLESS....climates are a bitch, or have you forgotten? idk about you, but im DEFINATELY not hairless... being scottish n all.. although we used to wear kilts n such, that was about ALL we wore ;-)
games keeper
Posts: 1375
kilts , now that is freedom I need .
/me goes out to buy some kilts