Oh i forgot to mention the BFG spawn it will be removed and the BFG Ammo will be changed to either lightning ammo or cells.
Ok so far everyone want's the third floor to be gone..and it will be gone!
Yea i guess the timing on that door is off i don't know what the original value on that timer was but i'll check it out!
hmm well i could move those sacrofagus somewhere else..they just poped into my mind the other day and i didnt really plan where to place em
course due to the fact that the map is indeed quite detailed in some areas i just can't make more details at some locations or you'll get an awful high r_speeds and if you add that with gen's dynamic light it will hurt your fps bad.
a note for your mappers if you get the Max_leaf error with q3map2..you need make more brushes detail.
I know ppls want more remakes of doom maps and wolf 3d maps but when it comes to wolf maps they are all flat which makes it hard to remake then. doom maps on the other hand works better, but most of them really doesnt do good as an q3 deathmatch map. Anyways thanks for the feedback guys!