Well... it's kinda funny , I thought... HOW TO GET EVEN!
Here are several ways to really get even with someone:
GARAGE SALE: Place an ad in the classified section of your local newspaper advertising a GIGANTIC Garage Sale listing the address of your victim. Advertise televisions, camcorder, vintage automobile, antiques, etc. Sale begins at 6 A.M. All items in the backyard, Just come around back and COME EARLY!
X-RAYS AT AIRPORTS: Purchase a large adult bedroom toy. Wrap it in a large amount of tinfoil. Secretly hide it in a piece of the victim?s carry on luggage. As it goes through the airport x-ray machine the contents of the device will be shielded by the tin foil and will be unwrapped and inspected by airport security officials ... an absolute classic . . .
OIL SPOT: At night pour used oil underneath the victims car while parked in their driveway. Pour enough that it will be alarming. Continue to do this each night. The subject will spend great deals of money trying to get the oil leak repaired time and time again. I have even heard of a person buying a new car after the repeated attempts at repair. Imagine their surprise when that new car starts leaking too.
PAPER MONEY: Write a sexually oriented solicitation message, victim's name and phone number (inviting a phone call) on the edge of several pieces of paper money before spending them. The victim will receive many eye popping inquiries ... another favorite . . .
FAX MACHINES: Write whatever you wish on 9 pages of 8 1/2 by 11-inch paper and tape them together (end to end). Dial the victim's fax number and start sending the pages through. After page two has been transmitted, tape the top of page 1 to the bottom of page 9 making a continuous loop. The document will continue to cycle until the victim's fax machine has run out of paper. Be sure and disable your phone number from being printed on the fax and also disable caller I.D. This prank is great to get even with a business or individual who has somehow cheated you. This can have same results as OIL SPOT.
Posts: 1095
Yup, that's me
PSN ID: scalliano
The Arena knows no gender, colour or creed, only skill.
Posts: 1110
Not bad, not bad.
Ahh, the pwoer of sweet, sweet revenge.
games keeper
Posts: 1375
Melolontha its a larve from a beetle named [meikever (maybeetle )] you find back here in may (dunno if you have it in america . what does it do ? if the little larve comes out of his egg (they do that with 1000 at a time ) they sit under your lown for 4 years and eat every little bit of plant they find under the ground . conclusion , the grass above them dies and you can roll up the grass like a sleepingbag . the only thing your neighbor really can do is or find pesticide to kill them , or putt chickens on his lown to eat the nasty buggers .
(note that chickens will kill your lown to in the process .)
if it aint clear to anyone ( like always ) just ask again .
« Last Edit: 2004-07-17, 09:46 by games keeper »
Right, and then they spread to YOUR lawn as well.
I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
games keeper
Posts: 1375
euhm , not exactly , we have plates between our lowns making the worms or have to crawlf 50cm deep under the ground to get under it , or jump 20 cm upwarts . both of them are imposisble for this worm . (if that is not the case ,well yes , you are in deep shit because these worms can destroy a whole garden if you dont see it in time .
(releasing those worms on a soccerfield or footballfield right before the soccerseizon or footbal seizon starts was 1 of my plans anyway .
You have plates between your properties? WTF?
games keeper
Posts: 1375
yes , brick plates in the ground , with a brick pole every 2 meters , and in between the iron wire , you can still climb over it , it its only 1.10 m high .
Why? Do you really have that much trouble with people putting beetles in other peopls yards that you have to build defenses?
games keeper
Posts: 1375
LOL , yea , we even put mins in our lown so the beetles would step on them and explode (sarcasm )
LOL , yea , we even put mins in our lown so the beetles would step on them and explode (sarcasm ) I know that's sarcasm - if the mines were sensitive enough to explode when a beetle stepped on them, passing traffik would no doubt set them off as well resulting in an ugly pockmarked lawn. No, I bet they are set quite a bit higher so as to trip when the person attempting to place the beetles would be the one to trip them. That would learn them good.
Posts: 1133
Still Going In Circles
I can even imagine...
-Mailman!! While the mailman penetrates the lawn, the mailman steps on something. -Maybye is just a flower. BUT when he gives a step foward !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mailman failed to spot Someone's mine.
Another good way to get even:
If you find someone who's hotlinking your images from another site, simply replace said images with tubgirl
I prefer Man-Faye myself...