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Author Topic: Bug in loading game (Bug Report)  (Read 20352 times)
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« on: 2004-09-20, 03:49 »

When I go to start a server it loads to 100% then gives me a hunk_Alloc failed 504960.  Can't seem to get it to work and I didn't see any other posts about this type of bug.  I'm running this on my laptop.  It has a P3 1ghz, 32 meg nvida Geforce2go video card, 384 megs of ram.  I have no problem running Q3 but some reason can't get this one to work.
Rabid Doomer

Team Member
Posts: 1011

« Reply #1 on: 2004-09-20, 04:13 »

well,  Slipgate - RTFM  #1. Generations is too big to run using q3's standard memory configuration, create a direct shortcut to generations.

should look something like this:
QUAKE3PATH/quake iii arena.exe +set fs_game generations +set COM_HUNKMEGS 96

that com_hunkmegs is NECESSARY, and this is why we tell people to read the manual that's included with every generations install.
« Last Edit: 2004-09-20, 04:15 by Angst » Logged

"Who says a chainsaw isn't a ranged weapon?"
« Reply #2 on: 2004-09-20, 04:14 »

Ok I've seen some other posts about this topic and I changed the seta com_hunkMegs from "56" to"128" still nothing!
« Reply #3 on: 2004-09-20, 04:15 »

ok I'll try that thanks! Thumbs up!
« Reply #4 on: 2004-09-20, 04:59 »

ok that problem is fixed now I get another common problem with menu txt hud1.txt not foud or somethig like that.
I checked these things.

The file "autoexec.cfg" exists in your generations folder

The following statement exists in the file:

seta ui_menuFiles "ui/menus.txt"

Also, be sure you're using a shortcut to start the mod. There is another mod that sets ui_menuFiles within q3config.cfg in baseq3 that is causing this problem. The autoexec.cfg statement SHOULD take care of this problem when starting via a shortcut, provided the file exists. If autoexec.cfg is missing, please refer to the readme.txt included in your generations folder or reinstall the mod to correct the problem.

I have the file, it has the line, and I'm using the shortcut.
 Still getting the same error.
Help Please
Rabid Doomer

Team Member
Posts: 1011

« Reply #5 on: 2004-09-20, 05:06 »

now another question, did you install this over a previous version of generations? or is this the full-blown install of .99e?

"Who says a chainsaw isn't a ranged weapon?"
« Reply #6 on: 2004-09-20, 05:16 »

This is the full-blown install of .99e!
« Reply #7 on: 2004-09-20, 18:08 »

I reinstalled Q3 and that fixed the problem.  Thanks for your help.  I think the mod is great! Thumbs up!
Bird of Fire

Team Member
Elite (7.5k+)
Posts: 8814

« Reply #8 on: 2004-09-22, 09:48 »

Hmm... it seems that the ui_menus.txt statement I put in autoexec.cfg doesn't parse prior to the menus trying to load.  I'd like to hang whatever mod author decided it was a "fun" idea to put that ui_menu stuff in q3config.cfg in the baseq3 folder since it copies into generations the first time you run Gen. Banging Head against Wall

Anyway, if anything else breaks or causes trouble just let us know, and we'll be glad to help.  Let me know if reinstalling Q3 fixed that shader problem on the plasma rifle, too!
« Last Edit: 2004-09-22, 09:49 by Phoenix » Logged

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
stephen sorensen
« Reply #9 on: 2005-11-25, 20:08 »

you guys might be interested in this...

i tried everything mentioned here and on the troubleshooting pages and stuff.

nothing worked.

finally i just edited the pak9_genv99e.pk3 file (rename to zip then treat it like a zip file)

i found the ui/hud.txt file and copied it to hud1.txt

works like a charm now Slipgate - Smile
Bird of Fire

Team Member
Elite (7.5k+)
Posts: 8814

« Reply #10 on: 2005-11-26, 04:51 »

Well, that's a bad idea if you want to play online.  A pk3 file that's been edited will be rejected if the server is running sv_pure 1, and the server will disconnect you as a result.  If you get kicked with an "unpure client" error or some other problem, you'll need to reinstall Generations Arena to fix this.  You should never edit an existing pk3 file for this reason.

Here's what really needs to be done if you have a problem with the "hud1.txt" issue:

Look for "seta cg_hudFiles "ui/hud1.txt" in q3config.cfg
Replace it with "seta cg_hudFiles "ui/hud.txt"

That should fix the problem.  I didn't put cg_hudFiles in our autoexec.cfg because we have two sets of huds - normal, and a smaller hud, so I didn't want it to override whatever someone had chosen.  Again, I'd like to hang this behavior of putting ui-specific statements in the q3config.cfg that's in baseq3.  I think what I'm going to do in our next release is create a "cvar-only" q3config.cfg that will drop in with the generations install so that the only settings carried over from baseq3 are graphics, sound, and renderer cvars, and binds.  All the "generations specific" stuff will be preset.  That should help to avoid these config problems in the future.

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
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