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Author Topic: About the Pic of the day in PlanetQuake...  (Read 20245 times)
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Lunatic Guy
« on: 2003-05-15, 04:44 »

I'm not sure if this topic goes here, but have you guys checked PlanetQuake today? There was this pic of the day where the UT 2003 was on the rubbish bin??? What's the meaning of this? The game sucks and was throwed away??

Beta Tester
Quad God
Posts: 571

« Reply #1 on: 2003-05-15, 14:27 »

Prolly sucked, didnt have a single player worth mentioning?
Posts: 607

« Reply #2 on: 2003-05-15, 15:42 »

I didn't know arena based games were suppose to have singleplayer aspects worth mentioning... Quake III sure didn't  <_<

I've played the demo for Unreal Tournament 2003 and found it to be okay. While quite disapointing at first, it does grow on you, especially the physics  Slipgate - Wink
games keeper

Posts: 1375

« Reply #3 on: 2003-05-15, 16:24 »

the single player was better then the one of q3
graphics also
some weapons where cool.
(if you link your linkgun to a teammate his linkgun is twice as strong, goes up to 3 persons )
the type of jumps you can make are very , very cool.
the adrenaline was something new .
you get the coding skinning and mapping programs with it  +the modeling editor but you have to register that one and that costs money.

bad part.
less models then for quake3.
every time you make a skin for ut2k3 your single player resets so you can start from offf again .
gameplay is slower then quake 3
I dont know 1 command for it
they all end on true or false r something instead of 1 or 0
weapons aren't animated in 3th person
you cant give your own skins a descent biograph with they could with the other models.(hard to explain)
water does very weird.
if your underwater on a dark map it ooks like you have blue nightvisions on.

Lunatic Guy
« Reply #4 on: 2003-05-16, 02:11 »

Don't forget the poses player make each time after a match... like, acrobatics on the air, and the taunts you can do!  Slipgate - Laugh

I think UT 2003 is a very nice game to play... I've been playing it almost everyday.

Most important of all: Die Bitch! Anyone else want some!!! Sipgate - Evil
Lunatic Guy
« Reply #5 on: 2003-05-16, 02:13 »

I think we should also start to make another game/mod: Q3 vs UT...  Slipgate - Laugh
games keeper

Posts: 1375

« Reply #6 on: 2003-05-17, 10:21 »

someone was working on that one thing once.
It worked a little .
ut vs q3


Beta Tester
Quad God
Posts: 571

« Reply #7 on: 2003-05-17, 14:41 »

Nah, I am just tired of all the games aimed mainly at multi player.

Beta Tester
Icon of Sin
Posts: 784

« Reply #8 on: 2003-05-17, 16:59 »

one reason why doom3 will > all Slipgate - Smile
Pixel Procrastinator

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Elite (3k+)
Posts: 3330

« Reply #9 on: 2003-05-17, 17:40 »

I'm not so sure about that - HalfLife 2 is looking to be cooler than Doom3. As an immersive single-player experience, that is (valve has a bit more experience in this area when it comes to inventive & intresting schemes & to get the player up to his waist in trouble). Doom3 is looking to be the eye-candy / resident-evil-scary type of game. Both cool, but not necessarily a determined 'winner'  yet :]

Tabun ?Morituri Nolumus Mori?
games keeper

Posts: 1375

« Reply #10 on: 2003-05-17, 22:18 »

multiplayer is cool but I want coop.

and I want more entitys for making maps . even 2 entities on 1 wall.
and goddamnit code rotating doors in it.
I hate sliding doors . ggrrrrrrr
not to forget all weapons in sof2 multiplayer can onl be turned around the Z-axis.
I want to put my weapons abit more realistc then just somewhere in the open .
more like placing them in a closet together with some other items and the closet can be
1)shot open by shooting out doors
2)open them by using a USE button like in doom.

I wanna drive vehicles and run someone over.
I wanna fly a heleicopter during a bankrobbery.
1)guy flying plane , 2 guy using m60 to blow the shit out of them .
and ofcours some passengers to put of somewhere.

I want more interactivity in a world.

Posts: 607

« Reply #11 on: 2003-05-18, 04:09 »

Quote from: Tabun
As an immersive single-player experience
Don't forget about Deus Ex: The Invivible War  Slipgate - Wink
Lunatic Guy
« Reply #12 on: 2003-05-18, 08:33 »

There is actually a UT vs Q3???!!!

Where? When?

I think, a combination of Half-Life 2, Doom 3, SOF series (because of dick shots and other body parts that can be removed), and Red Faction series (because of destroyable backgrounds), all these 4 combine together... hehehe....
games keeper

Posts: 1375

« Reply #13 on: 2003-05-18, 13:07 »

sin had those things but the problem in it was it was hard to make anything for it exept skins. and maps.

what I want to see in a game (exept above for maps)
bodydamage.(guy runs slower when shot in leg
3 diffirent parts of bodydamage.
head.chestandarms , legs (easyer for modelers.)
visible armor. I want them to where a helmet or a kevlar vest.
futuristic weapons.

sof2 was waaaay to realistic. if i wanna shoot sombody in the arm to see the damage I can do that in reall life.)

diffirent models (quake 3 was nice in it )
mutators like inUT.(now those are handy)
able to steal armor from dead bodys (sin) (single player )
mod support (quake 3 )
full enviroment that can be used to your advantage or disadvantage (sin)
faster download system in game
nice flamethrower (rtcw has best, then generations arena )
smart bots (UT)
taunts from your model thatcan be changed (UT)

Beta Tester
Quad God
Posts: 571

« Reply #14 on: 2003-05-18, 16:33 »

I have to agree with tab here, after watching the new HL2 gameplay videos, the AI looks awesome.
games keeper

Posts: 1375

« Reply #15 on: 2003-05-18, 17:15 »

lol what do you guys want , ....smart monsters ?
monsters have to be big , ugly and idiot .
or did ya rother wanned a beautiful small brainpowered flower. to shoot rockets at.

and just a smart strong monster would be diot because a smart monster would have let dum monsters fight for him .

for me it will be doom 3. and quake 4 and ut2k4 and rtcw:et (thats free)
andif I have money left , then maybe HL2 but when I think againto it and think about Cs stealing all the HL players I think no.

gta?vice city also maybe .

like to steal cars .

Beta Tester
Quad God
Posts: 571

« Reply #16 on: 2003-05-18, 18:22 »

sorry games, if the ai sucks, whats the use of all the eye candy then? useless if you cant give me a gaming experience i will remember
games keeper

Posts: 1375

« Reply #17 on: 2003-05-18, 21:03 »

you remember doom do you ?
Lunatic Guy
« Reply #18 on: 2003-05-22, 04:45 »

Quote from: games keeper
sin had those things but the problem in it was it was hard to make anything for it exept skins. and maps.

what I want to see in a game (exept above for maps)
bodydamage.(guy runs slower when shot in leg
3 diffirent parts of bodydamage.
head.chestandarms , legs (easyer for modelers.)
visible armor. I want them to where a helmet or a kevlar vest.
futuristic weapons.

sof2 was waaaay to realistic. if i wanna shoot sombody in the arm to see the damage I can do that in reall life.)

diffirent models (quake 3 was nice in it )
mutators like inUT.(now those are handy)
able to steal armor from dead bodys (sin) (single player )
mod support (quake 3 )
full enviroment that can be used to your advantage or disadvantage (sin)
faster download system in game
nice flamethrower (rtcw has best, then generations arena )
smart bots (UT)
taunts from your model thatcan be changed (UT)
Sin? Is it that name of the game "Sin", or a person's name?  Doom - Huh?
games keeper

Posts: 1375

« Reply #19 on: 2003-05-22, 15:59 »


read it .
Ps those pics there are actually from the beta back then .
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