Right, well i was playing EF(Star trek elite force) expansion in a gameplay mode called "Assimilation" works like this:
1 Borg team
1 Human/federation team.
The borgs supposed to try assimiltion all humans, once a human is assmilated, they become borg.Once all are assimilated the borg team wins.
The federation team are supposed to kill the borg queen to win the match.
I tought about this and i think it whould be a great idea for gen, with some changes:
in gen every class is a "team" the goal is to turn all players into your own class for eg.
Let's say im a slipgater class i see an earth dude i kill him and he is force spawned into my slipgate team he's on my side now.
Once all classes are destroyed, the remaining class is the winner.
This might be impossible to code, but damn i think this mode whould be quite fun!
an idea with this is. you become a monster from your own class like
blue = heros
red= monsters.
red team can only be
if doom = an imp
if strogg = tankjr
if slipgate = zombie ormonster or whatever
if earth = monster from earth
if gladiator = orbb
if our on blue you are.
when your killed as doom . you spawn in the red team. but as a monster of your class .
so a doomguy would become an imp . a stroggdude would become tankjr.
and so on.