That's right folks, new and improved material, 30-day money back guarantee! (
please reserve up to 29.9 days for delivery) Get them while they're hot!
We have three tastes for your convenience, too, but I recommend giving them all a go.
The Big Forum-gameThe Euro Game That Would Not Die. We played FFA, TDM and CTF. Even a few US players showed, including our favourite fragbird: Phoenix! Amazing. Simply amazing. (4.5 meg) Lithium GameStrogg kicked everybody's ass.. or wait.. . just his own. Ehr. Anyway, Lithium: hooks and techs (runes, whatever). Good fun? Yes. Demos? Yes. (8 meg) Bastard DemosSometimes I'm just an asshole. Is that a bad thing? I'd like to think not. You disagree? Fine with me - but it does result in some nice demos; if you're one of those wondering how I aim or control a map, view this - it may even be educational for 'newbies'. Also, it has a lot of fragging. (3 meg)