Yes, we modified the Arena BFG for the following reasons:
1) The original was a glorified, overpowered spamcannon. 2) Everyone hated it. 3) We wanted to put the "F" back into the Arena BFG. 4) We got a chance to come up with an entirely NEW effect (something we don't get to do much owing to the nature of the mod 5) We wanted the "One big shot, one big payoff" functionality present with the other BFG's.
The original is still available through DMFlags. Now as for how the new Arena BFG works, you have approximately 1 second warmup, then it launches a big green projectile that flies at a speed somewhere between the BFG9000 and the BFG10K. This does massive damage if it hits you, plus a lot of splash as well. In addition, it explodes into radioactive particle fragments that bounce everywhere and fall with gravity, which decay after a few seconds. This comprises the "nifty effect" for this particular BFG. The shooting player is immune to them, but everyone else that touches those pretty sparkles is fragbait. It's also the only "fire and forget" BFG where you don't have to keep people in line of sight. It is most effective when used in confined areas where people can't avoid the particles. It can also be used effectively in open spaces if you know how, but as for tactics I leave those to the players to work out. The weapon is also very network friendly, the massive particle blast uses no more network code than the Q3 shotgun does. Shameless plug here for one of my better programming efforts.
I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
Posts: 1133
Still Going In Circles
Love the arena BFG now. BTW the most common tactic to BFGs is to shoot to the ceiling. They always kill when the BFG rounds hits the ceiling.
Posts: 1095
Yup, that's me
Or the ground ...
PSN ID: scalliano
The Arena knows no gender, colour or creed, only skill.
Pixel Procrastinator
Team Member
Elite (3k+)
Posts: 3330
If you've been following the demos thread (and its contents), you've seen quite a few BFG tactics already ;]
| Tabun |
?Morituri Nolumus Mori? |
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Firing the q3BFG at the ceiling in a small room is a really, really good way to saturate the whole place with particles. It's disgustingly nasty.
You can also get the particles around corners if you bounce them off the walls.
I love the new q3BFG. It's the only reason that I play arena.
Posts: 1133
Still Going In Circles
I can come up with a few more reasons to play Arena
Going on suicidal gauntlet sprees comes to mind.
I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
Thomas Mink
Annoying people with Anarki's "I rule!" taunt. heh heh...
Going on suicidal gauntlet sprees comes to mind. With the exception of Overwhelming Hostility, I do that most of the time without even trying.
IMO I think the particles last abit too long on the new q3 BFG. But besides that I think its 100% better than that spam cannon Arena had before.
Posts: 42
Will have to agree with them staying around too long.
I like the new BFG but dis-like it at the same time. It's too much like the Q2 BFG, when I first heard they were going to change it I was hoping they would make a subtle edit like the fly speed is lowered and ROF slightly lowered.
It's too much like the Q2 BFG, when I first heard they were going to change it I was hoping they would make a subtle edit like the fly speed is lowered and ROF slightly lowered. That was the whole idea was to make it more like the BFG's from the other two games, yet give it a completely unique effect. We couldn't just do "another flash" effect - got flash from the ball(10K), and flash from the shooter (9000). What's left? A "big shockwave" would be impossible to render properly since any model for such would go through walls. We decided to come up with something new and completely different in the form of the particle blast. The reason the particles stick around is because there's no instant kill potential from a flash like the other two BFG's. They only last 2.5 seconds, about the same as a grenade. Once they start to fade they're safe to run through. I'd hardly consider that "too long", especially when it's easy to see the thing coming. Any shorter and nobody would get any kills unless you plug someone dead on with the ball. While that may take a high degree of skill, it's definitely un-BFG-ish to require a direct hit like that. BFG's need that "room clearing" potential to be properly deserving of that "F".
As for just tweaking the ROF and projectile speed... the last thing we wanted was just a "weak balance tweak" on an already bad gun idea. The "out of the box" Q3 BFG is just an overpowered plasma-rocket launcher. It's spammy, has no "neat BFG effect", and really didn't make much sense being called a "BFG10K" especially since the 10K was a rather distinct weapon in Quake 2. Besides, the original BFG is still there to play with if one desires. You can enable it using dmflags. It's all right there in the manual.
I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
Posts: 1133
Still Going In Circles
All I can say is "HAIL TO GENQ3A BFG!".
EDIT : Forgot the "Baby" in the end...
« Last Edit: 2005-10-08, 10:33 by [KruzadeR] »