I've had this 37 gallon freshwater tank for about 5 weeks now.
Tank occupants include:
Two male powder blue dwarf gouramis, one plain blue and the other striped with red
A female for each of the above
One ornate rainbow fish of some sort. I bought it, researched it, and promptly forgot its official name.
Six cherry barbs. This tiny fish are a beautiful, bright red, and much tougher than neon tetras.
Four zebra danios and Four pearl danios. These guys school together in the middle to upper part of the tank constantly.
One large sailfin pleco
Here's the tank. Using the flash on my camera made all the colors warp funny, but not using the flash left the water looking cloudy. Oh well.
Here's the centerpiece of the tank, a large bridge that the gouramis have taken over.
Same picture, but with the flash. This one turned out much better than anything else I tried.
Best picture I could get of the red-and-blue gourami. This also shows what happened when I used the flash. This shot was better than most. I guess my background is too reflective or something.
Here's my ornate rainbow
Here's my favorite, my powder blue gourami.