Well this is my first map, based upon the last map of Doom 2 - Map30: Icon of Sin
I was expecting mapping to be pretty hard, overall making the layout was not bad. Used alot of the same elements as modelling. I did however have to redo the entire "slime floor" due to a BSP hole in which I have no experience in fixing.
I have 2 issues, one relating to scripts/shaders.
I don't have the water animate by anything but frames, all of the shaders work that way except for one which scrolls on the x-axis.
The problem is one I apply the shaders the textures go full bright. I tried rgbgen vertex and that kinda fixed it, but made them beyond too dark and all.
http://www.custom-tfc.co.uk/should.jpgBefore shaders
http://www.custom-tfc.co.uk/is.jpgThe other issue is I want to have blood1 and nukage1 (texture name) act like lava and slime. I tried it through trigger_hurt, acted exactly the way I wanted it to except that even with you having the Battle Suit you would still get hurt.
Here are the shaders:
surfaceparm noimpact
surfaceparm lava
animMap 3 textures/blood1.jpg textures/blood2.jpg textures/blood3.jpg textures/blood2.jpg
surfaceparm noimpact
surfaceparm slime
animMap 3 textures/nukage1.jpg textures/nukage2.jpg textures/nukage3.jpg textures/nukage2.jpg
surfaceparm noimpact
surfaceparm slime
animMap 4 textures/sfall1.jpg textures/sfall2.jpg textures/sfall3.jpg textures/sfall4.jpg
surfaceparm noimpact
animMap 2 textures/skullface1.jpg textures/skullface2.jpg
surfaceparm noimpact
map textures/wall25_1.jpg
tcMod Scroll .5 0
surfaceparm noimpact
animMap 4 textures/rrock05.jpg textures/rrock06.jpg textures/rrock07.jpg textures/rrock08.jpg textures/rrock07.jpg textures/rrock06.jpg
surfaceparm noimpact
animMap 4 textures/face1.jpg textures/face2.jpg textures/face3.jpg textures/face4.jpg
Thanks for reading
PS: The textures/skullface1 is the switch at the top of the map which raised the BFG platform, trying to see how I would make it switch textures when it is pushed. That shader is a placeholder.