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Author Topic: Doom II Map30 (Help before a release)  (Read 12268 times)
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Posts: 42

« on: 2005-10-09, 21:33 »

Well this is my first map, based upon the last map of Doom 2 - Map30: Icon of Sin
I was expecting mapping to be pretty hard, overall making the layout was not bad. Used alot of the same elements as modelling. I did however have to redo the entire "slime floor" due to a BSP hole in which I have no experience in fixing.

I have 2 issues, one relating to scripts/shaders.
I don't have the water animate by anything but frames, all of the shaders work that way except for one which scrolls on the x-axis.
The problem is one I apply the shaders the textures go full bright. I tried rgbgen vertex and that kinda fixed it, but made them beyond too dark and all.
Before shaders

The other issue is I want to have blood1 and nukage1 (texture name) act like lava and slime. I tried it through trigger_hurt, acted exactly the way I wanted it to except that even with you having the Battle Suit you would still get hurt.
Here are the shaders:
surfaceparm noimpact
surfaceparm lava
     animMap 3 textures/blood1.jpg textures/blood2.jpg textures/blood3.jpg textures/blood2.jpg



     surfaceparm noimpact
     surfaceparm slime
     animMap 3 textures/nukage1.jpg textures/nukage2.jpg textures/nukage3.jpg textures/nukage2.jpg



     surfaceparm noimpact
     surfaceparm slime
     animMap 4 textures/sfall1.jpg textures/sfall2.jpg textures/sfall3.jpg textures/sfall4.jpg



surfaceparm noimpact
     animMap 2 textures/skullface1.jpg textures/skullface2.jpg


surfaceparm noimpact
          map textures/wall25_1.jpg
tcMod Scroll .5 0


surfaceparm noimpact
     animMap 4 textures/rrock05.jpg textures/rrock06.jpg textures/rrock07.jpg textures/rrock08.jpg textures/rrock07.jpg textures/rrock06.jpg



surfaceparm noimpact
     animMap 4 textures/face1.jpg textures/face2.jpg textures/face3.jpg textures/face4.jpg


Thanks for reading

PS: The textures/skullface1 is the switch at the top of the map which raised the BFG platform, trying to see how I would make it switch textures when it is pushed. That shader is a placeholder.
« Last Edit: 2005-10-09, 21:37 by OoPpEe » Logged
Bird of Fire

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Posts: 8817

« Reply #1 on: 2005-10-10, 03:41 »

I'm assuming you have a lightmap on the level?  If you don't have a $lightmap stage in the shader it may be causing the problem.  Normally shaders default to rgbGen lightingdiffuse if you don't specify an rgbGen.  I would suggest taking a look at the scripts in pak0 and seeing how Id handled slime and lava textures in Q3.  The second shot looks like you vertex lit the whole level.  You might want to check your compile arguments when you build the map in Radiant.

I'm sure mappers can probably help you more than I can.  I'm used to putting shaders on models, so there's a lot of stuff that goes into map shaders that I really haven't dealt with.  I do know that trigger_hurt shouldn't be used for slime and lava.  You should use surfaceparms for that.

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
Posts: 42

« Reply #2 on: 2005-10-10, 07:45 »

Both shots are actually the same compile. One is with teh shaders I posted here (map30.shader), and the one that looks correct is when I delete the shader.
Bird of Fire

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« Reply #3 on: 2005-10-10, 14:39 »

Hmm...  I'd say check out the q3 shader scripts then.  Liquids.shader has water, slime, and lava stuff, but most of the shaders use a "nolightmap" keyword since they use q3map_surfacelight for uniform lighting.  You'll have to experiment to get what you want.


I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...

Posts: 101

« Reply #4 on: 2005-10-10, 17:30 »

Would it have something to do with the fact that the Textures in the script are named as JPG, I think you need to rename them as TGA . ( In the shader script not the actual Textures)

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Bird of Fire

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« Reply #5 on: 2005-10-11, 07:14 »

Q3 is funny about extensions, but if he's got .jpg textures it should say .jpg, though I've seen it load .jpg textures if you use .tga as an extension.  What you have to watch is when you have a .jpg and .tga both with the same name because then the shader will load the graphic explicitly.  I think Q3 will try both if it can't find one or the other.  If he had the shaders or graphics named wrong he'd get warnings when loading the map, and he'd have the grey "broken graphic" problem.

One thing I have learned with shaders is you have to watch your slashes.  This happens more with models since Max will export models with backslashes in the path, whereas shaders will use forward slashes.  If your shader name is the same as a texture name, you MUST use forward slashes when referencing the shader, otherwise it will load the graphic but not the shader (talk about confusing the hell out of the modeler!).  I don't know how Radiant treats it with maps, but a good rule for Q3 is "forward slash always" when dealing with paths.

Since his textures are animating I'd say the shaders are actually loading, they just need to be modified because of the lighting problem.

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
Rabid Doomer

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Posts: 1011

« Reply #6 on: 2005-10-11, 19:20 »

if it's receiving a lightmap, it requires $lightmap.
and q3 will attempt to load a .tga or .jpg if the alternative is given and not found.

"Who says a chainsaw isn't a ranged weapon?"
Posts: 42

« Reply #7 on: 2005-12-13, 06:25 »


Yeah, bad mapping overall, what I have been trying to do is:
1) Get the shaders not to be fullbright
2) Make the slimefall (green waterfall) and slime deal damage
3) Make the "blood" (below the Demon face) deal slime damage
4) Make the switch on the skull face (on top platform) flip when hit, then flip back up after a second.

I already have the swith working, it just doesnt change texture.
Mean ol Swede
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Posts: 1294

« Reply #8 on: 2005-12-13, 09:23 »

to make things deal damage use trigger_hurt. Also you can trigger a shader with buttons i just don't rember how.

Shader is a bitch but as angst said you need lightmap stages.

Since im at work i only looked breifly on your screenshots i think this is one of the maps that's really hard to remake just because it's so...simple Slipgate - Smile hard to get any level of detail.
Posts: 42

« Reply #9 on: 2005-12-14, 09:18 »

trigger_hurt is not the way of doing it though, tried it.
trigger_hurt forces damage regardless of any powerups. I want the Battle Suit to make you immune to the slime. Using trigger_hurt makes it hurt you with the Suit on.
I know lava/slime damage is a shader command, but again, shaders are the cause of my problems.
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