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Author Topic: grr..  (Read 8442 times)
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Beta Tester
Hans Grosse
Posts: 281

« on: 2003-07-09, 21:59 »

ok, i barely come back after my graphics chip died, and STILL I AM DISCRIMINATED BECAUSE I SMOKE A LITTLE DAMN WEED. wtf?! i put this here because some people might think im just bitching, but f--. man..some people think im such a burn out and crap, and that i dont know anything but to sporking smoke. how is this any different from other discrimination? you might as well throw in that im a lazy mexican who will never get anywhere! times have been very hard, my grandma died the 6th, everyone is falling apart, and i havent once smoked anything. ANYTHING. im sick and tired of people telling me SHIT that they dont even know about. im having this drunk ass tellin me that hes better than me cuz he isnt burnt out. what kinda crap is that? correct me if im wrong, but does anyone think thats right for someone to be opening their mouth and talkin crap when they dont even know? please do correct me.
Posts: 1110

« Reply #1 on: 2003-07-10, 01:06 »

Well Omega-X, my philosophy is "To Each Their Own", and this remains true for drugs. Everyone uses their own drug to get them going. For many, that drug is caffeine or alcohol. For others, substances in food do the job. Then there are others who toke, and that's OK too. We've all got our prefrence, somewhat like our beliefs, but our preference is (for the most part) hard-wired into our minds. To discriminate against this prefrence is foolish and ignorant.

There is also a distinct difference between preference and addiction, like with cigarettes and heroin. However, marijuana for most people is not physically addicting. Some may claim mental addiction to it, but I think they like it too much or are too weak-minded to do otherwise. So in general, marijuana is not an addictive substance.

If people give you shit for having an occasional toke, forget about them. I've heard many arguments on why pot is bad, and the bulk of them boil down to preference (and that it is definitely not theirs). Because these arguments have no real underlying reasoning (aside from their own pretentious ideals), they become prejudices.

I've learned that until marijuana becomes culturally acceptable in the USA, one shouldn't talk about it to Americans. Canadians that I've talked to tend to be more straightforawrd and simply say that they don't personally like it, rather than Americans who tend to brand and then bash you.

So in summary, if someone gives you shit for taking a toke, ask them why. If they make no sense, tell 'em to go away (piss off, go to hell, spork off, etc.) Also, if you can't take a joke, grow up =p

Beta Tester
Icon of Sin
Posts: 784

« Reply #2 on: 2003-07-10, 02:44 »

Welcome back Omega! Although I don't approve of smoking, I don't care if you do. It's your life, do what you want. Slipgate - Smile
Bird of Fire

Team Member
Elite (7.5k+)
Posts: 8806

« Reply #3 on: 2003-07-10, 03:27 »

Omega, I'm sure you remember our conversation regarding this very subject.  You know what I feel about marijuana, and why I expressed concern - yes concern, about it, but never did I condemn you as a person.  It is not because I disagree with somebody doing something they find enjoyable, but rather what I have seen it does to people over time, and what I know about it medically, that I speak of it thus.  Medical fact and observable fact of how it is harmful is why I caution people about it.  This you already know.  However, under the circumstances I find whoever it was that lectured and insulted you in this fashion to be heartless and hypocritical, especially if, as you say, he was drunk at the time.  I believe there's a phrase, "the pot calling the kettle black when both are in the fire" that relates to this?  I can understand your anger, and in fact, I certainly agree with it.  The fact that you haven't smoked any since the death of your grandmother shows great strength.  The loss of a loved one is traumatic even for the strongest of people.  Many would find themselves taking very self-destructive actions from such events.  Drinking themselves into a stupor, among other things, is quite common.  For this fool to criticize you for being a "burn out" at such a difficult time while he is drunk only shows just how big a fool he is, and how heartlessly stupid.  Funny how one is always blind to one's own poisons, is it not?  Disregard such people, Omega, you're better than that.  Don't listen to what this loser is saying.  I've seen burnouts, and what they're like, and you're not one of them.  You don't seem to me like you have a desire to be either.  Cheer up!  The only person you have to answer to at the end of the day is you!  Nobody else can live your life for you, so what right do they have to tell you how it should be lived, especially if they're no model of perfection themselves?

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...

Elite (2k+)
Posts: 2358

« Reply #4 on: 2003-07-12, 04:24 »

Quite honestly omega, I don't care much one way or the other. Anything is good in moderation.

I have a personal hatred towards alcohol, but I don't mind if others drink RESPONSIBLY.

Same with pot.

Team Member
Posts: 353

« Reply #5 on: 2003-07-12, 12:56 »

Quote from: ConfusedUs
I have a personal hatred towards alcohol, but I don't mind if others drink RESPONSIBLY.
Why, for some reason, do I feel that that is directed towards me??

I do drink responsably! I swear.. I drink, i give my GF the keys.. and then she proceeds to crash my car :/

Oh well Slipgate - Tongue
Pain Elemental
Posts: 84

« Reply #6 on: 2003-07-13, 13:34 »

I'm a guy who doesn't tolerate any drug on any form.
Well.. cafferine in certain cases, but beyond that -> NO!

I'm ashamed of Finnish drinking ways. They were ok before the Zero Alcohol Act in 1932. After that everything went straight to hell.

Posts: 388

Wildly Inappropriate

« Reply #7 on: 2003-07-19, 01:33 »

I realize it has been sometime since anybody has posted on this topic, but while I'm around I think I will put my two cents in.

What we have here is what is called "not getting any" syndrome. It is quite common amoung adult males, especailly drunk ones. In my opinion, I would say that this guy is overly envious of you my friend. Some adults are mean to youth simply because they are jealous of that youth. They will never get it back so they are angry and that anger is unloaded upon the teenager, or the younger party.

This guy was drunk. I know well that your "tact" level receives a mighty blow when you are intoxicated. Therefore, maybe his thoughts and feelings, which he may have tried to keep to himself, took audible form. Maybe he didn't really mean what he said. One should always keep the benefit of the doubt.

Alright, I'm through. It appears I gave you a buck 50 rather than two cents. Slipgate - Roll Eyes

Beer? I'm down.
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