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Author Topic: Most Memorable Gaming Moment  (Read 26173 times)
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Bird of Fire

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Posts: 8806

« Reply #60 on: 2006-06-16, 16:21 »

That sounds way too confusing to be enjoyable.  Slipgate - Surprised

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...

Tank Commander
Posts: 160


« Reply #61 on: 2006-07-12, 03:05 »

Hmmm...Doom,MDK,Quake IV and Blood."Ahhhh graveyard...too many memories"
Man,Doom r0cked my b0x0rs,MDK left me all drunk(with fun),Q4 is the BEST game i've ever played since...some time ago and blood left me with its burning mans.

Ahhhh memories

How I am supposed to type will all this cheese laying around?
Posts: 69

« Reply #62 on: 2006-07-12, 04:44 »

Some of my most memorable gaming moments:

  • The moments before the final battle of Final Fantasy IV.
  • Hearing, and being utterly freaked out by, the background music for Ridley's hideout in the original Metroid for the first time.
  • That one time when I bounced a sniper rifle shot right into Omega-X when he was right behind me on Liquid Carbon.  Slipgate - Laugh
  • The final battle with Ganon in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
  • Having trouble figuring out how to kill the first boss of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (Gohma?) when I fought it for the first time.  I had to look it up on GameFAQs!  Boy, do I feel stupid! Banging Head against Wall
  • Having trouble keeping Rhys and Soren alive in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance when I first started playing it.
« Last Edit: 2006-07-12, 04:47 by BiGRoB85 » Logged


(Not so) Proudly turning dual gats into BFGs since 2004!
Hans Grosse
Posts: 271

« Reply #63 on: 2006-07-27, 23:17 »

Could Angst be more misinformed...

First of all, Amano didn't quit in disgust during the FF7 project, he resigned himself to less prominent roles shortly after FF6 was finished. His art contributions to FF7 were mostly voluntary.
The bashing of Tifa for her breasts is one of the prime signs that the critic can't do so on merit. It's a favorite tactic of those who either hate Tifa as an alleged rival to Aeris, but this is one of the first cases I observed of its use by those who want to bash the game outright. Whatever her character design and in-game rendering may have been, Tifa was one of the most *er* developed characters - more so than the others combined, or perhaps Cloud himself.
And "angsty whiny boys"?! What were Kain and Terra? Magnus, for that matter? That aspect which you criticize FF7 for is an archetype that has been used throughout ages. It's not fair to single out FF7 (or 8, for that matter, where it was more pronounced) for it.
And you must be deaf or something, because one of the biggest merits of FF7 was Nobuo Uematsu's fine work, second only to his work on its immediate predecessor. The soundtrack had some of the most memorable themes - you can't go around in FF fan circles without hearing One Winged Angel! FF8, despite all its alleged pitfalls, had at least the saving grace of some of Uematsu's music at the peak of his career at Square.
Unfortunately, I can't say the same for FF4. Which incidentally, I could care even less about even if the soundtrack WAS memorable. Even FF5 had an addictive job system.
Posts: 56

« Reply #64 on: 2006-08-01, 04:18 »

Hey all!

Ignoring the Final Fantasy stuff (sorry guys n gals, that's of no interest to me) and for my first post of 2006 (I think), here I go - Pigeon's Most Memorable Moments:-

  • Getting the first nuke in a multiplayer match of Starcraft
  • Using the toilets in Duke Nukem 3D
  • Listening to the radio in Prey (especially for the callers George and Scott from Garland, Texas  - representing of course George Broussard and Scott Miller of 3D Reams Slipgate - Laugh o/)
  • Going into Bullet Time for the first time in Max Payne
  • Going into Bullet Time in Max Payne to find yourself leaping into (and firing into) an empty room
  • Building a massive transport network in Transport Tycoon (and the Deluxe version) and then renaming stations to real cities in your area
  • Playing Doom shareware for the first time and actually going up and down flights of stairs!
  • Laying trip mines, proximity mines and other kinds of triggered mines/grenades in any multiplayer game (FEAR, Deus Ex and DN3D instantly spring to mind)
  • Listening in on conversations between guards in Thief
  • Being that scared in System Shock 2 that I hid amongst the crates for at least about 20 seconds before remembering I could press Escape and quit the game (which I immediately done)
  • Playing No One Lives Forever 1, thinking I'd finished the game and then being happy that there was still more to do
  • Getting to "God Like" in any Unreal Tournament game
  • The first time I came across Hans in Wolf 3D
  • Using the pogo stick to avoid slug doodoo in Commander Keen!
  • Racing in Wacky Wheels dropping upside down hedgehogs (which would turn a player's viewpoint upside down, my Dad would run into those so often that he gotten *used* to driving upside down
  • Getting off the prison ship in Unreal and being amazed at the size of the level and I really felt I was outdoors
  • Not being fast enough in Star Trek TNG: A Final Unity on a certain puzzle and ending up going on a completely different path that ended up in disaster
  • Mopping up blood, hiding the body in a toilet stand, paying my bill and running out of the caf? in Fahrenheit (Indigo Prophecy to the folks in the US)
  • Being scared out of my mind when the demons were after me in Omikron: The Nomad Soul
  • Loading up "The Dig" just to listen to the music (which of course, I have now downloaded)
  • Being completely engrossed in Broken Sword's 1, 2 & 3 (and soon possibly 4 as well)
  • Getting motion sickness in Descent
  • Going in and out of tunnels in Terminal Velocity
  • In the police station level of Max Payne 2: overhearing a debate/argument between cops Broussard and Miller whilst at the police station garage *before* the station is attacked
  • Leading my pack of carefully chosen mercenaries in the Jagged Alliance games
  • Battling other starships in Star Trek: 25th Anniversay and Judgment Rites
  • And finally...visiting the stripclub in DN3D! Slipgate - Laugh And then doing it again with friends in co-op mode! clicky here to see!

That's all I can think up right now....maybe more later!


Bird of Fire

Team Member
Elite (7.5k+)
Posts: 8806

« Reply #65 on: 2006-08-02, 02:13 »

Blowing up an entire planet in Wing Commander III was pretty memorable.  How many people can say they've blown up a planet?

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...

Posts: 1095

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« Reply #66 on: 2006-08-02, 22:19 »

Darth Vader for a start Slipgate - Tongue

PSN ID: scalliano

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