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Author Topic: Flag burning  (Read 7977 times)
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Posts: 134

« on: 2006-06-28, 01:28 »


If flag burning is banned (yes i realize they were 1 vote shy of banning it), what would happen to the ceremonial burnings? What would happen to flags that need to be "retired?"
Bird of Fire

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« Reply #1 on: 2006-06-28, 01:57 »

I noticed the word used in the article was "desecration".  There is more than one way to desecrate a flag besides burning one.  I think ceremonial retiring of a flag would be exempt from such a law, but I don't have the actual text.  Still...  I've never understood why people who are citizens of the United States (or any country) would want to burn their own country's flag.  It's like saying "I hate living in a country that lets me do this."  Maybe it's that they hate the government or something, but it still seems rather dumb.  Now burning somebody else's flag, on the other hand, I do understand.

Do I think flag burning should be outlawed?  That's like saying stupidity should be banned.  We all know it won't really accomplish anything.  I consider this "feel good" pseudo-patriotic, needless legislation.  Let the flag burners burn their flags.  After all, you know who the idiots, traitors, and other malcontents are when you let them shoot their mouths off.

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...

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Still Going In Circles

« Reply #2 on: 2006-06-28, 12:11 »

Burning a flag of our own country as a way of protest is an act of disrespect for ourselves and for every single citizen. Should it be banned? Yes, definitely. Would it help? no. They would still do it, even though it was illegal.
Patriotism is a value that has been lost these days, since we all live in some kind of "global town", with a globally imposed culture and small variety. Flag burning is just a consequence of this globalization and equallity stuff. Hopefully, this is just one of those fashions, like psychologists.

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