This is turning into a blog... I have had a nightmare of a day. I've made a lead that has male 3.5 mil jack at one end, and 2 mono 6mil jacks at the other, to allow me to use both sides of the sereo line in at once. Cost me a fiver, and still I get channel bleed.
I have found, for no reason that I can see, that the comp I intended to use for sound recording does not like it. low volumne, distortion etc. the on board sound seems best, but even that is not constant.
The other comp, the one I biult for spares while I had nothing else to do, records sound really well, and it has the same motherboard (just not the delux) with 1/2 gig of ram, and bottom end graphics. why I didn't use it from the beginning for sound, I don't remember, after being at this desk for 3 days and mosst of 3 nights trying to get it all set up.
I only have 9 weeks left before going back to work, and I intend to record a complete album in that time, (my third, if you don't count the odd tracks I've played on on other peoples albums, or the one that was recorded in a day and never got releaced due to the band disbanding and threatening to kill each other if they ever saw each other again - all irish men but me)
That 9 weeks also includes a week where I will be playing at a festival, where I intend to get a few 'live tracks' recorded if I can.
conclusion? Reaper is the best free recording prog. intuative, and small footprint. I love oit Cubase is the best not free prog. but needs a big comp to run, really. Audacity is ok, but Reaper is really much better. Also - avoid the creative Live! usb card. needed a system restore to remove this properly. sorry about any spelling mistakes, I just haven't got the energy to run this thou 'word' tonight, like I normally do.