But hey,maybe its a ring!Some time ago a black ball was found in Ucrania,the miner that found it,gave it to his son knowing no use for the ball.The kid taked the ball to the school thinking it was a toy,then a teacher told him that it wasn't a ball,and he shouldn't be playing with it.He took ot to a museum,there they make a research,finded something amazing:
THE BALL HAD NEGATIVE DENSITYIf someone remembers his school days,density is the volume divided by the mass.Knowing this, the ball can't exist since the volume is the space occupied by an object.
They also determinated it was OLDER THAN THE HUMAN RACE.
It smells like a bomb that didn't detonated so maybe there was a civilization before us,they fought in a war,died and some bombs didn't blew.A bit
but still makes sence.