Keep at it, and one day you may be able to take over a Resurgence modeling project :]
Oh yeah, I gotta keep working on my chaingunner dude, haven't touched him since school finals.
I am a very avid modeler, so things like the axe I just did took no more effort then making a piece of toast. That model and skin took me about an hour and a half roughly. Not to brag or anything. :]
Here is something else I'm working on. It is a map for UT2k4

That torch model I made in Maya, I used various alpha channels to deliver the transparency on the top. The particles, I made them a while ago in Photoshop 6, then I had to program a script to make the flames react realistically. There is still some bugs to work out. I want to colorize it more. In the center should be that yellow color, and as the flames move up, get more red.

Close up of the torch model.

The landscape: The terrain textures were made in Photoshop 6. and the amethysts were modeled in Maya, skinned with Photoshop 6, and an environment map was created from the scenery around it. The black is just brush clipping.

Castle WIP.