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Author Topic: Global Warming... or Not  (Read 30802 times)
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Bird of Fire

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« Reply #20 on: 2009-03-03, 02:00 »

Old topic, but I have to revive it for this one:

Global warming activists stormed Washington Monday for what was billed as the nation's largest act of civil disobedience to fight climate change -- only to see the nation's capital virtually shut down by a major winter storm.

It seems every time someone tries to hold a Global Warming event they get snowed out or frozen!  I cite this as absolute proof of two things:

1)  There is a God and
2)  God has a sense of humor.

That is all, carry on.
  Slipgate - Laugh

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
Mean ol Swede
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Posts: 1294

« Reply #21 on: 2009-03-03, 07:36 »

Let it snow, let i snow..

Well global warming got a cold snap, then again global warming is about overall temperature getting higher thought some places instead gets colder, bla bla lala more and more.
Either way as with every "theory" regarding global warming and so on really shouldnt be ignored since they could be right.

and another thing...think about how clear the air whould be without coal! Slipgate - Wink while we are at it i think we will ban cars and trucks...hmm airplanes too! well heck you know what? lets ban humans aswell!

For you who didnt get it /IRONY Slipgate - Smile
Beta Tester
Posts: 615


« Reply #22 on: 2009-03-05, 07:38 »


Bird of Fire

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« Reply #23 on: 2009-11-24, 20:08 »

Well it looks like the cat is out of the bag, so to speak:


I find this to be tragic for a few reasons.  First, the number of people who will go on believing it despite the evidence that these so-called scientists are flat out lying.  Second, the amount of money that people pushing this lie have made through basically deceiving the entire world.  Third, the fact that genuine, useful conservation and environmental efforts have been shelved in favor of all this carbon fear-mongering.  Fourth, that it took someone hacking into their emails to get the truth of this when FIA requests were leveled.  The outright arrogance of these people to say they are international and therefore "above" any one country's FIA requests should be a red flag to everyone about just what globalism is about.  Who's watching these people anyway?

After all this, Obama is still pushing cap and trade and I'm sure they're still going to try to go forward with Copenhagen.  This kind of agenda-driven sham science needs to be done away with.  Science that cannot remain objective and report the facts without bias is nothing but statistical propaganda, but I suppose facts are irrelevant now.

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
Thomas Mink

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« Reply #24 on: 2009-11-25, 02:43 »

Being an Al Gore supporter since his presidential campaign (though disliking his almost religious fanaticism in global warming in recent years), this is somewhat saddening. But it needs to be said anyway...

Now THAT'S An Inconvenient Truth!

"Everybody's got a price" - 'The Million Dollar Man' Ted DiBiase
Bird of Fire

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« Reply #25 on: 2009-12-03, 05:04 »

Even the Daily Show got in on it:


What's even more unfortunate is how science has, in the eyes of many, been elevated to a near untouchable status.  I've argued with many who have ripped religion for falsehoods, hypocrisy, manipulation, lies, etc, and cling to science as if it can never be questioned.  I've seen Christianity bashed based on outright lies that, even when refuted with evidence, are still accepted as "gospel" truth by the anti-religious.  It's a kind of fanatical zeal that most evangelical preachers would sell their shirts for.  I've attempted many times to point out to such individuals that they are engaging in the exact behavior that they claim to abhor among the religious, but they were unwilling to examine their own behavior or question what they were told.  Closed-mindedness can exist anywhere and in anyone.

The problem is not with God or nature, it lies squarely with man's perceptions and what he does with what is learned about either in regards to his fellow man.  Neither science nor religion (in general) are necessarily bad or inherently evil.  It is the actions of men that cast one or the other in a bad light.  I've maintained from the start that nobody should put blind faith in anything.  Everything should be questioned.  Religion, science, and government are at the top of that list.  Anyone that says "This is the truth," and will not allow you to question why and get a fair answer it is up to something, and should be eyed with extreme suspicion and distrust.  When I saw scientists who did question the data lose their jobs, that was a huge red flag for me.  Peer review is a necessary part of the scientific process, put there to prevent just this sort of thing from happening in the first place.  There can be no such thing as "consensus" in science.  Consensus is the area of opinion, science must deal squarely in facts.  Facts are either true, or false, and any hypothesis or theory that is contradicted by fact must be discarded or at the very least reexamined and tested against the conflicting data.  That is the fundamental scientific method.  Abandon that, and science is no longer science.

Contrary to how some might think, I am not really that pleased with what has happened here in regards to global warming.  I am pleased that facts have been exposed that were hidden because people deserve to know the truth, but I am not pleased with the fact that these men who are supposed to be intellectually honest instead hold this kind of smug arrogance toward the population of the world to lie like this and cover up the truth to feed an agenda.  The treaties being debated due to global warming fears represent a tremendous threat to personal liberty and national sovereignty, yet the outrage has not reached the political leadership that's pushing these agendas forward, or if it has, it's falling on deaf ears.  Does anyone remember the story of Chicken Little?

It all saddens me because I understand science and what it should be, and I understand religion and what it should be.  I have no problem with reconciling the two because I know what each is for.  It seems anymore though that "winning" and pushing forth one's agenda is the only thing that matters on either side most of the time.  That and money.  It's all about control, being "right", and trying to make the other guy look like a fool.  The ones I feel truly sorry for are the honest scientists and clergy who are just going about their business, trying to make the world a better place, who are never seen nor heard.  They are the ones doing the hard work and not getting any credit, while the loud mouthed fools get all the glory and attention.

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
Thomas Mink

Beta Tester
Icon of Sin
Posts: 920


« Reply #26 on: 2009-12-03, 12:29 »

About time someone said something about it, be it John Stewart or someone else.

My one beef with science is how theories get tossed around as proven facts, when they're really not. I know people, friends, who do the same as well. I call them out by saying that they're only theories, and I get bombed with tests and studies as if they'll change my mind. Until something is proven fact instead of a theory, I'll remain skeptical. It's just how I am, even if such theory cannot be proven or disproven.

"Everybody's got a price" - 'The Million Dollar Man' Ted DiBiase
Beta Tester
Posts: 615


« Reply #27 on: 2009-12-11, 03:47 »

It's not global warming anymore, get with the times guys. It's called climate change now. Cause you see, if it gets hot, they're right, if it gets cold, they're right. If it starts raining candy canes, well... it's climate change nonetheless so.. they're right, right?

x + y = z

x= mind
y= blown
z= liberals

Silly liberals, logic is for kids.

Bird of Fire

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« Reply #28 on: 2010-02-16, 03:34 »

Professor Phil Jones, who is at the centre of the “Climategate” affair, conceded that there has been no “statistically significant” rise in temperatures since 1995.


I thought the "science was settled" on this.  Now the scientist that was spearheading all the Global Warming/Global Climate Change research has flat out admitted that the data did not support their claims, which in layman's speak means they were lying the whole time.  International treaties were almost signed over what amounts to the largest scientific hoax in human history.  As I type this, in the not-so-great state of Ohio, only halfway through February, there has been the largest snowfall for this month in recorded history.  Temperatures have been staying more consistently cold than they have for the last five winters.  I may be crazy, but I am not stupid and I'm certainly not unobservant.  If this snow is a result of Global Warming then I'm a pack mule.

What I find endlessly amusing is the entire notion of "Climate Change".  Climates by their very nature are in a constant state of change.  Man-made climate change is of another issue altogether.  There is a possibility that climate change could be resulting from human activity.  I do not mean CO2 emissions or pollution, at least not pollution in a physical sense.  There is the possibility that the change in earth's climate patterns could be the result of an unhappy God chastising mankind for its sins, or warning man about his arrogance.  I am not saying that is definitively what is going on, but I bring up the spiritual angle because it's completely ignored in the secular "enlightened" age of thinking.  I find amusement in the possibility because if it were to be correct there's great irony in it that man would indeed be causing climate change, but not for the same reasons as thought by science.  What I do find rather interesting as a nod in this direction is that it seems every time someone wants to hold a conference about Global Warming of late, it snows buckets on them.  Even protesters at Copenhagen were snowed in, lamenting the fact that they could not protest the lack of action against Global Warming.  You want to protest lack of action against global warming... and you get a blizzard.  Take a hint, perhaps?  Washington DC was shut down last week for several days due to blizzard conditions.  I throw the spiritual possibility out on the table just as another angle to all of this.  I think the bulk of what is going on is simply normal natural flux, but who can say for sure.

What concerns me now is that scientists will swing the pendulum back the other direction.  There's already talk of Global Cooling now.  In the 1970's there was concern that the Earth was headed for a "mini Ice Age".  Judging by past and current solar cycles, this current period of colder weather will pass within a few years once the sun starts back into it's active cycle.  The panic in general over changing weather conditions, in my opinion, has been more of a danger than the weather patterns themselves.  Carbon taxes, cap and trade... all have been founded in a lie.  How much liberty were people willing to give up because of this charade?  What will be the next "big scare" that comes along?

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
Pixel Procrastinator

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« Reply #29 on: 2010-02-16, 04:19 »

I guess my biggest beef with this whole shitstorm, at the moment, is that there are plenty of good reasons to get our act together and find better and cleaner ways to get energy. The way all this has been set up has resulted in everything hanging on the global warming question. Not only is scientific integrity worn away needlessly, but the result will be that hardly anybody will be able to take any other strategy or question concerning renewable energy seriously.

As with pretty much any big issue, it would help so much if everybody dropped the 'scare, deceive, spin'-tactic, and started treating topics like global warming rationally an keeping a calm about it. But sanity doesn't sell, and the media pretty much thrives on making everything as insane as it can possibly get. Sadly, scientists seem to be part of that media-driven circus as much as anybody, these days.

Tabun ?Morituri Nolumus Mori?
Bird of Fire

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« Reply #30 on: 2010-02-16, 04:48 »

I agree completely there, and that is certainly one aspect that there's zero reporting on is the need for development of clean energy in spite of any climate change or lack thereof.  I know that many on the far right will trumpet these findings as an excuse to just push for more and more oil and coal usage.  Trying to punish people for using existing fuels is certainly not an answer, but not pursuing superior sources of clean power would be equally foolish as pretending that oil and coal will last indefinitely.

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
Mean ol Swede
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Posts: 1294

« Reply #31 on: 2010-02-17, 13:55 »

While the gobal warming might be fake or not, i wont go into that however develope "green" energy and replacing oil is not a bad thing cuz there are other factors to take in cept global warming, i do believe most of us wants to breathe pure air dont we? Slipgate - Smile

Also oil is not an endless supply sooner or later it will be out.
Bird of Fire

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« Reply #32 on: 2010-02-18, 01:53 »

i do believe most of us wants to breathe pure air dont we? Slipgate - Smile

I certainly do!  Doom - Thumbs Up!

I fly into the night, on wings of fire burning bright...
Mean ol Swede
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Posts: 1294

« Reply #33 on: 2010-02-20, 17:23 »

Anyways for putting another nail in the chest for the global warming thingy, we have the coldest winter since 1980 and we havent had this much snow since 1960, 100cm now and snow is still falling... usually in southwestern part of sweden were i live we normally get abit of snow in january then it rains rains rains...but not this year!
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