I've been thinking, how's about having some kind of map pack for Generations? Basically it would be a selection of the very best Quake 3 maps that are already out there, particularly those ones that are kind of Wolfenstein/ Doom/ Quake in terms of style. I was looking on
http://lvlworld.com/, and they have hundreds there, so you could come up with an amazing selection of maps, if you looked through them all.
And you know, I don't mind doing that myself, because it's just kind of like exploration to me. Some of the maps could take a very small amount of tweaking (changing a few logo textures etc.), and then they'd feel a lot like maps from ID games. I mean, many of them already do, apart from some logos etc.
For example, this would be an awesome Doom style map:
http://lvlworld.com/#c=m8&i=1904&...m=All&n=1&p=review&q=q3nem06I dunno if the designers of maps like that would be willing to change a few textures, but even if they're not, maps such as that would still be great for a Generations map pack.
This one reminds me of Quake 2, and it looks amazing:
http://lvlworld.com/#c=m8&i=1941&...=All&n=1&p=review&q=rota3dm2So how's about it? I'm not saying this would be something to include with Generations, you could just have it on the downloads page. Of course, someone would need to get permission to have these maps as part of a pack for Generations or even see if they could be re-textured to be a little more Doom/ Wolf/ Quake etc., but I'd be willing to email the authors asking them all that.
So if I could get permission for all that, and I could find say, 20-30 maps which are all awesome, and appropriately styled, might you guys consider having it as some kind of Generations map pack? Obviously you'd have the final say as to what goes in.